Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Why is White Collar crime given a free pass?

So Jeff Sessions is trying to force federal prosecutors to go for the maximum possible sentences on drugs.  And trying to override states rights for those who have legalized marajuna.
I dont understand why marajania should get you jail time when its less lethal than cigarettes.

More importantly however I have to ask, Why is a pot smoker a greater threat to society and deserving of more jail time than a wall street exec who caused a recession and housing crisis that made thousands of people loose their homes.
How about the Walls Fargo exes who created false accounts to defraud stockholders and their customers.  Jail time? Of course not its white collar crime so gets a free pass.  In fact shortly after being elected Trump moved to protect Wells Fargo by removing the whistle blower page from the White House site that was  set up to protect American Consumers.

Aren't we all tired of white collar criminals who cost us all billions annually getting away with it?

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