Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Transporter character in RPG's

So my group has decided to travel a decent distance in my campaign and I started going over some details.
The Chalice World is about 15,000 miles radius so 7.07*10^8 or (I think) 707,000,000 sq miles in surface area (the disc portion) which at TL4 is pretty hard travel.
A possible new player was asking for what would be useful and I suggested a traveler and came up with some options. There pretty expensive so we shall see but the thoughts led to this blog entry.

The ability to travel vast distances and take passengers is expensive, and I think it should be. On the other hand tying up a lot of points for the transporter type makes the character less useful in other circumstances and possibly less fun to play.
Being a pilot, driver or ships helmsmen is cheap enough but providing an expensive vehicle can eat up most pf the characters points. One of the reasons I wrote up The Captains Boat was to address that issue, at least in part.

The Transporter character needs to be either built on more points, able to apply those points in multiple situations, or willing to be inferior and carried by the other players in combat and perhaps social or other situations.
The Captains Boat is an example of a cheaper option and applying those points in other situations.
 For this fantasy campaign I came up with ...
Warp (Area Effect,+50%; Can Carry, Extra Heavy, +50%; Dimensional, -10%; Immediate Preparation Required, 10 minutes, -45%; Slip travel, -25%; Tunnel,+40%; +60%)  160 points.

Warp (Area Effect,+50%; Can Carry, Extra Heavy, +50%; Dimensional, -10%; Granted by mount, -40%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Requires  Skill Roll (Symbol Drawing), -10%; Slip travel, -25%; Tunnel,+40%; -20%)  80 points.

Slip travel is a modifier to Warp that means you cannot travel instantly, Take the penalty for distance and match it to the identical IQ bonus for preparation time and that is how long the journey takes.

The second build in response to the players suggestion of the mount granting the ability, which I liked and added to the setting even if the player opts not to play that option.
I envision divine steeds (maybe even 8 legged ones...) capable of traveling between dimensions and riders that bound with them and learn to use Symbol Drawing to expand that ability to create a warp tunnel.
Its too cool to discard!
Now 80 points is a lot on a 250 DF level budget, and the mount needs to be bought as an Ally as well, we can lower the advantage with other limitations. Player suggested extra FP, not wanting the character to pass out on arrival (or worse) I countered with an ER granted by the Mount to help.
As we work out the details its still likely to cost a decent amount of points.

Alternative abilities can be our friend here. Leveraging the points spent on Warp can provide attack or other powers for 1/5 cost. Is that good enough?  We will see, but the exercise is one I wanted to share.  Transporters come up in many campaigns and are often vital but make for a weaker support type character.

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