Friday, October 11, 2024

Looking at Wealth in GURPS


Having more money is an advantage and less a disadvantage as it affects your starting capabilities. However, access to wealth is more complicated and will be very campaign specific. For instance, after the campaign begins how do you continue to get income? Jobs, passive income, or adventuring?

There are a number of options, but they have been expanded upon in supplements so here is an overall look.

Starting Wealth

see p. B25

You start off with a base amount of money and goods assigned by the GM, typically based on Tech Level (p. B27). Then pick your Wealth level which can be a disadvantage or advantage and modifies that base starting amount. Partial Multi-Millionaire (GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports; p. 26) offers additional fine tuning.

This can get very expensive, but fair is fair, starting with a lot of money is a huge advantage.

Additional fine tuning can be done using one or more of the following.

Signature Gear (p. B85) gives 50% of the average (not your own) campaign starting wealth per point. There are a couple of caveats that come with this too.

Signature Assets (GURPS Spaceships 2, p. 27) I an enhancement to Wealth that multiplies starting wealth by 5% per +1% but only towards SM+2 assets, say a starship. It is capped at +20% for +100% of starting wealth (yours not the campaign average as it’s applied to the Wealth advantage).

You can also trade points for money (p. B26).

Finally, you could apply Potential Advantage (p. B33) Heir to Wealth, meaning you pay half cost but get half the starting wealth at the beginning. This one can be abusive though so GMs should be wary as Wealth increases multiplicativity you can get more than you paid for.

All of this affects how much you start the campaign with, not how much you earn on a regular basis. Though certain levels of Wealth may be a prerequisite for certain jobs.

Income During Play

Generally, you get money from working or adventuring. Independent Income and Debt (p. B26) can represent passive income or regular expenses. This is limited to 20% of your starting wealth. But unlike Trading Points for Money or Signature Gear this is affected by your Wealth level.

Ongoing Expenses

This includes Debt, Cost of Living (p. B265), and whatever comes up.


That it?

For most campaigns the above is probably just fine. You know how much you start with and have ways to get more money during the game, even a base line cost of living.

But there should be some other options, so here are some ideas.

Patrons and Benefactors

A Patron (p. B72) is a government, organization, or person who helps you out. Make the Appearance Roll and they offer some aid or advice. The Equipment modifier (+50% or +100%) means they will give you gear.

Hmm, asking for a loan you don’t have to pay back is rather like income, isn’t it?

So Patron (Sponsor, Fans, etc.) with Equipment, +50% can give you campaign average starting wealth. More for the +100% level! This could just as easily be a reliable supplier of goods for you to sell.

Not as dependable as Independent Income but it is another possible source of income or goods. Minimal Intervention is also an obvious limitation.

But what about say the scientist looking for help to cover inventing costs or a captain looking for a new ship?

Patron (Bank/Investor)

You have a good track record of borrowing money and paying it back. Banks or investors are willing to loan you money because they are confident, they will get it back with interest or another bonus. How much you can get is limited by the Patrons’ assets.

Equipment (+50%) gives you up to campaign starting wealth. Failing the Appearance roll means you couldn’t reach them, or they just did not want or could not offer you the money.

Minimal Intervention (-50%) You get what they think you need is a fair way to price the Patron choosing if the loan is appropriate or not.

Temporary Disadvantage (Duty or Debt) lasts until you pay them back. Debt is easy, just pay that amount each month. Duty might mean you get sent on jobs for them to pay them off, or perhaps just to cover the interest till you pay back what you borrowed.

Signature Assets (+1% and up) if it were allowed can give you +5% more money per +1%. +50% would be +250% of your Starting Wealth (up to the Patrons resource limit). Since Equipment (+100%) does not mention a limit this seems weaker or less valuable. However, I like the idea of it being tied to your Wealth advantage (normally minimally useful after the campaign start) and an actual cap the player and GM both already know rather than an arbitrary limit the GM applies if just using Equipment (+100%).


Lets wrap this all into a new modifier to keep things simple and avoid confusion with how the modifiers may normally work.

Enhanced Credit

This modifier to Patron (usually a bank but might be anyone willing to lend) represents your value to them as a reputable borrower. When you want to ask for equipment or money from a Patron make its Appearance roll and submit the request. Administration or other skills may help, and the Patron decides what is appropriate and reasonable as far as the loan is concerned. Success allows you to borrow up to 50% of your Starting Wealth (not the campaign average). The value of the loan should be limited to what can reasonably be expected to be paid back or written off. Resource Value (GURPS Boardroom and Curia, p. 10) is a good cap on what can be written off. Repayments should include interest or other benefits to the Patron. GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports (p. 27) has suggestions for a space campaign, otherwise use what is appropriate for the setting.

Statistics: Enhanced Credit is a metatrait consisting of the following. Equipment, +50%; Minimal Intervention, -50%; Signature Assets, +10%; and Temporary Disadvantage, Duty, -10%. +0%.


While I like the Patron who can give equipment as an idea, the Enhanced Credit and Patron as lender just isn't good enough. I was thinking about how PCs could afford something unusually expensive but I don't see anyone wanting to pay points for this kind of thing. Not after a night sleep anyhow.
I'll leave it up for posterity and there is some decent stuff here, but this will need more pondering.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Review of GURPS Power-Ups 10: Skill Trees

 This is really an Alternate GURPS type of Supplement. I personally love skills over classes, however skill lists can be pretty long - especially in a game system designed to support all genres and settings.

GURPS Power-Ups 9: Alternate Attributes offers ideas for adding to or replacing the primary attribute set and this does something similar for skills.

In GURPS you roll against attribute + skill to accomplish most tasks. Picking a good mix of skills lets you fine tune a character to suit your tastes and needs. This lets multiple characters of the same basic type or role feel very different. However, it can be overwhelming and new players often miss important skills.

Even experienced players can do this, or misremember a skill and what it does. Wildcard skills (introduced in GURPS Basic) are one way to deal with this problem but they are very cinematic. GURPS Power-Ups 7 Wildcard Skills explores and expands upon them.

GURPS Power-Ups 10: Skill Trees is another way of handling this issue, less cinematic and more like Talents. Skills are grouped into broad categories called Trunks with subcategories of Branches, Twigs, and Leaves.

This feels more like a narrative game if used and the concept is more intuitive than a long skill list.

For example you could have a Trunk called "Animal" (listed in the supplement) and animal skills are included in it. You can do the same with Talents but they have at least two drawbacks.

  1. If the affected list is large enough its often just as good to just buy the the primary attribute.
  2. With a high enough Talent you can be just as good using a skill at default plus Talent as a trained person. I never really liked that myself.
  3. In many cases the Talent does not cover as much as you would like, notably trivial rarely used skills are rarely explicitly included. Power-Ups 3:Talents  mentions the idea of simply including some of those for free but it can be a time taker at the game table.
It includes 26 skill trunks and enough guidance to make more that suit a specific campaign.
For example in an IOU or other college based campaign each major course of study could be its own skill Trunk. Each student would learn Scholar as a part of core academic training but also something like Natural Sciences or about half the other listed trunks would suit a Academic Divisions or Departments and each student would learn such a trunk but add detail of specific branches, twigs, and leaves that suited their interest and class schedule.

Some Examples

A specific martial style would typical be a branch and practioners could train up subcategories of twigs and leaves to represent their individual choices and flair.
This would suit Ritual Magic (optional version of the default magic system) rather nicely.

Lets say I wanted to use this for Shaman.
Aptitude for interacting with spirits and peoples attitude towards them.

Main Skills: Autohypnosis, Diplomacy, Dreaming, Esoteric Medicine, Exorcism, Fortune-Telling†, Meditation,  Occultism, Public Speaking, Religious Ritual†, Ritual Magic†, Savoir-Faire†, Symbol Drawing†, Thaumatology, Theology†.
Other Skills: Any Current Affairs, Expert Skill, Hobby Skill, or Professional Skill relevant to gossip, rumor, paranormal activity, or anything that may be attributed to spirits.

That list took me less than 5 minutes to build using examples in the book, I took bits from two existing trunks.
It lets me build a shaman who is less cinematic than using a wildcard but results in a pretty clean sheet compared to buying and listing each skill separately.
If I wanted to give it more oomph, say in a campaign where spirits were real.
I could apply From Skills to Advantages (Pyramid #3/44 Alternate GURPS II) or simply apply modifiers to a trunk or subcategory. For example Add Cosmic and Reduced Time to do things faster. Most enhancements would likely be overpowered with a prerequisite Cosmic for each type. This might be a good thing to consider if doing this for a campaign or another edition of GURPS.


Overall I am not sure how much use this will see in my campaigns. Largely because were all used to the current method and changing will take some getting used to.
On the other hand I am considering partial implementations such as 
Skill Boosters such as some magic items and software that can enhance someone trained or not this can replace Talents in that roll. Its a bit broader but feels better to me, at least narratively.
Specific Training Programs or Martial Styles could benefit from this with no real hassle for my players or me as the GM in tracking something new. We just treat it roughly like a Talent. And I would include the Untrained Tasks section (p. 17) in this.

Offhand I would love to see this in GURPS 5e or perhaps a supplement bundled with Alternate Attributes and wildcards (which may need redoing for this as an Alternate GURPS GM Guide.
I also feel it is better for lower point campaigns where you want people to not be incompetent at related material.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 4 The Bloodbath


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
In Memorium Christian
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector
Tesseikai Watersinger, healer

The Blood Filled Dawn

Tesseikai appears to have been the only survivor of the group that was at the farmhouse tending to people. Listens spends most of the night watching over her, waiting for her to be able to give a report on what happened and making sure her spirit is not damaged as well as tending to her physical wounds.
His Restoration spell fails to restore her finger and he thinks the magic of Blood Mama is the cause.
She does not want to stay but Listens orders her to stay, citing medical authority. Rhum seems to feel she should be allowed to do what she wants, leading to some tension but Rhum backs down as Listens asserts his rank and position to back up what Rhum seems to feel is minimal healing skill or status. He seems convinced she is the better healer, ignoring the the wisdom that healers make lousy patients.
Listens talks to  Raito and informs him that he intends to investigate the farm and would like additional backup. Raito has been moving people closer to town for increased safety, again impressing Listens with his leadership.

Come the dawn they for a small group of soldiers and the magisters team to investigate. Trapper seems to have spent much of the night making a clockwork prosthetic finger for Tesseikai, which she appreciatively takes.
Trapper is tasked to scout just ahead as the best tracker, Listens feels that others walking through first may erase some valuable clue that Trapper is best equipped to find. However, Rhum tries to rush ahead and go his own way. Listens notes the unwillingness to follow orders or perhaps work with the team and ponders solutions when things are not quite so urgent.

Blood, Lots of Blood

The group travels through an eerily quiet forest and reaches the farmstead.  They see lots of blood, everywhere but no bodies.  Trapper scouts the place around while Listens takes overwatch and switches his perception between the material and spirit worlds in hopes of spotting something, anything useful and keeping the group from being surprised.
It appears bandits raided the farmstead and likely the fighting attracted Blood Mama who then killed almost everyone.  Far as Listens and Trapper can tell a few bandits (likely 4) made it out alive. Trapper follows tracks and will come back to them later. Listens, not much of a tracker saw spiritual markers that helped him see more than most. Also the crops and plants in thee area are withered, as well as stuff in the root cellar which rapidly rotted.


We called it there, short game. good one overall but the group needs to develop more cohesiveness and desire to work together. Our background is that were new to each other, so that's ok but my job as character and player is to make that happen.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 3


The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
In Memorium Christian
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector

Wolftrap, Day 3 and 4

We continue to wander around fixing what is needed and seeing to supplies.
Listens heads to the cliffs, finding a good place for his morning meditations. Its high up, about a 100 yards above the water, he considers jumping but decides its too risky, it would likely not kill him but would be embarrassing and a waste of resources as he heals himself. Still he considers it a minor goal to work towards if this becomes main base.
He spends the predawn and after dawn time listening to the spirits, they are definitely around but seem very quiet for some reason. He also looks for the waterfolk, though its far too early for them to arrive if they choose to act on the captains message.
After awhile just listening and enjoying the fresh air and feel of the wind and sea air he heads to town to get started on the days work. 
On the way he stops by the hut of the town wise woman and healer. Jyrki iul Heino
They chat for awhile as she is cleaning bandages, he uses his magic to speed things up and dry them, she has skill but no apparent ability with songshaping. She mentions the plague that wiped out a town about 8 months ago, and children who broke their legs helping the foresters yesterday. She is quite wiling to share local news and advise Listens on what the town needs. He knows most of it already but the research is still good. She does not really believe him when he says they intend to take care of the bandits but is glad for the supplies and the work done so far. The town is very wary of promises and not trusting of the new duke. Not a surprise after the last one and it will take time to earn their trust.

He heads into town.
The rest of the team is up and about as he arrives, most having already headed out. Rhaum spends the day escorting Altan, not a fun duty but a needful one. Altan can be quite irritating and disrespectful and Rhaum tries to learn him some manners. They start at the Inn before heading out to the farms.

Trapper continues learning the lay of the land and hunting for food for the Inn. The innkeeper Meiri and him are building a good relationship. He brings her a rare bird (super large bird of prey, nearly the size of an adult human) and she asks him to find its nest and bring her the contents.

After talking with the quartermaster to make sure Jyrki gets her supplies Listens looks for the forester. He is curious about what is going on in the area, the spirits are too quiet and of course he has to talk about the injured kids. He expects Riato has already worked to prevent more accidents but still Listens should offer his help. Listens casts a spell and asks the spirits for directions, they should easily find a group of wood cutters chopping down trees after all. The spell works, but at first he does not see the spirit that arrived. Eventually it gets his attention, a land crab. They introduce themselves, the crab is named Myrk the Lurk, though he prefers Myrk.
Murk leads him to the foresters and they have a shirt discussion. Apparently the children were overly excited and trying to be helpful. Getting too close to falling trees.
Riato points out something odd about a stand of dead tress. As a woodsinger, any tree he considers odd is worth paying attention too. The trees have had all the moisture drained out of them and then just broke off. Also moisture has not returned, even though its been months and the rains should have affected the wood. Myrk thinks it reminds him of something and he agrees to ask around. He vanishes into the ground.
Listens wanders around a bit before heading back to town and Myrk pops out of the ground with news.  They head to the inn for beer and mutton (two things Myrk expressed love for) and talk. Meiri is still less than thrilled to see Listens but is at least polite and welcomes his coin. Listens finds a table at the back and sets the land crab on the table, ordering meals for them both. Meiri is rather surprised to hear a talking crab and quickly fetches their food. Listens was expecting her to tell him he could not sit on the table, but supposes she was unwilling to insult a talking crab. Others in the inn take notice as ell and the table remains theirs till Raum and Altan come in.

Raum and Altan had a good day collecting taxes, though some of it was in barter rather than coin. Raum appears to have made a deal with a local spirit, return a kana crystal to it that as stolen by bandits. Listens anticipates a problem from Altan over the matter but will address it then.
They all head back to the constable station. 

Unit 7 is back after scouting unsuccessfully for the bandit camp but found a bonecarver. The bone carver and the corpse appear to not be getting along. Listens looks at the corpse, politely asking if it wants to talk but is ignored and so lets it be. Not really his area as much as nature spirits and even those he tends to leave be if they so desire.
The corpse does however seem to have taken a definite shining to Trapper. It turns its head to look at him periodically.

Raito calls listens outside for a chat. He explains to Listens that his hand is turning blue, a sign of big trouble. Listens bandages it to cover up indication and offer some pain relief. They hear a scream form the wilderness and run to investigate. 
Tesseikai come stumbling into town, gravely wounded.  Listens shouts for help, using his best sailor voice and tends to her wounds with a quick Lesser Succor spell.
Earlier Myrk had warned him about Blood Mama a vampire like spirit that drains blood form groups of people and was imprisioned but somehow released and its making all the spirits nervous. They are not her favorite prey but hungry enough she will go after anything. Listens is worried as the group goes into the forest to see who attacked Tesseikai but they need to check for other survivors as she was not alone.
She is missing a finger but likely she can repair that herself, if not Listens has a Restoration spell.


A few other things happened but Listens is unlikely to know about them so you'll have to read about them in the GMs recap. Myrk expressed an interest in becoming a companion and Listens said to wait a week, make sure he is making a good choice as Listens lives a dangerous life and will be traveling.
A land crab is not my first idea of an allied spirit but its a cool direction and I like Myrks personality.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

GURPS High Dives and Cliff Diving

 I have a character in a campaign who is part water spirit and one of his gimmicks is being a great swimmer and diver, also a water mage sailor.

For reference he has Swimming -17; Amphibious; Breath Holding 2; Catfall (Accessibility, only to land in water, -50%); Temperature Tolerance 2; and the perk Smooth Diver. The latter lets him dive without making a splash.

We came across a cliff over the water outside town and he wanted to cliff dive from it. The skill penalty appeared to make this an impossible task. Since it was a 100 yard tall cliff that irked me a bit but not by much as it is a ridiculously high height to jump form. However, it appeared that normal heights also seemed way too hard to do. So I went to the forums!

After a few days reviewing the rules and discussing them on the Steve Jackson Games GURPS forums I came up with a reasonable chance at making more normal cliff dives.

The results are....

GURPS Diving

Quoth, p.B431 "When striking water or a similar fluid, a successful Swimming roll (or vehicle control roll, if “ditching” a vehicle) means a clean dive that negates all damage. This roll is at a penalty for
velocity; use the speed penalty from the Size and Speed/Range Table (p. 550)."
Normally it says to read the speed as column 3 on that table, so this wording led me to use column one instead.  At least two others feel that the normal usage is what was intended and I am going with that.
I might ask the line editor when he is back from vacation to be sure and to see if errata should be submitted.
So what is our penalty?
World Record is 60m (-36 skill original way or (-9) the other way)
Standard dive of 85-92 feet (-25 or -26) or (-7).
Reality check thus says use the more typical number.
Highest dive from a diving board is 192'10"* for (-8 to skill)
*Lazaro "Laso" Schaller (Switzerland/Brazil) in Maggia, Ticino, Switzerland, on 4 August, 2015. 
90' dive (Skill-7)
10m dive (about 33 feet) (Skill-5)
3m dive (Skill-4)
Standard diving boards (spring) from 1 to 3m high. (Skill -0 to -4)

If you make the skill you take no damage, fail and you take falling damage into a soft object. At these heights its unlikely to kill you, though the higher dives may very well knock you unconscious so better have someone in the water to rescue you!
Catfall subtracts 5y from falling distance, a great help[ at lower dives and about a +1 effect at higher distances. more importantly it allows a DX roll to grant half damage if you fail that clean dive Swimming roll.

Swimming is used to avoid damage and to move around in the water after your dive.
Sports (Diving) lets you know the rules for the sport, trivia such as record holders and famous diving spots, and perhaps most importantly to look good when diving. Use it or Acrobatics to do things like flips, tucks, and somersaults when diving. Modifiers as per Acrobatics, +1 for Perfect Balance, +2 for 3D Spatial Sense.
High Dive (H) is a technique that lets you buy off the penalty to Swimming when making a dive to avoid damage.

Catfall with Accessibility, only to land in water, -50% is a bit more realistic than regular Catfall so may be more easily allowed in a noncinematic game. Make no mistake, its still cinematic though!

A high diver will need Swimming and can benefit from Sports (Diving), a level of Temperature Tolerance for cold water, Fit or Very Fit, high HT and DX, and perhaps First Aid, Hiking, or even Climbing to get to out of the way spaces.
At Swimming -5 for an Olympic level athlete I think GURPS Diving is reasonably good at letting your character play a great athlete even in a realistic campaign.
Alien or non realistic campaigns may consider Amphibious, DR (Tough Skin), Breath Holding, and a few other things to spice it up.

Special Thoughts

At least 12 feet of water is advised for high dives and clear water is best to help avoid obstacles like high rocks or see other swimmers.
Telescopic Vision can help see what you are diving into from high above.
Good quality equipment and conditions such as a good platform, minimal wind, and clear area  might be good for +1 to +2 quality bonus.
Use Time Spent to help with those tougher dives. Though in a sport your unlikely to get more than a minute to set yourself up.
This is just another example of how GURPS can add to your campaign by giving players or NPCs something cool and fun to do without a lot of special rules or handwaving.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Aersalus Season 1, Session 1&2

 The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)

Listens to Ocean aka Osprey (Rory) Halfling Magistrate, mage, healer, priest, historian.
Rhum Kaldalsson (Curtis) Minotaur artist.
Trapper (Chris D) Gremian, artificer, hunter, Armsmaster.
Unit 7 (Brice) A Cog, magical construct golem.
In Memorium Christian
Altan ru Chuulaii the tax collector

The Trek Begins

Duke Tellengeri has decided to fix up his territory. By beating his brothers, the duke (Tellengeri) gained legitimacy and additional funds and prestige. He leveraged the newfound wealth to create a merchant empire which he then used around 1/3 of to purchase the land from Duke Jutaharro who had no heirs after the Second War of the Ashen killed them all. The old Duke was more into graft than his people and there is a lot of poor sentiment among the citizenry. He has embarked upon a big renewal and rebuilding project.
Along with almost a hundred others the team is dropped off near Wolftrap which is the largest town in the area. This will make several teams

Forestry Team, led by Riato a woodsinger and forester

They will go off to check on the wilderness, primarily the huge forest called "The Great Green" which is an unusually temperate and warm forest for this near arctic area.

Mining Resources Team led by Jarrah?

The goal is to see how the known mines are doing, what needs to be done to get them back to full production, and possibly find new mines.


Goal is to survey and map the area.


Goal is to survey and map the area
Aid Team #1 (Us) led by Listens to Ocean

Our team is going to be based in Wolftrap but will circumnavigate the area. We are to bring justice to the towns, collect taxes, and increase prosperity and well being of the regions citizens. Listens is an accomplished spellsinger, Ministry trained healer, Shen (shaman), and magistrate so is leading the team. He also has good experience with working people, being a long time fisherman and sailor. The team also includes a taxman (Altan ru Chuulaii) to collect the taxes. Since dispensing justice and collecting taxes are not too popular we also have three capable bodyguard's and security people who are also good at other things, helping the teams versatility and overall mission.
Rhum and Unit 7 are both very strong and Trapper provides ranged support.
Aid Team #2

This team will head in the opposite direction as Aid Team #1. It includes one magical healer and several Ministry Trained healers as well as a couple of other spellsingers.
We know they have Water, Wind, Stone, and Wood covered.


We all roll into town after being dropped by airship a day or so away. Wolftrap has seen better days, it is a port town with a nice freshwater lake nearby. Fed by two aqueducts, one from the lake and another from the mountains. Listens spends the most of the second day checking the first one out and cleaning it.
We meet Meiri the innkeeper who promptly decides to price gouge us for rooms. Listens does not like that kind of corruption and mentions how if she is charging that much for her rooms she must be doing very well indeed - and our tax collector will be glad to hear of her prosperity.
Altan's ears perk up and he is quite pleased to have a conversation with her, she of course is less so.
(Tried to pull an Eastwood here, letting the towns people know we are not to be cheated or trifled with as a strong first impression. Eastwood would have done it better).
Much of the town is in ruins or burned out and we head over to the remains of the Constables station. It has most of the stone walls, a basement, and a few cells.  Trapper investigates the basement, bringing up a corpse and a couch for it to lie on. The corpse appears appreciative. Trapper also fixes the boiler and we get heated floors for the evening.
Next day Trapper does more work on the building, as well as some others from the large group and then goes hunting for food and supplies for the inn. He also meets Toragana, the local tanner and exchanges hides and such. He also makes friends with Tessikai, a young healer and water singer (probably part of Aid Team #2).
Unit 7 is unhappy at waking up to find Listens had already left and is talked into helping out on repairs.
Rhum makes friends, he talks Trapper into getting food for Meiri and the inn and visits the blacksmith Jetei iul to get supplies for hauling wood he cuts down from the forest for rebuilding. Also meets the local miller Molomo.
Listens has a chat with Kohana an Kekkonen about the town. Kohana advises that annoying Meiri was not wise as she is an important town figure. Listens explains what happened, letting him know he will not tolerate corruption but understands his advice and will see what he can do. While they are talking a ship sails into port and having a plan (GM coached) Listens excuses himself during a lull in the conversation saying as an old sailor he wants to meet the ship.
Turns out the ship is run by an old friend, Captain Junras who gives Listens the lay of the local ocean and mentions a community of waterfolk nearby. Listens appreciates that and hopes to get them trading with the town. Listens also buys the entire ships worth of grain for the town. It will help the largest town in the area get on its feet faster, especially with winter coming and helps out his friend who would have to sail it the rest of the way up the coast, trying to sell it as much as he could and possibly not selling it all. This also gets him back to main port faster for another run. he offers Listens an investment opportunity in a ship which Listens takes him up on. Ideally hoping to encourage more shipping to the area.

Player Summary

A good first two session, its been several months since we last played. One of our players who was supposed to rejoin us died recently and it would have been nice to see him again. The rest of us were dealing with personal issues as well, everything from losing a beloved pet, to surgery, pinched nerves (or minor stroke), to the normal maladies we seem to have. It was good ot get together, both sessions were short but we got a lot done and got to start digging into this world that Christopher has rebuilt.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

GURPS Golfing

Watched Rising Impact, an anime on Netflix about golfing recently and decided to stat out Golf.
Sports (Golf) is an Average DX based skill.
The goal is to hit a ball into the hole in as few shots as possible.
There are three main types of swings in golf, the Drive, Slice, and Putt respectively.
.Average driving distance is 200 to 224 yards.  (ST 10 or 11); 70% of amateur golfers hit 250 (ST 12 to ST 13), Average PGA distance in the 2020's is 300 yards (ST  15) with the longest drive in history 787 (ST 39!). Various factors, especially wind can make a big difference in distance.
So lets set Driving distance at ST*20

Putts dramatically fail outside of 10 feet. A golf hole is 4.25" in diameter (SM-7) with -1 to hit at 9 feet, so that works. Skill 12 would be 5 or less under 9 feet to hit the hole. But Aiming should apply for +3 and club quality for Acc 1 (fine clubs) or Acc 2 (Very Fine).
A professional could get the +4 routine task modifier for another +4 (newcomers might cave under pressure and not get that).
So we have target -7, Aiming bonus of +3 to +5, routine for +4 meaning against a skill 12 we get an effective skill of 12 to 14 depending on club quality.
That works out rather nicely!

 A slice is the ball curing towards the dominant hand due to a slight spin on the ball. Normally you do not want to slice, but sometimes you need to angle the shot to avoid a hazard on the course or angle it to work with the wind. Sounds more like adjusting to the situation so we will ignore this kind of stroke in favor of circumstantial penalties.

So what does this give us?

Sports (Golf) (A) DX
This is the skill to play a good golf game. Driving distance is ST*20 with a bonus to ST of +1 for Skill DX+1 or ST+2 for DX+2. Wind speed may add or subtract from a drive, each 2 MPH is 1 or 2 yards. The golf hole is -7 to hit, plus range penalties (p. B550), and additional penalties for terrain or wind may apply. Treat rough or sand as -1 to -4. Add wind speed to the range penalty when making drives with a crosswind. When driving (rather than putting) add +4 to hit the hex and use the Scatter rule (p. B414) to determine where the ball landed. When putting assume you miss the hole by 1 foot per margin of error.
Trained golfers may opt to use the Precision Aiming rules (GURPS Gun Fu, p. 12. or GURPS High Tech, p. 84)
Note that professional golfers will also invest in Games (Golf) (E) IQ for a through understanding of the rules.

Useful perks include Bank Shot, Bend the Bullet, and Deadeye from GURPS Gun Fu; and Eye for Distance (GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks).
A new perk also seems appropriate.
Read the Green
 Grants +1 skill and allows Time Spent modifiers (base time 1 turn) when making a putt.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Looking at GURPS Streetwise

 Streetwise is one of the influence skills, meaning it can be used to replace a reaction roll in the appropriate circumstances. It is an Average skill, typical of them, though Carousing is Easy and Diplomacy is Hard, the rest are all Average skills.

What do the rules say its used for?

GURPS Basic, p. 223 says its the skill to get along in rough company and "You may substitute an Influence roll against Streetwise for any reaction roll made in an underworld or “bad neighborhood”  situation; see Influence Rolls (p. 359)."

GURPS Social Engineering, p. 30 says "Streetwise isn’t the same as Intimidation; the latter makes you seem dangerous and hostile, while the former conveys that you know your way around. "

This can be a bit risky as a failed Influence roll (p. B359) can get you a worse reaction than not using an influence skill, and the roll is resisted by Will. So if you are going to rely on it its a good idea to be very good at it.

Additionally the skill lets you ask for information among criminals and seeming like you belong there rather than are an undercover enforcement officer or perhaps a criminal rival. Specifically it helps you find the criminal element, or those catering to it (such as corrupt police), know a good bribe price, and perhaps find the local "action".

It is not used to buy things (use Merchant) but at least it can help you seem like a legitimate customer and perhaps find venders of illegal wares. Also Streetwise at 12+ cancels the normal -3 to Merchant for buying illegal goods.

Overall a decent skill, but can be risky to use and perhaps lacks flavor and oomph for that cinematic expert. So here are some additional suggestions.

1) Allow Optional Specialization (p. B169) for certain types of criminal elements. Examples Docks/Ports; Gangs; Neighborhoods; etc.

2) Add techniques such as...

Fits In (H) Streetwise-3, purchased up to Streetwise (at 4 points) to offset the penalty for obviously being a stranger in the area.

Cutting Out (H) Streetwise-4 to pick an individual out of a group to use your skill on. Social Engineering, p. 81)

Hinting (H) Streetwise+0 (up to Streetwise +6) for being subtle enough in your questions that observers might not pick up on it. (Social Engineering, p. 81).

I really like this one as its often a good idea to be discreet when asking about illegal activities!

3) Certain perks and other advantages can of course also help. "In the Know" (Social Engineering, p. 79) grants +2 to finding an illegal connection, such as a fence.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Star Heist: End of Mission 1

 After six game session the team completed their first mission. It was loosely based on an old and frankly not very good movie called "Deadlier than the Male".

After the game we did a post session summary and the two players left (one had to go to work) seemed happy. Two NPCs Dr. Kirkpatrick (Ugler healer) and Captain Slater (Human analyst) did a lot of work in the background that helped out. However, no one seemed to feel they were overwhelming or too important to the game. They contributed information that the players were able to use but it was mostly behind the scenes and they were not involved in decision making.

I think that they filled roles the players had not really focused on and did not make any big decisions for the group was a big contributor to them seeming useful and fun to interact with but not taking any of the spotlight away from the player characters.

Notable NPCs..

Dr. Kirkpatrick is the ships doctor and was useful in saving one PC's life as well as providing opinions and detail on autopsies and medical reports. Also helped the team diplomat with psych profiling.

Captain Slater is the ships captain and mission lead but his specialty is statistical analysis, this was intended to help me give the players guidance if they got stuck and to spend the required hours of research and slogging through paperwork that many cases would require but would be rather boring to the players. With him going through the paperwork and videotapes they could focus on more active tasks.

Sam and Snick are the ships engineers, mostly intended to keep the ship running and repair things. They had some interaction with the players but were very much background characters.

Bear the security specialist was intended to protect the ship so the players don't have to and to act as reinforcements if they got into a fight. Mostly background, some interaction but he stayed out of things this mission.

JJ the ships pilot (PC) did some Streetwise, that did not directly help but got them a taste of the bad guys when one of them tried to assainate him with a poisoned cigar. Other than that he mostly played chauffer. That is the job of the teams driver/pilot but I want him to be able to get more directly involved, this is the area I feel the most disappointed in so far. If the player remains only the chauffeur I feel he will get bored and so I am hoping he comes up with some directions to grow in that we can work with.

He with the long name that I cannot pronounce and hence cant remember is the groups decker and rigger. Still concerned with the robot allies and being good enough at driving to make the JJ feel redundant but so far it hasn't come up much. He was frustrated at not being able to use his computer hacking abilities but the players opted for a mostly law abiding team and role which hampers the effectiveness of one who is mostly designed to break into other peoples computers. However, the player is smart enough to know this was going to be an issue so its more of a challenge to work around than a serious obstacle, so far anyway. He did get to hack one persons computer which got them the really big clue they needed to decide the case so we both felt good about that.

Duri the diplomat (final PC) did the bulk of the front and center work as this was mostly a working the people kind of mission. I think everything went well there and he was not greedy about the center stage, just that is the way the cards fell. I suspect his character will be the most useful most of the time as talking to people is rarely illegal and tends to come up a lot.

I explained the roles of the ships crew in more detail at the end of the last game. Paying for a ship and its crew is a bit extravagant so they have other duties. Captain Slater, Dr. Kirkpatrick, and the engineers can review various cases by going through paperwork and making recommendations. So they can cover a lot of rather routine cases as background and earn their keep that way. The full team is only needed for major cases and the field team is mostly the PCs with occasional help and support from the NPCs.

General GM Thoughts

NPCs provide a lot of the flavor in a campaign, which is great but they come with a big risk. For example a spacefaring or seagoing campaign often needs NPCs to flesh out the crew. They need to be competent but not overwhelmingly so or at least not prone to taking over the campaign from the players. In this case I assigned them important roles but ones that are more backup or background. So far its working out and I think will continue to do so.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Research Skill in GURPS

 For my Star Heist campaign I expect the Research skill to see a lot of use and wanted to add some detail. Obviously you can apply task difficulty modifiers for more difficult questions, but some research should take more or less time - especially in a world with computers and a version of the internet readily available!

So here is a version I came up with, thought I would share.


see p. B217

Research is a common task in the Star Heist setting, and computers greatly speed it up. The default time for a Research roll is based on the complexity of the question.

Trivial: Summed up in a short sentence and something commonly asked. Search databases are used to these questions, making for fast and accurate answers. Time 1 turn, +4 to skill. Examples: Nearest place to eat or shop for common item.

Simple: Typically, one or two sentence questions with one or two simple qualifiers. Time, up to a minute, no task modifier. Examples: The best place in town for a good steak.

Average: A question with several parameters but not a complicated subject matter and one with plenty of data available. Time, 5 minutes, no task modifier.

Complex: Typically, on a specialized subject, often a scientific or legal question that requires precision and detail. Time 1 hour, -2 to -5 skill, complementary skill bonus.

Amazing: This is something on the level of research for an academic paper, involving multiple refinements to the search after reviewing results. Another skill is typically required to properly refine the questions. Time, 1 day, -5 to -10 skill.

Comprehensive: Sometimes more than a single answer is needed, even the top few answers might not provide enough data. For example trying to research a world to prepare for an expedition. In this case multiple people can assist. Let each researcher make a skill roll suited to their own capability and skill mix and compile everything into one neat package. Alternatively researchers may assist the overall project by taking on some of the workload, in which case each competent assistant (Skill 12+) can offer a complementary roll to the overall project. This is only applicable on large data as with small projects multiple researchers tread too much of the same ground and may even confuse things with conflicting bias.

Computer Software can be a great help here. Most computers will have search programs available; this is considered basic tools. However, a search routine and database optimized for the subject gets a quality bonus (+1 or +2) and reduces the time spent by one step.

As one might note, it is inspired by the Invention rules, with the time and penalties lowered and the addition of the Trivial category. For a cinematic campaign, or one where the person making the skill check might be an AI additional traits might apply. For example why not a variant of Gadgettering to further reduce time and penalties?

As a friend remarked, this setup can be applied to other skills, I intend to use it for science skills for example.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Game Session: Star Heist, Session 0

 We had our first session, which was an introduction. We talked over some things and dealt with some questions. A few rules questions, the players all have an older version of GURPS Ultra-Tech than I which has a few errata and other differences. Notably TL11 for Rainbow Lasers and the setting is TL10.

Some questions about the laws and legal systems among various worlds. Who knew that adventurers might want o play fast and loose with the law?

We introduced the characters to each other and they got their mission brief so they have two weeks to make plans and ask questions which will represent their 4 week trip.

Adam (JoeJim): Psychically linked twins and the starship pilot.

Geoff (Sigretto Leiter al-Biq): Decker, Rigger, part cyborg, and wannebe combat monster with a bionic arm. Not sure how all the allies are going to work and I have serious reservations about the arm but we shall see.

Bo (Tickle): Diplomat and trained martial artist. Uses Escrima with some high tech sticks (neurolash) so should be pretty effective.


Exeter (Starship): SM+9 research vessel, 4g Reactionless, Jump 4.

Ben Slater: Mission Lead, Analyst, ships captain.

Bear: Bloodkatt, 6 legged cat that looks like a small panther (SM-1), old Sargent type (not a Drill Instructor). Knight! making him a combat monster and also ships Tactical Officer/Gunner.

Dr. KIrkpatrick: Healer!, ships medic and a Ugler (small bird like alien's). 

Sam: Asst. Engineer, a leathery starfish shaped individual, very curious and loves taking things apart just to put hem back together.

Snick: Chief Engineer, a reptile man, much more serious than his assistant.

So one of the player characters is crew, the other two are passengers but everyone works for the insurance company. as the Pc pilot is effectively two characters this lets the players do the field work with a solid crew to watch the ship and provide occasional backup. the ship has room for a few more people, especially if they will take bunk rooms. This gives me mission flexibility.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Star Heist: Campaign Notes 3/30/2024

 Three players, a Decker, Diplomat, and Pilot in the campaign starting this Sunday. The Decker has been a pain, due to wanting lots of Allies and some odd choices. I had hoped to have listed a good amount of programs to help everyone do their jobs, and the ships crew fully fleshed out.

However, the work on Allies should be useful for the rest of the campaign and might even make a writing project down the line.

GURPS Template Toolkit: 3 Starship Crew helped me flesh out some of the crew, though wildcard skills covered the Medic and Engineer already.

What was the deal with Allies you ask? The player wants to be what was in Shadowrun a Decker and a Rigger and wants allies to control various drones, robots, an arm, and to help with hacking. The idea being that a TL10 computer can be small or tiny and still handle a decent Complexity level which determines IQ. He feels its better to have multiple AI on a drone, each assigned to one task rather than one smarter AI with more points in skills. Given how Ally and Ally Group works, its a fair idea. Though Allies are one of the most abuseable advantages in GURPS.

This resulted in a lot of the last two weeks being spent on robot and AI templates and rules. We shall see how it works, anticipate some changes needed.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Star Heist, a Campaign Setting

 The Magic Vegas campaign I was playing in is on a break and the group discussed options and we went with one of my older campaign settings.  It needs some update and revisions but is bascially a TL10 Space Opera setting.

This group is playing a Decker, Pilot, and Diplomat as insurance investigators.


Ghost Ship by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller for the Pilots and revisions to how I was handling psionics. Basically aside from racial psi people can get it from travel trough subspace and the core mechanics is Wildcards. Each psi trait is built with a wildcard skill as the power talent and abilities are primarily versions of ESP and Probability Alteration.
Lensman by EE Doc Smith for some background and overall concepts.
The Ship Who Searched and other novels by Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey for an overall sense of the setting.
Harrington novels by David Webber for some of the FTL, though highly adjusted so ships travel far slower in real space.
Traveler for idea of Jump Drives.
Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein
Assorted other scifi

GURPS Materials

GURPS Ultra-Tech and Transhuman Space for the tech.
A blend of GURPS Cyberpunk, Action 2: Exploits, Telepathy powers, and some Pyramid articles by W.A. Frick for hacking and netrunning as well as possessing vehicles.
GURPS Spaceships

Setting Conceits

The campaign takes place in the Commonwealth, a human centric space government.
It uses three primary FTL types. 
Jump Drive (Called a Dive Drive) that uses contrgav to punch a hole into subspace for hopping between stars.
Star Gates for wormhole travel between known locations. It is fast but limited by gate size.
Sling Drive (alucabrd drive idea) with hyperspace highways. Very fast, built by precursers but travel is outside the heliosphere. Ships can use this method inside a solar system but only for short skips and they may get destroyed by space debris.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Designer Notes, Part 3: GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Updating GURPS Classic


Another important goal for me with this supplement was to update 3e material that has not yet been updated and was related to spirits.

GURPS Classic has a lot of great material and most of it is easily ported to 4e. GURPS Religion and GURPS Spirits are still very useful, even if some of the mechanics have to be reworked. GURPS Cabal, GURPS In Nomine, and GURPS Voodoo are all fascinating settings that have not yet been updated. I believe this is mostly because an update does not need to do a lot to cover mechanics and other things that may need an update. The settings themselves are still very useable. With no formal update for any of these on the announced horizon I wanted to see how much I could cover to make a prospective GM's workload easier.

GURPS Cabal, GURPS In Nomine, and GURPS Voodoo received an update to their magic systems and some powers in GURPS Thaumatology, GURPS Powers, GURPS Magic, and GURPS Basic.

Some spirit powers however still needed either an example build to show how to update or new modifiers to make them work. Some of this material was in other 4e material, especially Pyramid and GURPS Horror. But its scattered and can be hard to find, especially if you do not have the supplements. Even if you do the GURPS library is extensive and sometimes things are tough to find.

GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits thus has a lot of new modifiers and explains ways to use existing abilities to emulate some of these effects. I also tried to grab some of the more interesting or difficult spirits to make sure the possible builds was versatile and compatible as possible with published material. Jumper gets a lot of love here that may be useful to a GURPS Cabal spirit.

For another example the Personal Power lens is basically an attribute list that lets you combine it with a spirit template or lens type and have a ready to go foe. Secondary attributes such as Dodge already included. I benchmarked these so that the Minor lens matches the small elementals in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy and the Elite lens matched the default Angel character in GURPS In Nominee.

Speaking of GURPS In Nomine I did not intend this to take the place of an update for that setting but I really like it and some of the concepts fit a broader narrative of spirits and folklore or fiction. So I put a few things in here.  If the setting is updated they may get used or they may not, if someone wanting to run the setting using 4e rules wants to use them they can choose to use this or not. The goal was just to provide as much material to cover as large a variety as possible.

Easter Egg

Here are some thoughts on using TT:Spirits to adapt the GURPS In Nomine setting.

The Elite personal attribute Lense was benchmarked against GURPS In Nomine angels and demons, leaving rom for the archangels and princes to use the Paragon attribute level. Different racial templates could be used but my first choice would probably be Imbuing Spirit. This makes them normally insubstantial but they can either use powers or spells to affect the physical world or possess people.

Different Choirs and Bands would modify this, perhaps requiring a host be a Puppet to possess them or Alternate Form to create a Host. I wanted to add a bit to Alternate Form for such a host, including an enhancement to Alternate Identity but decided it was too specific for this supplement. Additional notes…

Awareness (Symphony) becomes Illuminated.

Each Choir or Band has their own Power and they also have Celestial or Infernal as appropriate. I didn’t set out to make powers for each Choir or Band but Traveler and Dream/Nightmare are obvious examples that could fit.

Word-Bound and Sacred Word! are obvious.

Add the desired magic system, GURPS Magic in 4e is almost the same as in 3e, though new options are available. And with that you can pretty much update your GURPS In Nomine to the current edition. Most powers are easy builds, a few require more work that I wish I could have done for this supplement.

Designer Notes, Part 2: GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Example Builds

One of the requests for this by a few people was to make affordable builds for allies. Spirit Ally can be rather expensive and I was limited to RAW but there were a few things that were done to help in at least some cases. However, even a weak spirit has a lot of advantages and is thus correspondingly expensive.

Simple Fetish

A weak spirit bound into a fetish. This can be an Ally used to maintain spells in Book/Path magic, grant powers through Granted by Familiar, and adding one or more Powers (sets of related abilities) take direct action. This is a weak spirit that is killed if the fetish it is bound to is destroyed. This can be altered by adding Unkillable or other traits. Statistics: Personal Power, Minor [-40]; Fetish [-50]. -90 points.

Familiar Spirit

A classic, typically a small animal (and thus less expensive) mostly a way to get powers (including extra levels of Magery or Energy Reserve) at a discount using the Granted by Familiar limitation. Statistics: Embodied Animal [24] + animal template. 24 points plus the animal template which is often under 50 points, especially if the IQ is not bought up much.

Super Scout

This is a minor spirit that cannot materialize or affect the material world but is an effective invisible and insubstantial.  This is a basis for such a scout. Statistics: Minor [-40]; Unmanifested Spirit [149]. 109 points.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Designer Notes, Part 1: GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits (Devotion PM)

This is a very crunchy work and I had a lot of goals I wanted to meet with it. One of those was to come up with a generic power modifier for spirits that fit my understanding of the nature of them. The Spirit PM (GURPS Powers, p. 28) is for people getting help from spirits, not really about being a spirit.

What I first came up with was a 0% rather generic PM but my editor wanted it to be more specifically outlined and described. In doing so I came up with the Devotion PM which is similar to the Pact limitation used for priests as part of the Divine PM. Spirits are generally very focused or passionate about the things they care for or engage in vices or have other traits GURPS would call a mental disadvantage. 

I created several new power groups, leaving a lot on the cutting room floor. The published version has 27 specific power groups, though a few are modified versions from other supplements. I also included a list of Power Modifiers I felt especially appropriate in other supplements, mostly GURPS Horror and GURPS Powers.

The Devotion PM can be applied to most of them and though it is a generic -10% the value can be adjusted based on the spirit and what disadvantages apply. The Trickster power has a specific example of this. I listed some ideas for most of the Powers, mostly the concept rather than a list though to save room. The explanation for the Devotion PM gives the structure and each power gives a guideline relevant to it.

For example the Traveler power could take Compulsive Behavior for never staying in one place too long, exploration, etc. Or perhaps a Sense of Duty to their rider for a winged steed. The Psychopomp power could take Sense of Duty to religious adherents, "Those who died in battle", or anything else appropriate to getting the recently deceased to where they need to go.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits

 Its published! GURPS Template Toolkit 4: Spirits is finally released.

This is my second supplement, both on the subject of spirits in GURPS. It is more crunchy than GURPS Powers  Totem and Nature Spirits.

It is a collection of templates and lenses, making it a tough edit but useful for GMS to quickly put together spirits for their campaigns. However a big part of this book is also explaining how various traits work and apply in the context of a spirit.  So it goes into explanation on many traits, hopefully clearing up some details and questions I have seen come up. Also adding quite a few new modifiers to current advantages.

Those modifiers like Preset for Jumper or Warp, Display for Clairsentience, a couple of goodies for Binding, and many more should be useful in campaigns not using spirits as well.

Some core advantages like Special Rapaport also get expanded options.

Monday, February 12, 2024

AEON B-Team Season 8 Session 13 The End is Coming


Cast: The Nomads

  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.” Absent
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened.
    • MIA Sentient AI made from recovered tech on a prior mission.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • June B. O'Neill aka Prodigy (NPC): Savant with hyper-intelligence that may have cracked the universal power-dampening conundrum. Fresh out of the Meraki Institute for the advanced and gifted. Extremely intelligent, but young (she's 16).
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”
  • Eleanor C. Bulli aka "Bubbles (NPC): Manipulates bubbles of energy, short range teleportation, can fly on the bubbles, use them for shields or attack and even see through them.
  • Grant L. Wojcik aka Fridge Boy (NPC): Can control ice/cold, but mostly the ability to create ice that explodes. 16 year old emancipated orphan, Our janitor. 
  • Rudy A. Coldwater aka Gimmick (NPC): Mildly hyper-intelligent savant. Stutters. Makes very accurate guesses. Typical nerd, not yet 20. Wants to make a difference, assigned to support duties.
  • Summer Stratos aka Chain Jacket (NPC): Ferrokinetic
  • Vargas Manwell Tilium aka "Impulse" (NPC): Speedster.

Patrols and Intel

Each of the team went and managed their patrols, Threshold taking on extra night shifts to cover for Wans death. Wirerat is fully recovered from his injuries and working on several projects, including things to find and track the alien's and their portals.
Threshold goes to that store recommended to him for math materials. The guy drops hints he knows something but is not forthcoming and Threshold chooses not to press him after verifying he is not an alien. Threshold keeps closing portals but they just keep appearing and growing in number.
Lynch is convinced the end of the world is coming but we wont give up so easily.

We find out that our minds have holes in them, missing certain memories.  Wirerat thinks he can get them back but Lynch and Threshold feel its extremely unlikely.
Someone managed to remove mental and physical records of things they do not want people to know.
At the end a kaiju (not Godzilla) comes out of the bay through a portal and heads to wreck the city.  Thresholds Warp ability wont work near it, though his other powers seem ok and he uses his "long Step" ability to get to the base and let everyone know.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Template Toolkit Spirits

 Sent in notes on the last edit of my supplement which has been announced as on schedule for a Feb release.

I am not posting details yet, though expect some designers notes after its out.  However, I did want to get it out there. Its been a long road, about 4 years to get this out from pitch to publication. It was part of an earlier manuscript where I intended to do as bunch of stuff in one Powers style supplement. Looks like I pitched it June 2020 and it was awhile after that before the contract was approved and signed.

I am very happy with this supplement. Totem and Nature Spirits left a lot on the cutting room floor, the subject was simply too broad to include everything. I did the best I could to hit what I thought was the important highlights but so many totems were left out for space.  However, with TT:Spirits I managed to get pretty much everything I wanted into it.  I'll go over that in a bit more detail after publication.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

AEON Team B Season 8 Session 12 Captured Alien


Cast: The Nomads

  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.” Absent
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened.
    • MIA Sentient AI made from recovered tech on a prior mission.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • June B. O'Neill aka Prodigy (NPC): Savant with hyper-intelligence that may have cracked the universal power-dampening conundrum. Fresh out of the Meraki Institute for the advanced and gifted. Extremely intelligent, but young (she's 16).
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”
  • Eleanor C. Bulli aka "Bubbles (NPC): Manipulates bubbles of energy, short range teleportation, can fly on the bubbles, use them for shields or attack and even see through them.
  • Grant L. Wojcik aka Fridge Boy (NPC): Can control ice/cold, but mostly the ability to create ice that explodes. 16 year old emancipated orphan, Our janitor. 
  • Rudy A. Coldwater aka Gimmick (NPC): Mildly hyper-intelligent savant. Stutters. Makes very accurate guesses. Typical nerd, not yet 20. Wants to make a difference, assigned to support duties.
  • Summer Stratos aka Chain Jacket (NPC): Ferrokinetic
  • Vargas Manwell Tilium aka "Impulse" (NPC): Speedster.


The GM had us skip the planned capture of the alien due to time constraints, we only have two more session planned after this before starting the next campaign. So were on a tight window.
We probably would have spent over an hour over planning the capture and unless he was well prepared Nyx and Nox likely could take him out in a few turns.


We did not get much info from the alien, though Lynch gave us some. They are not really alien's but ancient beings who travel between dimensions and left earth long ago. They are back and plan on invading, though why is unclear.
They have Khyberic powers and superior technology so our odds of victory seem slim.

Planning and Discussion

We compared some notes, but no real plans made and agreed upon as yet.
Threshold got a talking too about copying some of the notes in the old Safehouse Lynch set up. Apparently just knowing the stuff is bad as that can be detected through the collective unconscious. Lynch taught Wirerat how to build a device to keep us out of the collectives unconscious he called the Numera.
We also got a better idea on how to look for the rifts and are adding that to our patrols.
Threshold can sense them if he is close enough. People can hear music if they get big enough and things can come through. Wirerat set up MIA  (his pet AI) to scan for flash mobs or reports of people seeming to hear music and certain tunes.  We will then pop over to check them out and Threshold can close the rifts, at least if they are small enough.


We got to see the spiderness from a previous campaign. Apparently they can be disintegrated just nicely. Wasn't sure if that would work on them. Threshold has not picked up on some things yet that I thought he would by now but the character does not know to ask about. So having to play dumb for now.
Session was kind of slow, lot of exposition and it had been a long time since the previous one so I think all of us were out of sorts.  Also knowing its all over in a few games might be having an effect.