Sunday, June 18, 2017

The GOP wants to decide on Health Care in secret

The GOP  Senate is trying to secretly write the new Health Care bill and pas it through the Senate without allowing the full Senate or the American people to see what it is until the actual vote.
This should concern ALL Americans, even the most Right Wing extremists as this touches so many aspects of the economy that it deserves a detailed deliberation.  Instead they hope to just push something through so they can go home on July 4th and say they did something.
Clear case of party politics and party over America.
The ones responsible for waht may very well be our new health care system are

Look at the Open Secrets profile of each of those and you see that most have deep ties to Financial companies like Goldman Sachs and Pharmaceutical and drug industries.  Think they have the people interests at the top of their mind?
Yet the GOP has decided that these 13 people will decide how Health Care works going forward.

Senator Warren directly asked about the bill and was told by the GOP Chairman he could not answer her.  I am calling my Senator to voice my objection and hopefully enough people do that to change Mitch McConnell's mind and make this more transparent.

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