President Trump still has his base of support despite his actions.
His current approval rating is 39.9% with a 54.2% disapproval rating.
Congressional approval ratings are of course far lower and poling on the direction of the country is also polling poorly.

I know some people voted for Trump because they thought Hillary was crooked and others believed he would be different and some just wanted change for change sake.
So in an effort to understand this lets break it down.

  • Hillary was crooked so voting against her made sense.  I also feel she is crooked and pretty much the WORST candidate the DNC could have chosen. However I voted for her in part because a Republican congress would have kept her in check while giving Trump a free pass to loot the country.

Trumps Promises: Tracking meter

  • Appoint a Supreme Court Judge: He touts this as a success but in truth any republican could have done the same with a Republcian Congress.
  • Cancel TPP: Ok he did this, though it was largely dead anyhow as Congress had not done anything with it.
  • Build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it.  The wall may get built but Mexico wont pay for it, instead it will cost taxpayers over a billion dollars and steal land from many Americans who live on the border through Imminent domain.  Seems like there are much better ways to deal with Immigration. Is it worth it?
  • Ban Muslims.  This promise he at least tried to implement but was so inept at it that it has failed.  As President he easily could have had a better order written up but he blew it so this did not work out for those who wanted it.
  • Repeal and Replace Obama Care on Day 1: Not only has this so far failed the GOP has actually made Obama Care more popular. The promise to lower premiums and deductibles while increasing coverage was an obvious lie and impossibility. He also promised not to cut Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security all of which he has now proposed to cut. Why does anyone from Trumps camp think this is a promise kept or a win?
  • Drain The Swamp: I think this is the one most hoped he would do but he has done the reverse.  Placing more rich bankers from Wall Street in his cabinet than any other president in history.
So if your a Trump supporter what makes you feel good about your vote?

Why I voted against Trump

I knew Hillary was crooked but a republican congress would curb her power.
Hillary is smarter (though less charismatic) so I felt less likely to ruin the country or get us in a major war.
Trump is trying to turn the white house into a royal crown and blatantly using the position to line his pockets and those of his family at taxpayer expense.  I knew he would do this but even I underestimated just how blatant he would be about it.  Why are conservatives who consider themselves to be patriots or want fiscal responsibility happy about that?
  • I can understand someone feeling that progressive values are too expensive to implement.
  • I can understand how many prefer to blame others (Immigrants, other races, homosexuals, pick a target) for their problems.  We have seen this over and over in history where people having a hard time try to make themselves feel better by blaming someone else for their problems.
  • I can understand the desire to get corruption out of government and get it back to what our founding fathers intended.  I cant understand how anyone thought Trump or the GOP would do that.  The only way that will happen is with fresh faces and ones of impeccable character and likely from the working class.
  • Trump is a bully and shows little understanding or respect for the office and America. Shoving an ally as he did at NATO, sucking up to Russia, treating handshakes as if they were arm wrestling contests, working arms deals to build up foreign countries at taxpayer expense (The Arms deal with Saudi Arabia wont provide many American jobs as those plans will be made in Saudi Arabia), and insulting our allies at seemingly every opportunity is not good for America.
  • Trump does not support American values, he attacks the press, lets in foreign media while banning American media, lies to us, censors government websites and issues gag orders to the EPA demanding they not even speak to Congress and incites violence at home and abroad.

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