Shadow Lanterns (Necromancy, Spirit)

Shadow Lanterns (Necromantic)
Shadow Lanterns are experts at Necromancy and Spirit magic and enjoy a mixed bag of impressions from outsiders.  They are desired for the ability to protect from evil spirits and undead and sometimes even for the ability to communicate with them.  However they are feared for some rather nasty magic they can do and possible corruption by evil.

First Circle

Affinities: Magic IQ/VH, Necromancy IQ/VH, Spirit IQ/H
Perks: Sanctum, Super Sympathy,
Optional Traits:
Allowed Benefits:

Second Circle

Affinities: Magic IQ/VH, Necromancy IQ/VH, Spirit IQ/H
Perks: Sanctum, Super Sympathy,
Optional Traits:
Allowed Benefits

Third Circle

Affinities: Magic IQ/VH, Necromancy IQ/VH, Spirit IQ/H
PerksSanctum, Super Sympathy,
Optional Traits:
Allowed Benefits:

Fourth Circle

Affinities: Magic IQ/VH, Necromancy IQ/VH, Spirit IQ/H
PerksSanctum, Super Sympathy,
Optional Traits:
Allowed Benefits: Secret Spells and Books

Fifth Circle

Affinities: Magic IQ/VH, Necromancy IQ/VH, Spirit IQ/H
PerksSanctum, Super Sympathy,
Optional Traits:
Allowed Benefits: Secret Spells and Books

Ritual Forms and Mandalas

Standard Rituals: Astral Projection (Shadow-5; 20 minutes; p159), Banish (Shadow -4*; 20 minutes; p160), Bind (Shadow -3; 10 minutes; p160), Doom (Shadow -8; 1 hour; p152), Embody (Shadow -5; 2 hours; p160), Empower (Shadow -4; 10 minutes; p160), Evil Eye (Shadow -7; 1 hour; p149), Exorcise (Shadow -2, Iron -5; 1 hour; p161), Fetish (Shadow -8*; 1 hour; p161), Ghost Sword (Shadow -3; 30 minutes; p161), Journeyman's Blessing (Iron -5, Shadow -3; 1 hour; p153), Journeyman's Curse (Shadow -3; 1 hour; p153), Lay to rest (Shadow; 20 minutes; p162), Night Terrors (Shadow -4; 1 hour; p142), Spirit Slave (Shadow -6; 1dx10 minutes; p162), Spirit Trap (Shadow -4; 1dx10 minutes; p162), Summon (Shadow*; 1dx10 minutes; p162)
New Rituals:
Secret Rituals: Command the Bodies of the Dead (Shadow-7*; 1 hour; p163)

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