Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Aersalus Season 1, Session 12 Hi Hi, Hi Ho, To Ironhaul We Go


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

The Traveling Court
The Magistrate Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling
The Prosecutor Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Court Sketch artist Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Bailiff Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab
Skeleton Man

Hi Ho Hi Ho, To Ironhaul We Go

With the bandits dealt with and much of Wolftrap repaired the team heads to the next town on the list, Ironhaul. Ironhaul is a mining town, nestled in a glacier valley and next to a large lake.
Along the road we split off with Rialto, Raum, and a few others going to evaluate a small forest.
The rest led by Listens and Trapper (only two players attended the session) continue on the way to ironhaul. We meet a traveler (Traveling Folk, tinker, peddler type) who has a broken axle on the road. Listens and Trapper fix the axle, at least temporarily. We camp for the evening and swap stories and local news. Shimmyn Begge is a widower and pleasant company.


A short session but we got to do a few unusual things, Listens doesn't use his Woodshaping magic much.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 11 Attacking the Bandit Camp


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab
Skeleton Man

Are We Ready?

After locking up the latest batch of prisoners we finish up the day doing minor odds and ends and preparing for the battle ahead. When we wake up...
Listens heads out to his morning meditations and hopes to get the spirits ok on using Snowstorm to trap the bandits. On his way out the door the impromptu mayor asks him about the bandits, concern is food is too short in supply to take care of them. Listens lets him know they are aware of that but have not had the time to do a proper trial. His team has to keep going out for supplies and to stop bandit raids, not leaving time for administrative or other work that needs to be done. However, he feels it should all be over very soon, within the next few days one way or another. He is a little light on details in case the bandits have a spy in town.
Listens then heads out to his rock to meditate.
The spirits are not happy with the snowstorm idea and as he finishes he notices the tauren Rhum waiting nearby. Rhum says its time to go after the bandits, since we discussed that the night before Listens is not sure why he felt it needed to push the issue up but guess the tauren is impatient to die. Listens almost tells him if he is impatient and unhappy with his leadership he should take over as team leader but alas the Duke assigned him to the task and yielding it would violate rules, oaths, and perhaps common sense as well as getting everyone killed. The tauren does not seem to like planning, relying instead on his considerable strength. Good for most things, but not as much when up against superior number numbers and unknown magic. (FYI Listens has spent 57 points on Rank, plus more on supporting traits like skills, Legal Enforcement Powers, Status 3, etc.).
Apparently Unit 7 has also wandered off (Player called into work) so the team goes looking for him. His trail ends at the edge of the forest, turns out he went on a spirit walk. A squirrel spirit (same one who met Trapper a few days ago) says he is there while the cog does his own thing. Down a warrior Listens asks if the team is ready to go anyhow. On the one hand we are down a valuable member, on the other the bandits will be expecting trouble if we delay another day as they would be expecting the ones we killed or captured the night before to return with the towns "tithe"
We decide to go now and the team agrees to meet at the edge of town in an hour.

Listens casts some echoes (Charms, preset saved one use spells) to help buff the group.
Trapper gets a cart and loads it with bombs.
Rhum says his good byes to the innkeeper.

The Battle!

The squirrel hauls the cart at supernatural speeds so we get there by afternoon.
Trapper has disguised his abused skeleton minion as a bandit and he takes the cart up to the gate. The guard was going to let him in but is overruled by someone else since the minion did not give the password. The guard climbs over and looks things over, getting blown up in the process.

Rhum charges the wooden gate, breaking through and scaring most of those inside (mental stun).
Trapper breaks for the nearest bush, a moment later Listens heads for the same bush. Trapper indignantly objects but Listens points out it was the only one Listens could reach and Trapper had plenty of others he could have ran to.
Trapper starts sniping the guards atop the wooden walls. Rhum and Skeleton charge inside and start dispatching guards on the walls. Rhum cleaving them with his great axe and the skeleton doing acrobatic flips and knocking them to the ground.
Listens calls for the Lady of the Silvered Lake.
Rhum is getting peppered with arrows, a minor nuisance. But also taking a lot of damage from a magical effect.
Listens Casts his elemental blast spell and knocks a guy back a few yards but the bandit stays on his feet.
Listens tries two more spells but is pretty much useless, Rhum, Trapper, and his skeleton are however easily wiping out the bandits.

Then the boss shows up. Dogskull appears next to Rhum and takes him out with a single spell.
Trapper hits him with two bolts, minimal effect. Listens goes all out, this was what he was saving his energy for and casts as big a chill spell as he can. Crit fails.
Luckily the GM had apparently used all his Doom points earlier in the fight and Listens still had several Impulse points left, goes for the reroll and it succeeds doing 50 FP damage to the bandit leader - Dogskull. He drops like a rock.
A spirit claws its way out of the bandit, looks around and then flees north. Listens quickly goes to Rhum, checking for life. He casts a big healing spell (75 HP) with the help of the squirrel and Trapper.
Rhum is alive but spirit barely attached.

The spirit lady returns, saying she had done her part in rescuing the women and children. She wants her tithe of a child. The kid does not want to go. Listens takes her aside to see if he can explain things to her but the Spirit insists on payment. Listens points out the the agreement required consent and the chosen child appears too young to consent. Give him a minute to see what can be worked out. Trapper kind of goes off and is upset Listens would trade a child to a spirit and Listens tells him to just wait a few.
Meantime the GM is surprised at my characters actions as well. 
I, whose name on the groups Discord is "The Logically Evil One" which I think was given me by the GM replacing the Insanely Evil One or some such am both pleased and slightly offended at the same time.

Listens talks to the girl, who appears to be about 2 and explains how these spirit fostering's usually work. She as an aura indicating magical talent and most spirits would teach her great things, though this one does not seem like the usual nice spirit Listens is used to. Its her choice and she declines so Listens goes back tot he spirit and informs her of the childs choice and ask if another volunteer would be acceptable. She declines, getting angry and demands the girl and says Listens cant stop her. Listen calmly explains that a deal is a deal and she is breaking it, she should just keep his eye.
Th spirit wants to fight over it so Listens calls in his spirit father (A high ranking water spirit and ambassador to the Draculari Empire). This is a Patron with costs Impulse Points and I had been saving my last one for just this eventuality.

An argument ensues, the lady departs, turning Listens eye into dust. The nearby spirits do a bit of talking, Murk is surprised whom Listens father was, the squirrel and him have a past, and the skeleton does as well. We get some name dropping, Trapper now knows the name of his skeleton, and father lets us in on a few clues and events. GM was extra talkative and in an exposition mood (Possibly from over tiredness as the game had gone on much longer than usual).

The crystal sphere of clairvoyance is something more than we thought (not a surprise) and is apparently a highly desired item and bad luck to possess.  We go over who touched it first and its Trappers. Trapper tries to give it away or bury it but is advised that anyone who finds it will know its belongs to Trapper and come looking to force him to give it to them. So he hides it in his "Personal Pocket".
The bandits are all shrunk and put in a little wood box, kind of mini-statues.
Everyone else is packed up and taken to a kind of spirit road for a fast trip back home.
Father creates a new building next to the constabulary to make room for everyone, they have a chat about things and Listens learns more about the spirit fish, Misha. Its a local spirit of place for the shoreline.
We let the town know the bandit probelm is solved. Father spirit departs from the mediation rock Listens uses just on the edge and above the town and summons/creates a huge Kani crystal at the site.
Listens had already planned a shrine and this indicates the best place for it and strengthens it as well.
The kani crystal will attract attention, its incredibly valuable and people will want to carve it up and steal it. Likely even the Duke.


The game ended there and its our season 1 break, after this we head to another town.
I need to talk with the GM about some rules changes he is making and get him some paperwork. He mentioned changing some spells, the Spirit Bank, and who knows what else. Plus of course I may spend some saved CP.
Background stuff Listens is going to work with a stoneshaper and build that shrine so the towns people can make offerings to it. Likely in return for some protection and great fishing. Also clearly designating it as a shrine will deter some bandits and the Duke from messing with it. Listens will be sure to point out that it was made by a spirit powerful enough to create or conjure such a large crystal and that irritating such a spirit is a bad idea. Get some Kani crystal, in return for pissing off two powerful spirits.

Rhum is still unconscious but he appeared to be leaning towards becoming another shenin or a spirit warrior. So being on the edge of death for a bit is a good way to resolve that issue and further connect with the spirit world.
Unit 7 has been wanting to be come "a real boy" and seems set for that too.
Trapper has his own rules that are being changed to cope with, Quick Aim and Disappear at the least. But is well suited to expand with a variety of options.
A long ending but I think the funniest one I have had in awhile, that moment when everyone thought Listens was going to force the child into slavery was delightful. Listens had a privalged childhood and with his traits easily gets along with most spirits and even people (even if that hasn't recently seemed to be the case), grew up in a society that respected spirits, and has a father that is a spirit. Thus spirit fostering seems to him to be a wonderful thing, it can be lonely but you learn unique things and have unusual opportunities. He was very naive, but it made sense to me and got those still at the table involved.
Not sure what will happen to the girl, orphans in a TL3 society usually have it rather hard. But taking her with us? Not likely a good idea.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 10 The Battle of the Pigs


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab
Skeleton Man

Back at WolfTrap

Listens arrives at his body to find Unit 7 and Murk playing a game of Lejune over his body. He wakes up and gets a little info but is interrupted by screaming. The group run towards the yelling, sounds like some townsfolk in trouble.
A cart of people headed into town were attacked by bandits and giant porcupine pigs, affectionately called porkypines. The others who were in town head over to deal with this too.
Turns out to be a trap, as Listens quickly finds out by getting peppered with crossbow bolts. Something that is turning into a very bad habit.

The bandits appear to have some good leadership and planned to lure the group into a fight and then ambush them with bandits hiding in the trees. Luckily this time was wearing his armor, its very expensive silk armor enhanced to fight spirits so he has been leaving it packed for routine travel. It helps a little, though he still gets hurt.
Trapper dashes for a tree and uses the cover to snipe the bandits.
Raum tosses an axe at a bandit but its reflected back at him, hitting him in the shoulder.
The bandits then toss a fireball at us, Listens probably would have died but Raum covers him with his own body, 
Unit 7 charges a porkypine that charges the group.
 There are three of the porkypines, one fire mage (Listens thinks its a witch since he didn't sing), and several bandits, most of whom are hidden in the trees sniping at us.
Unit 7 works hard at one of the porkypines, they seem to be very resistant to injury. A skeleton ally of Trapper tries to help but breaks his sword and gets rather frustrated. turns out to be quite the acrobat though!
Two others charge Raum and he has some issue killing them but keeps them busy, especially since one charged the other by accident.
Trapper pretty much takes out the bandits.
Listens gets a lucky crit on a chill spell and takes out both the pigs.


Overall a tough fight but one we won pretty handily, though some of that was luck.
The warriors perform their role very well.
Listens was not built as a fighter and I chose poor songs (paths) for fighting, mostly being a support character with excellent healing and some light buffing spells.
Trouble is the group really has little need of most of his buffs, the skill levels are so high that an extra +1 or 2 just is not significant. He can't add DR or direct damage buffs and has limited direct offense himself.
Talked with the other players after the game and he has one buff that can help Trapper do more damage against heavy armored types. Listens is not a bad character or design, just fragile and easily hurt while being a priority target (since he's a mage most sapient's think he's the dangerous one). However, he is good at a lot of noncombat activites.  The lot we picked up included a magic boomerang he might try out. His Wood singing might help him hit better with it. He really needs to figure out better buffing or defensive spells though. Maybe a Parry Missile Weapons spell for all those crossbows and bows being used.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 9 Recon and a bargain


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab

Bandit Camp

Listens is taken to the bandit camp by Snaffles. It is surrounded by a magical barrier and they seem to be using dark magic. There are a lot of different ways to use magic in Aersalus, Listens being a spellsinger and a shenin (shaman) and a bit of so called low magic is is mostly inborn gifts or those granted by spirits.
He is also familiar with several other types and it appears these guys are using witchcraft, in the setting this is dark magic and might explain a connection to the spirit Mama Blood, though she did kill some bandits in a prior session.
Listens walks around the barrier, avoiding getting to close as it will likely alert them and is probably harmful as well. He estimates 20 to 30 bandits plus support people, including children.
Snaffles suggests a deal with a local lake spirit may be possible though he seems uncomfortable dealing with her. They go to this spirit, Akachakh, the Lady of Silvered Waters and talk. She seems largely unconcerned with the bandits but offers to help in exchange for one of the children. Listens considers everything and makes the deal, losing his eye as collateral, to get it back if he gets a child to be a fosterling of the spirits.

These arrangements are rare but not unheard of and the child will lose time among humans but likely gain powerful spirit gifts in return for their service. Since the children will likely soon be orphans and fostering them off to a friendly family a difficult if not impossible task Listens feel that at least one will be interested. The spirits help may not be required but the presence of witches is concerning.
Akachakh seems to have no interest in Mama Blood at all, despite the majority of the local spirits being terrified or at least wary. This loses her points in Listens book, but many spirits are hyper focused on their own domains and not interested in what happens outside of that.

Listens then heads back to his boy and finds Seven has joined Murk to guard it. They have had some interesting if somewhat personal and private conversations.

Back in Town

Rhum has been talking to Rhiato and Meri and paints a picture of Wolftrap in its prime, or at least what he thinks it might have looked like. He gives it to the innkeeper Meri who is touched by it.
Trapper unhappily and rather begrudgingly finishes the task of counting and sorting the found loot. He also does some coordinating with the locals and our healer Tesseikai.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 8 Logistics is a Pain


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab

We make it back to town and put the loot in the cellar. The team is entitled to 10%, the town another 10%, and the Duke gets the majority 80% as it was found on his lands.
Listens delegates handling the chests to Trapper as he has the most delicate touch and some of those locks look complicated and the contents may be fragile. Altan is likely the best choice for a proper evaluation but Listens does not fully trust him yet. Best to get a list then go into details later.

After morning meditations and appeasement rituals to the spirits Listens heads to the constabulary and checks in on the days plans. He figures the bandits are consuming vital resources and a trial should be done so, both for morale and possibly to reduce their drain on town resources. So sends Unit 7 to go measure them for disposal. Trapper has plenty to do and Rhum has his own things going on as well.

Unit 7 reports back that the quartermaster is short on supplies, a few weeks or a month is all. Doesn't sound urgent but it will take time to gather supplies so Listens goes to get the details. Turns out that the town is getting a large influx of people from those leaving their farms and such and will run out of food in a few days, not weeks.
Immediate threats are the bandits, the powerful spirit Mama Blood, and starvation.
The bandits are probably doable but will take some time to find.
The spirit is likely far too dangerous for us to address directly.
Supplying the town is the easiest and safest option, but only a temporary one as we need to concern ourselves with over foraging.
Listens then talks to Kohana (head town merchant) to check some details and figure out options. Hunters are scared to go out due to the spirit, this is a big contributor to the food shortage. Buying supplies is about a month out due to travel time.
Listens thinks the incoming tribe of water folk may be able to help, give them some money in return for food and supplies but that's still about a week out.
He considers organizing a mass fishing event, at least for a day or two. Some concerns over sea monsters if going too far out. Listens decides to see if he can find the bandits.

Utility of a Shen

Listens casts a spell to summon a local spirit for directions to the bandit camp, going for the leader as he seems well known and distinctive "Dogskull" A spirit possum appears "Snaffles", riddled with fleas and attitude. He knows where Dogskull is but needs something in return. Listens bargains ineffectively then comes up with the idea of ridding Snaffles fleas with a spell. It works and Snuffles offers to show Listens ot the camp but Listens is too slow in physical form so takes his spirit and drags it along for the ride.  Listens asks Murk to watch over the body while he travels and seals the deal for him to become a spirit companion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 7 Bargains Made


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab

Relic Recovery

(Day after the bandit fight)
The group heads out in the late morning after doing some local and personal errands. Rhum struck a deal with a young bandit to get a crystal stolen by them from a farmers widow and a shrine on her farm. It is a good cause, though one that may complicate things legally. Listens wants Trapper to scout ahead but Rhum is impatient to recover the artifact as the deal he struck with the spirit gives him a lingering wound until he returns the crystal.
Listens talked with Murk earlier, who seemingly feels almost rejected that Listens didn't immediately agree to a partnership. Listens is a little surprised given the power of the spirit and that since it is a land crab it would typically be more averse to traveling. Hence the getting to know each other stage. Murk really does seem bored here though and looking for some excitement and new sights.
He invites Murk along, given they are looking for a spirit crystal and he knows the area his advice may be helpful. At the least its more time getting to know each other and they engage in minor chitchat along the way.

Pretty Snake

Near the cave entrance we encounter the bandits guardian, a giant 5 headed snake.
Trapper and Listens are still wounded from the previous days fight. Trapper is off in the thickets scouting the cave so feels safe in sniping the besatie but it can see him and tries to kill him with laser beam eyes! Thankfully the thicket provides a lot of cover. Listens calls up his now signature mist as a defensive measure and the two bruisers go up to the snake. Rhum pretty much decapitates 4 out of 5 heads, the other killed by Unit 7 with two spears stabbed through the eyes.

We head into the cave and find loot hidden by the bandits. The kid does not find what he was seeking, wont tell anyone what it was though. We do get the crystal so our primary goal was met.
Trapper finds a secret door and asks Rhum to open it, pretty much breaking the stone door in the process. We explore a winding staircase down deep and find another door, this one with a combination puzzle lock which Listens figures out. (its related to the theology of spirits, his bailiwick).
.Inside are 3 large treasure chests, 3 smaller ones, misc scattered and mostly rotten items, and a central pedestal with a glowing crystal.

Listens cautiously examines it and with the help of Murk figures its a spirit related relic and the room is shielded from prying eyes. Carefully checking it out it appears to be a scrying device that can look anywhere (at least within the ranges checked) the user can clearly visualize and has seen. It wont see areas described by distance.
Listens is trying to decide if it should remain and is tied to the room or spirits here when Rhum picks it up and runs his own tests. Not having shattered or depowered we decide to leave with it as we cant re-secure the room.

Bargain Complete

We head back to town but stop at the farmhouse as its almost on the way. Listens holds onto the crystal for safekeeping in case we encounter more combat along the way.
We meet the widow and Rhum and Listens approach the shrine, Listens a pace behind Rhum as he is the one who made the deal but he wants to witness the completion in case anything comes up. He hands the crystal to Rhum who places it into he tree (shrine) and the local forest and farm suddenly come alive with new growth.
The grateful widow thanks us and offers shelter and food for the night. Listens pays her even though she tries to refuse. He tells her that she is going to need money to quickly get back on her feet, even with the spirits blessing. The group spends the night and everyone awakes healthy and refreshed, even the wounded.
We head back to town, putting the chests into our celler and leaving the rest for the next session.

Aersalus Season 1, Session 5 & 6


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer
Murk the Lurk, spirit crab

Two short sessions combined.

Marching Home

On our way back from the farm the group is ambushed by bandits. They start off by almost killing Listens with a crossbow bolt (Major Wound). Listens managed to recover enough to call a protective mist to make the group harder to hit. Trapper moves to the edge and snipes a few, Unit 7 goes to the edge and tanks the incoming fire, and Rhum goes out and starts cutting bandits into pieces.
We grab some prisoners and continue on to town.
Next session we get to town, lock the prisoners in our half rebuilt jailhouse.
Rhum scares most of them unconscious in an effort to question them and takes one kid downstairs to make a deal with.
Unit 7 takes a well deserved nap (Player gone)
Listens communes with the spirits, meets a new one

It whispers something into Listens ear that he almost understands but sounds familiar.
Listens goes back to base campo, finds out about the deal and is displeased with the minotaur who seems keen on doing his own thing, even when it may interfere with others or the mission.
The real center of attention though was Trapper who brokered a deal over some eggs he found and makes a fair amount of coin and a crystal knife.