The Heralds Guild

This guild serves to help its members share and spread news and other information. They also work to protect their members from any backlash of spreading the news or unfair harassment.  They primarily protect themselves with the implied threat of spreading bad news (though always factually true) of those who cause them problems. It seems almost everyone, especially those in power, have skeletons in their closet.

All towns and cities in the Commonwealth have chapter houses (usually an Inn or Tavern) where members gather and can swap stories and information.


Rank tends to be informal most of the time, the pecking order tends to be based on who has the hottest news at the time!
  • Rank 0: Runner or Town Crier (typically youths and apprentices)
  • Rank 1: Journeyman or Herald or Messenger
  • Rank 2: Craftsman
  • Rank 3: Master Craftsman
  • Rank 4: Grand Master
  • Rank 5: Illuminated One
Town criers or runners will get the news of the day and run about town shouting it or posting bulletins and flyers. This may be official proclamations from the towns leadership,or news about incidents from near and far that people may find interesting. Its rarely news of major import but they also serve as runners for the Town Watch and Rangers and even for merchants and other guilds such as sales or special events. They eke out a meager (Struggling) living on tips.

Heralds and Messengers tend to be assigned specific areas, groups or even individuals of importance. This is sightly more prestigious than being a Town Crier and typically gets much better tips.

Craftsman and above tend to let those who want the news come to them. Those seeking them out are not looking for the latest gossip or local news, instead they seek histories,  news of far-off events, or secrets not widely known.

Members are typically bards (or those wanting to be one) but Shadow Riders, Lanterns (especially Silver and Winged) and other adventurer types will often join. In particular sages are often of Craftsman or Master Craftsman Rank.
Those who travel from town to town are typically Rank 2 or 3, though lower Rank members may just not be very good at getting and distributing good information frequently enough.

Getting the Story

Members prefer to trade in information with each other and trading in coin is seen as crass and a sign of either ineptitude or lack of anything of real value.
This is usually done as a Quick Contest of Savoir-Faire (Heralds) and often preceded by a successful entertainment at the Inn for a complimentary bonus.
+1 on Success, +2 on Critical Success, +1 or more if the entertainment was a new story.
-1 on a Failure, -2 on a Critical Failure.
Diplomacy can be used instead of Savoir-Faire (Heralds) but at -2 and is how most non members try to get their information.

Special Traits

Claim to Hospitality is available for guild members at 5 points. Though members can be found in every city and most towns, they are rarely wealthy or able to provide decent accommodations. Members are expected to earn their keep but encouraged to watch out for each other by offering local warnings and advice as needed. Exchange of news and gossip tends to be shared over drinks or swapped for other news.  Members tend to be friendly rivals, especially in the same niche (such as two entertainers or town criers).
Diplomatic Immunity can be assigned by nobility or Rank 5 Heralds (who are allowed to do it as a granted authority), though its only granted to Rank 2 and above and only those of notable service. Shadow Riders of no Rank are often eligible, as are those with a general Reputation of +2 and higher.
Gesture (Heralds) is a secret sign language used by guild members to discretely talk with each other. It is typically used for warnings or to shills in your audience.

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