
Population: 125,000 (Search +3)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains
Appearance: Attractive (+1) Hygiene: +2
Normal Mana (Common Enchantment)

Culture and Economy

Language: Common Literacy: Native
TL: 4
Wealth: Average (*1) Status: -2 to 6

Political Environment

Government: Feudal
CR: 4 (Corruption -1)
Military Resources: $5.0M Defense Bonus: +8

Babylon is a diplomatic city set up and nominally controlled by the Commonwealth for the purpose of maintaining peaceful relations and trade with the Crystal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Darkness.
The city is surrounded by the usual farmlands, with houses and many merchant buildings closer to the city walls. Inside the city walls is where Babylon shows its difference from most Commonwealth cities. The Kingdom of Darkness and Crystal Kingdom have their own section that they built and maintain. These sections are under thier own laws, so travelers are advised to check in at the embassies in the city center before venturing further.

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