Shadow Riders

Some people will friend and bond with a special horse and gain access to dimensional powers. These people are highly valued for their ability to travel vast distances quickly. The primary power is entering an alternate dimension they call a Shadow dimension (hence the name) where time and space have different rules. However they can summon and shape various types of dimensional energies and use those abilities to enhance mounts, vehicles, and weapons.
They can earn a very good living as couriers or transporting small groups so are typically well equipped and live comfortably.

Shadow Travel

The primary power  of a shadow rider is the ability to enhance their mounts powers to travel between worlds. This works by inscribing a portal on the ground or wall and paying energy to activate it. Once opened the portal stays open for 3d6 seconds allowing anyone who can fit to travel through it. The rider decides where to go when creating the portal (requires an IQ or Navigation (Shadow Space) roll) and travel takes time.The Shadow Space realm is a dim shadowy place with no landmarks or features.If anyone is separated from the rider they will quickly get lost and reappear in the material world when the duration expires. However they have no control over where!

Statistics: Warp (Area Effect,+50%; Can Carry, Extra Heavy, +50%; Costs Fatigue 10 FP, -50%; Divine, -10%; Granted by Familiar, -40%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Requires  Skill Roll (Symbol Drawing), -10%; Slip travel, -25%; Tunnel,+40%; -70%)  30 points..
Riders can increase the Area Effect and reduce the FP cost, though never below 1 FP,
Notes: Slip travel is a modifier to Warp that means you cannot travel instantly, Take the penalty for distance and match it to the identical IQ bonus for preparation time and that is how long the journey takes. Also since this is on an instant power FP cost is paid at activation only, the travel time is really just a special effect.

Additional Abilities

Shadow Riders learn a number of related abilities, most of which are purchased as alternative abilities of Warp for 1/5 cost and have Divine and Granted by Familiar as limitations.
Energy Reserve; Enhanced Dodge; Ghostly Movement; Imbuements (see below); Jumper; Mindlink (Mount); Payload (Cosmic, +50%); Snatcher; Special Rapport (Mount). 
Granted by Familiar can be replaced by a gadget (often clothing or jewelry) which is an item inscribed with symbols and containing horse hair.

Dimensional Imbuements

  • Imbue 1 (10/2):  Crushing Strike; Deafening Display; Forceful Blow;Ghostly Weapon; Stealthy Attack; Traumatic Blow
  • Imbue 2 (20/4): Annihilating Weapon; Arching Shot; Aquatic Operation; Burning Strike; Chameleon Vehicle; Cutting Strike; Dazzling Display; Far Shot; Hasten Vehicle; Phantom Hold; 
  • Imbue 3 (40/8): Aerial Operation; Chilling Strike; Conic Blast; Continuing Attack; Corrosive Strike; Electric Weapon; Incendiary Weapon; Multi-Shot; Penetrating Strike; Phasing Vehicle; Project Blow; Strike of Negation (Dimensional); Superior Life Support; Vacuum Operation.

Umbral Mount

Use Stallion (Dungeon Fantasy 5: Allies, p. 11) and add Extra Legs 8 for +10 points, Mindlink [5]; Special Rapport [5] and +2 IQ (for IQ 8) for 185 points.
Ally is built on 75% (for 250 point character); 12 or less; Divine, -10%; Summonable, +100%) [12] or at 15 or less for [18].

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