Wednesday, May 31, 2023

More Magic items!

 Gaming Ballistic, a third party publisher for DFRPG (Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game) by Steve Jackson Games has a new kickstarter.

Artifacts of Legend and Artifacts of Saga

Production quality for this company is always top notch and I personally am interested in the rules for spirit bound items and any new (or even reused but tweaked) ideas for making magic items in GURPS.

Sadly it will come out well after I send in my revised final draft of GURPS Template Toolkits: Spirits so I don't know if I should reference these new books in my supplement.

However, even if the rules are things I already have seen in say GURPS Thaumatology I expect some interesting unique items that can be dropped into any Dungeon Fantasy type campaign.

And definitely some fun art and descriptions!

Douglas Cole sent me a preview of these two books as a courtesy since I am an author and he saw my post. I'll post more tomorrow but after a brief skim stand by my assertion that the production quality of this product is awesome!!

Friday, May 26, 2023

Season 8 Session 2: Hurry Up and Wait


Cast: The Nomads

  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • June B. O'Neill aka Prodigy (NPC): Savant with hyper-intelligence that may have cracked the universal power-dampening conundrum. Fresh out of the Meraki Institute for the advanced and gifted. Extremely intelligent, but young (she's 16).
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”
    • Nawang Sonam aka Wan Shi Tong (NPC): Martial Artist with a mysterious past. Thresholds mentor, experienced and highly capable, indeterminate age.
  • Eleanor C. Bulli aka "Bubbles (NPC): Manipulates bubbles of energy, short range teleportation, can fly on the bubbles, use them for shields or attack and even see through them.
  • Grant L. Wojcik aka Fridge Boy (NPC): Can control ice/cold, but mostly the ability to create ice that explodes. 16 year old emancipated orphan, Our janitor. 
  • Rudy A. Coldwater aka Gimmick (NPC): Mildly hyper-intelligent savant. Stutters. Makes very accurate guesses. Typical nerd, not yet 20. Wants to make a difference, assigned to support duties.
  • Summer Stratos aka Chain Jacket (NPC): Ferrokinetic
  • Vargas Manwell Tilium aka "Impulse" (NPC): Speedster.
Dates: Friday May 8th to Saturday May 9th.

Please Stand By

The Nomads (our team) has been told to stand by for instructions as we are among the most mobile of the NYC teams and have more teleporters than anyone else.
Threshold is a solid group teleporter using his portals, and Nyx can take at least one person when he teleports. Nox and Bubbles can also teleport, and we think Impulse can as well (not seen him in action yet). That is 4 or 5 teleporters on one team. Plus even those who cannot teleport tend to be pretty mobile with some form of enhanced speed.
Threshold stays in constant contact but still patrols and helps out at the hospital as A) its his job; and B) with the emergency there are a lot more injuries at the moment. He figures he should be helping rather than stay at the base and he can portal back to HQ in a few seconds. Also he still seems to not need to sleep. (Forgot to ask the GM if that was still in effect). He also finished analyzing the fragments of orichalcum and it turned out to be what the player guessed from the initial effects. Samples are logged and put in a safe for when we have time for more study. Meantime gave the info to Wirterat so he can scan for them in case there are more around.
Bubbles and most of the team also go on patrol, especially the non-teleporters.
Wirerat is still on bedrest from his recurring brain trauma,
Many on the team are a little antsy at being sidelined but pretty much toe the line.

Nyx and Prodigy go to her fathers safety deposit box and check out the contents. He gets some records which are handed over to Wirerat to go over.
MIA is monitoring all the communications and cameras in the area.
Whisper runs down some contacts but and mostly acts as a liaison between intelligence agencies and local government. Also works with the dogs :)
Nox goes a little homemaker/nester and cooks for Prodigy.

Emergency, Please Respond!

We get a call that Maniac, a powerful pyrokinetic is burning down a local hospital. Threshold tries to scout the area to get a safe spot to portal everyone in but the GM uses DOOM points to make this a failure. Threshold teleports into a room near Maniac and is caught in the fire. He portals to the Hudson, letting the river rush in to help put out the fire. He then pops up to the roof and creates a portal to the base HQ roof for the others to join him.
The group attacks Maniac who is more insane than evil and goes nuts when a fire is nearby.
Threshold tries to send him near the north pole (new upgrade - Affliction (HT; Exoport with lots of modifiers) but tis resisted. Maniac sets Threshold on fire who luckily only takes minor damage, and it just tingles.
Nyx suggests Fridge Boy join us. (The GM forgot about this NPC)
Fridge Boy and Maniac pretty much cancel each other out, Fridge Boy encasing him in ice as he tries to melt out. Whisper Grabs a halon extinguisher from somewhere and stuffs it in a hole that Fridge Boy opens up.
Fight was over in a few turns, whole thing took less than a minute from first encounter. We help evacuate the staff, Threshold stops the flooding by closing the portal.


A fast session, we started a bit early but had to shut down early as one player was on a different shift this time. Threshold got to try another one of his new abilities and the group got in a good fight where the enemy was not using heavy caliber automatic weapons, refreshing change :)
Oh and Whisper did not inflict massive head trauma on anyone!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Season 8 Session 1 Beginning of the End?



  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • June B. O'Neill aka Prodigy (NPC): Savant with hyper-intelligence that may have cracked the universal power-dampening conundrum. Fresh out of the Meraki Institute for the advanced and gifted. Extremely intelligent, but young (she's 16).
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”
    • Nawang Sonam aka Wan Shi Tong (NPC): Martial Artist with a mysterious past. Thresholds mentor, experienced and highly capable, indeterminate age.
  • Eleanor C. Bulli aka "Bubbles (NPC): Manipulates bubbles of energy, short range teleportation, can fly on the bubbles, use them for shields or attack and even see through them.
  • Grant L. Wojcik aka Fridge Boy (NPC): Can control ice/cold, but mostly the ability to create ice that explodes. 16 year old emancipated orphan, Our janitor. 
  • Rudy A. Coldwater aka Gimmick (NPC): Mildly hyper-intelligent savant. Stutters. Makes very accurate guesses. Typical nerd, not yet 20. Wants to make a difference, assigned to support duties.
  • Summer Stratos aka Chain Jacket (NPC): Ferrokinetic
  • Vargas Manwell Tilium aka "Impulse" (NPC): Speedster.
Dates: Friday May 8th.

Prison Breakout

We start the new season a few hours after the last session. Most of the prisoners from Rikers got away and the National Guard and a special federal team are on site at the prison.
The Nomads (our team) are told to be "On Call" as were one of, if not the most mobile teams in NYC.
Several members can teleport, pretty much everyone has some form of improved mobility, and of course Threshold can transport the entire team using his portals.
We have some members out on patrol to keep visibility up and reassure the citizens that were on top of things.
Wirerat is in sickbay, again. Complaining about the healthy diet.
The team is reviewing what we know, gathering more intel and distributing it. 
It appears that a group planned the break out and coordinated it very quietly and well. Its possible the attacks on the team were to get blood samples for cloning, though Lindy appears to have a personal reason as well. And Threshold seems to have played an important part in their plans as they made copies of him to create some form of large field that helped facilitate the mass escape.

A few hours after the briefing MedEvac pops in to urgently request Thresholds medical skills. Turns out a high profile patient (name redacted due to Doctor/Patient privilege's) had shrapnel in the brain that prevented MedEvacs healing powers from working. Threshold uses his powers to teleport the pieces out of the brain, MedEvac can then work her magic and the patient will be fine.
He then teleports back to base with the shrapnel which hinders his powers but does not stop him.

Threshold analyzes the shrapnel, determining it is a form of Orichalcum, but silver instead of the usual gold color. It appears to be a power dampener ally instead of the usual energy producing version and it exhibits a slight vibrational frequency. He makes notes and will have Wirerat work up a detector for it when he is feeling up to the task.

Wirerat and his pet A.Is create an army of surveillance drones and hack all the local cameras and surveillance equipment.
Nyx uses his Shadow View power (Clairsentience with lots of modifiers, including Area Perception, +300%) to keep an eye on the area.

The doorbell rings and Threshold decides to check the camera and it appears to be Fracture at our our front door. He goes to talk with her and lets her in where we can all talk in relative privacy.
Fracture says she was used to help with the escape, she was forced to leave and is afraid for her life. She writes a full confession and hands it to Threshold. The only new information she can provide is that their is a mind controller involved.
We elect to hold her in our custody, Nyx suggests we deputize her and explains that will help provide her some protection from being sent back to Rikers until after the emergency is over. Threshold objects to the deputizing but accepts Nyx's argument and does it anyway. Threshold asks her about her powers, specifically if she can sense duplicates she made. She never really tried but can tell when her clones die so he asks Wan Shi Tong to work with her. Prodigy and Fridge Boy jump in to help, making a sense dep chamber to help her focus.

We end the session there. One player was already out and another had to leave for work.
The phone lines started heating up, expecting lots of action next time.


We need to catch some of the bad guys but obviously this was no ordinary breakout. A lot of effort went into this and so something is expected of  significant value from at least some of those freed. What those plans are is our job to figure out. However it appears this was the end game of most of Season 7, of course what happens next is likely to be a whole new ballgame.

Player Comments

I spent some points on less lethal powers, increasing Medic! a level, and getting some medical powers.
An important aspect of a super heroes game to me is the verisimilitude of characters using their powers for something other than crime fighting.
Often characters can apply their abilities to do more regular things faster or better, or otherwise be a useful member of society outside of wearing spandex.
Threshold can teleport and disintegrate things, both useful in real world applications. However he has a strong medical and scientific background and his powers let him see through solid objects and very small details (Scanning Sense, Pararadar with Microscopic 6 and Penetrating 2).
I wanted him to be able to use those powers to do surgery, and the GM let me buy the rest of that toolset,
He has Pararadar with Bioscan, Scanning,  Penetrating 2, Microscopic 6 - allowing him to act as a very good diagnostician. This gives +4 to Diagnosis and he has Medic-22 with some complimentary skills.
It also gives +4 or +2 to things like First-Aid, Forensics, Poisons, Chemistry, Bioengineering (Tissue), and several other skills. Profiling adds another +4 to some of those rolls.
Quick Gadgeteer (Medical), Photographic Memory,
Power Perks: Accessory (Surgical Tools); Expulsion; Expulsion Others; and Medical Sampler to represent teleporting things out of a body and scalpel precision disintegration.
And finally Spatial Surgery which is Healing (Affects Self, +50%; Disease and object removal only, -30%; Reliable 10, +50%; Spatial Manipulation, -20%; Xenohealing, +100%) [150] with cost CP and as an alternative ability for a cost of 6 points.
This last power I am rather proud of. His powers do not make much sense for healing people by restoring HP. But he is basically a built in medical scanner, and the fine tuned disintegration can act like radiation therapy that is more portable and far more precise than most modern medical equipment. He can disintegrate individual cells, teleport or disintegrate bullets and shrapnel. Cut away any tissue, etc.
Pretty much a walking OR, though his powers wont let him stich up or suture anything directly he can guide his hands to do the work with precision (also has Manual Dexterity 1).

I do not really expect this power to come up in game very often, his Medic! skill though is another matter. Costs CP (we use wildcard points) lets him do something very unusual as needed. Even though the campaign has healers who can regenerate flesh his power still gives him an unusual utility, as demonstrated this session.
Technically the Expulsion perk would have probably done the job, or normal use of Medic! in the operating room. But this just looked cooler and was much faster than normal surgery.
These kind of creative uses of a power set or theme really help make the world and characters more fleshed out to me.

Season 7 Session 10 & 11 End of Season!



  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • June B. O'Neill aka Prodigy (NPC): Savant with hyper-intelligence that may have cracked the universal power-dampening conundrum. Fresh out of the Meraki Institute for the advanced and gifted. Extremely intelligent, but young (she's 16).
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”
    • Nawang Sonam aka Wan Shi Tong (NPC): Martial Artist with a mysterious past. Thresholds mentor, experienced and highly capable, indeterminate age.
  • Eleanor C. Bulli aka "Bubbles (NPC): Manipulates bubbles of energy, short range teleportation, can fly on the bubbles, use them for shields or attack and even see through them.
  • Grant L. Wojcik aka Fridge Boy (NPC): Can control ice/cold, but mostly the ability to create ice that explodes. 16 year old emancipated orphan, Our janitor. 
  • Rudy A. Coldwater aka Gimmick (NPC): Mildly hyper-intelligent savant. Stutters. Makes very accurate guesses. Typical nerd, not yet 20. Wants to make a difference, assigned to support duties.
  • Summer Stratos aka Chain Jacket (NPC): Ferrokinetic
  • Vargas Manwell Tilium aka "Impulse" (NPC): Speedster.
Dates: Thursday May 7th?
Sessions combined as Session 10 was very short due to bad internet issues.

The Big Reveal

We did some tidying up and trying to figure out where to go next. We had a few leads yet to follow but nothing really panned out.  Then Threshold gets a massive headache and we hear an explosion and Session 10 ended.
Session 11 we pick up with a fight. The news tells us of three explosions and we head to the one in our jurisdiction using Thresholds portal.

Threshold, Nyx, Nox, Whisper, SSR, and Wirerat all get involved. We see a young woman, Lindy McCall surrounded by a couple of cats and rats.
Also a big hole in the ground with what looks like Threshold's obliteration beam coming out of it.
We quickly deduce that the animals are fracture clones with the powers of various metas. Perhaps a bit more quickly due to the names of the tokens ;)
Space Cat is a copy of Threshold
Wire Cat is a copy of Wirerat.
Gemini a brick and associate of Fracture (her brother) is there in rat form, as is Fracture.
The rest of our team apparently did not get copied, nor the honor of being cloned as a cat.
We are in a construction site.


Nyx teleports under a nearby construction office. Nox teleports closer and behind the enemy on the ground. Whisper runs towards them. Wirerat scans the area nd gets his brain fried for his trouble (again). Threshold tries to obliterate Space Cat as he is off by himself and near the big hole in the ground.
Space Cat teleports away and Nox squeeks about Threshold trying to disintegrate her.
Fracture Rat makes another Gemini Rat and both of them attack Whisper.
Lindy exclaims how Threshold will now regret what he did to her father, Threshold has no clue what she is talking about, this does not go over well. (crit failed his IQ roll to recognize her)
Nyx binds Fracture Rat in darkness.
Space Cat gets Fracture Rat out of the darkness by exporting her (GM pointedly points this trick out to Thresholds player).
Hey Export is expensive!
Threshold uses his Create Singularity to try and take out Fracture Rat and make life rough for the Gemini Rats.
Our Face of Darkness (Nyx) taunts Space Cat using his clairsentience with speaking power and knocks out Lindy with Draining Touch.
Whisper enjoys herself fighting the Gemini Fractures, tossing one into the singularity and watching one miss a slam and run into the hole..
Threshold uses his Spatiokenesis Control power to try and lockdown Spacecats powers, hoping the cat has all his power but not much of his skill.
SSR tazes Space Cat who can't teleport away.

There is a big boom and the hole stops glowing. We look down into it and see a big sphere that Whisper picks up and opens up and it has a Threshold head strapped into a wire harness. Threshold says to kill it and put it out of its misery.
We hear from the radios that there is a massive breakout at Rikers Island and the session ends there.


This is the end of the season and so we get to spend some of our saved CP on upgrades and given the option to pick up a few hours later or a few weeks later. We opt for a few hours.
Were called to MAPS HQ to get briefed on what happened and keep Lindy as a prisoner and Nyx seems to have charmed Space Cat. Our Face of Darkness may add another villain to his retinue of converts/conscripts.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Media Bias

 People claim that there is a media bias and that the media cannot be trusted, except perhaps their favorite media. Conservatives will tell you that the media has a liberal bias.

None of that is really very accurate. First look at the source of revenue and platform when evaluating media sources. Media used to be funded by the government (PBS, CSPAN) or advertising. Hover as cable companies got more powerful they became a major revenue source by paying carriage fees to certain stations.

Fox News is mainly right wing and gets some money from advertisers but most of its funding is from carriage fees. It is owned by the Murdochs who after President Nixon left office decided the GOP needed its own media outlet to spread propaganda. Rupert Murdoch was a billionaire who enjoyed GOP tax cuts and wanted to keep them coming.

MSNBC and CNN are accused of being Liberal Media by conservatives, this is not actually true. MSNBC is a democratic propaganda tool to  match FOX and CNN is a bit more balanced - or at least less obviously a Democratic Party platform but still leans toward them. This is less a situation of being funded by Dems and more an effort to carve out their own lane. FOX News is the biggest cable media provider and the others need to do something different to try to compete for viewers.

However, MSNBC and CNN are what we call corporate democrat, not liberal democrat. Want proof? Think about who they have on and especially the attention they give to Presidential candidates. The most left wing candidates are ignored as much as possible and when they are on they are questioned harshly by the hosts. But the establishment candidates are mostly given praise and softball questions. Senator Sanders was largely ignored in the 2016 and 2020 races even though he was winning many early primaries. I recall once night CNN went on and on about Buddiget for coming in 5th and talked about every other candidate except Sanders who actually won that states primary. This kind of thing happened repeatedly.

CSPAN is the most unbiased source of media as it is publicly funded and lets you hear unedited speeches. We should try to watch or listen to more than one source and check out data for ourselves. We all know most media and most politicians lie, so why trust them? research adn check them out for yourself, most tings are in the public domain. And if it sounds click baity? its probably not full honesty.

When evaluating a news channel listen carefully to what they say and do not say. Odds are good you can see the bias and once you identify it you will have a better idea when they might be lying to you. Also see if they ever admit their mistakes. If someone tells you they are never wrong or never make an a mistake, or simply just refuse to own thier mistakes and make excuses odds are good you cannot trust them.