The Republican War on Americans

The republican party has declared war on Americans, the question is will Americans stand for it?
One important note.  This article is talking about the Republican party as a whole and is not a declaration that all individuals are out to destroy America.  Any group is made of of different individuals but unfortunately tends towards the lowest of its membership, not the best.
We may keep a few good republicans in power and survive but if the party remains in power they have made it clear that Americans will suffer.

Health Care

Remember republicans have had 6 years to prepare for this with them trying to repeal Obamacare every year.  So how come they have not come up with a complete plan? And how do they expect us to believe the when they say they can repeal this and will have a replacement crafted before it goes away?  That is what Republicans are asking us to do. Trust them even though they have shown no reason we should.  We cant trust Stage 2 and 3 will be ready, nor that we will like them.  After all we already were told by President Trump and the Republicans that no one would lose coverage and Medicaid would not be cut.  They flat out lied so cant be trusted.
If republicans honestly cared about Health Care in the 7 years they have been voting for a repeal of Obama Care they would have worked out a plan.  Honestly think about this, would you talk down an item and make it a signature part of your platform or job and not do any work on it over such a long time?


The very first act of this years Congress was to try and weaken the House Ethics Committee even further.  They caked off after much public outcry but did not say they were wrong, only that they should not have tried it so soon. One of them Rep Tom Cole said it was the right thing to do, just too early.  Others were also pretty bad but he gets special mention since he represents my state,
Chavitz has said that it was a waste of time for him to investigate fellow Republicans. Instead he keeps going after Democrats,not that they are all that ethical either.  However the partisan nature of this behavior is abhorrent and a violation of their oath of office.  He is not alone, they all do it but it anti-American to put your party ahead of the USA.

President Trump violates the Constitution and his Oath of Office on a daily basis.  See Emoluments clause for just one example.  The Republicans are ok with and support this.
Oh yeah and General Flynn as a foreign agent for turkey during the campaign and after being appointed as national Security Adviser.  Republicans vetted him in a rush job and granted a special waiver for him to take the job.  They have pushed through several cabinet members without the normal vetting process completed, how many more like that?
Stephen Miller, Sean Spicer and probably the most hated woman in America Kellyanne Conway.


One of the first acts of President Trump was to take down climate change data and order the EPA to keep quiet about it,  They were ordered not to even tell congress.
Data on other government websites was also taken down, services (National Parks after the inauguration for example) have been ordered to keep silent and stop talking to the public at various times.  Not for classified  national security reasons but because the information may look bad.
Certain major press outlets have been excluded from briefings and the press attacked in unprecedented ways and threatened with legal action for saying unpopular stuff.
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press are vital constitutional rights our forefathers put in place to protect us from tyranny. Republicans by their actions have proven want to do away with those rights.


Republicans have submitted a bill to disband the EPA in Dec 2018 and are currently cutting back its budget and rolling back regulations at an unprecedented pace.  They are willing to pollute our air and water for short term corporate gains.  Further they oppose Renewable Energy to protect certain industries rather than encourage them to branch out to new and safer methods of gathering energy.
This is a conservative agenda where the idea is it used to work fine so we should nto change it.  Resist change at all costs and bury your head in thre sand.

States Rights

Republicans say they are for States Rights but the truth is only when it is convenient for them.  They want to take away States Rights as part of the new Heath Care act by ordering states to let any insurance company sell plans in their state even if they do not meet state regulations or requirements.
Why? Because State Rights is something they do not really believe  in and in this case donors such as insurance companies and drug companies want to be able to ignore state law.  Disbanding the EPA is also an attack on Sates Rights (admittedly more complicated) as it allows one state to dictate the health and welfare of a neighboring state.

Human and Civil Rights

Republicans for the most part claim to be Christian conservatives who support family values.  What they have shown they really mean is they support wealthy white heterosexual men.
Think about it.  Look at the legislative agenda and you will see they persecute all other groups.
Religious Freedom they seek to ban entry to the use based on religious grounds and many have declared all Muslims to be evil people.  They seek to teach Christian ideology in school, yet will they allow another one to be taught? Of course not.
Womens Rights Republicans have voted to allow and encourage doctors to LIE to their female patients about pregnancy and the health of the baby. They want to defund Planned Parenthood even though it provides free or cheap medical care such as cancer screenings.They want to force women to have babies.  This may kill some women, send others deep into poverty, put children into foster care, and increase the number of unhealthy babies but that is a small price to keep the Evangelical support.  Its not like they actually believe any of this.  Also they oppose equal pay for women and encourage marital infidelity.  Seriously if you think that last charge was wrong look at the top Republicans marriage history.
Minority Rights President trump attacked Hispanics and said they were all criminals, rapists and murderers on the campaign trail. Every time he speaks of Black he talks about the inner cities as if that is the only place a black person lives. republicans talk down to minorities and support white supremacist behavior.  Just look who they put into the White House Jeff Sessions and Steven Bannon.
Heck Candidate Trump even talked about how you could tell Hispanics were less intelligent based on the shape of their heads.
Gay Rights They hate gays and oppose gay marriage.  Homosexual couples should have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples.  I defy you to come up with a non religious reason to justify this.  And remember the establishment of one religion is against the law and anti-American.  A state marriage is simply a legal contract that allows certain legal benefits and has nothing to with with religion.  As for getting married in Church, that is and should be up to the Church.

Economic Warfare

Trickle down economics is based on if the rich people have more money it will trickle down to the economy and create more jobs.  History has shown this is not true and does not happen yet they continue to push that agenda over and over again, only changing the name to try and fool people.
President Trump just signed an order saying that financial advisers could lie to their clients so that they could sell you on plans they would get a higher commission on even if that would be bad for you. They oppose job growth in new sectors like clean energy so they can keep the big oil and gas donor money,  They block imports of drugs from Canada by saying its not safe (notice an epidemic of Canadians dying from bad medication?) so they can get money from Big Pharma. They want to deregulate banks and Wall Street so they can do whatever they want and cite "Free market" yet Americans had to bail the banks out as part of the last big recession.  They just started repealing those regulations and already we are hearing warning signs about sub prime mortgages going under. Again Corporations vs. Americans.
We have seen time and time again, every time the minimum wage was increased that it promoted the local economy as people had more money to spend.  Republicans oppose it to encourage a greater separation of economic class as they expect votes from the wealthy and not poor people.  So making it harder on poor people works for them.

Party Politics

The hearing caused by President Trumps tweets and demands that Congress investigate is the latest of many examples that the majority of the party takes care of the party first, America is way low in priority.  They spent as much time as they could focusing on leaks not the facts that were leaked.  It is up to a department, security team and the FBI to deal with leaks.  Americans hired Congress to take care of America not their own party.  What serve us best? Finding out if there is Collusion and once they found out what they all knew that President Obama did not order a wiretap demanding answers?  Or trying to blame the whistleblowers and those trying to get to Americans vital information about government abuse and corruption?

President Trump and his support by the Republican party.

No president in our history has had so many issues with corruption and incompetence in their entire term, and we are not even done with the first 100 days.
If a Democrat had even a fraction of these issues the Republicans would be screaming,  This is a fact that anyone paying attention can see.
Russia ties and allegations: How could Paul Manafort, Flynn, Stone, and others not been vetted?  The Trump campaign had key players with huge Russia ties and remember they changed the Republican party platform to go easier on Russia.
The Emolument clause,  President Trump violates this every day with his hotel right across the street.  Plus all the financial ties, including owing at least 50 million to a Russian managed bank.
Diplomacy: Gutting the State Department, insulting our allies and foreign leaders, it seems like he is priming for a war.  Before the election I predicted impeachment would start within the first year and he would be gone by the end of the 2nd year.  this may happen even sooner than I predicted.
All Americans have to ask themselves how republicans could offer this guy as the best they had and continue to support and not condemn him.  There are exceptions such as Senator McCain but they are a minority and mostly people he attacked so there was already bad blood.
We do not know if President Trump colluded with Russia but the smoke is pretty damming.
Strong financial ties (Russian Bank loans, payoffs, real estate deals), the only president to speak so highly of such a person, in a rally asking Russia to hack the DNC, Wikileaks only going after Hillory (She deserved to lose even without that, but America should not be happy about Russia meddling.)
Clearly republicans are not putting America first, instead they get more culpable every day.

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