Tuesday, September 22, 2020

TTJP Season 1 Session 13

 Final episode before the break!

GM's Recap

Casting: Tiger Team!

  • Jian Wu (Two) (Christian) 8M, strong guy
  • Jiao Ting (Eight) (Chris D) 8M
  • Liang Jing Min (Five) (Randy) 8M, Noble, on the outs with family
  • Nongmin Chushi (Seven) (Rory) 8M, says he talks to spirits, inquisitive and charming more than creepy despite possibly being insane.
  • Shang Yi (One) (Calvin) 8M, natural leader and archer.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (Nine) (Laurie) 8F, sorcerer specializing in healing.
  • He Bohi (Eleven) 8M, Twin, grew up near the docks.
  • He Donghai (Twelve) 8M, grew up near the docks.
  • He Qing (Four) 9M, bully of the group.
  • Laoshu (Three aka Mouse) 9F, quiet and good with a knife.
  • Meiyou Ren (Six) M Also good with a knife
  • Rang Baozhai (Ten) 11F, our bookworm and nerd.

The Green Seer

Our team, minus the twins and Qing who remained at camp followed the elderly lady to her treehouse. Its a big tree and a big house. We made idle conversation while she finished making donner, surprisingly having more than enough for all of us. She explained there were blood speakers who sneak into the valley from time to time stealing the chi from the plants and such here. Most of the group did not quite get it, though Chushi and Zhige definitely did. After the nice venison stew she gave us some fantastic dumplings and candied fruit.  Not sure why some others were nervous, no one who is that good a cook can be bad right? Chushi is quite sure its a rule that good cooking is one of the best signs of good hospitality.

Anyhow, she told us a few things but it was mostly chit chat and good eating. Chushi decided to see if the tree would talk to him and it did, sorta. He invited it in (Channeling) but as usual he was not able to hear what it was saying. His friends tried, but were unhelpful as they described he was talking in weird sounds. The elderly lady, who had identified herself as the Green Seer smacked him to snap him out of it.  As dinner ended she offered to teach Zhige and Chushi if they wanted to come back, both eagerly accepted and the group headed back to camp.
Apparently Qing had hit He Bohi and given him a back eye. We shared food with the group and in the middle of the night Qing was mysteriously beaten with sticks in his bedroll.
Next day we headed back, horses a little less cooperative this time so it took longer. They also did not seem interested in our offerings of food. When we arrived we were told we were light and proudly replied we had trouble with the horses but brought all the wood and plenty of smoked meat. Because we killed a bear!  and Ghosts!!!
We got a mildly satisfied grunt in return and told to put it all away.
It was very late by the time we were done but we got to sleep in a bit, it was almost dawn when we were woken up for the days task.  Running. Up stairs, downstairs, repeat. A lot.
Bohi fell down the stars and hurt himself pretty badly, Zhige healed him, mostly and we continued. Mouse told her she had seen Qing trip him. On lunch break the group discussed options for dealing with Qing, though Ting wanted nothing to do with it.  Jing Min suggested breaking his arm but in the end we did nothing.
The next day was a lot more running, this time just in circles though and a few were exhausted but no injuries this time. That afternoon we were in a sparring match with another group, the Monkeys. We lost but not too badly, Chushi did not do well at all.
Our Trainer declared we had spirit at least, and as we were deemed healthy enough we could begin our unarmed combat training.


No game next week, one of the players is moving so we skip a week. Also this is a time skip as we will have three years training before the next session.
Fun game, we were a bit rowdy, almost felt like an in person game!

Monday, September 14, 2020

TTJP Season 1 Session 12 Beware of Ghosts!

GM Link Session 12 Part 2

Casting: Tiger Team!

  • Jian Wu (Two) (Christian) 8M, strong guy
  • Jiao Ting (Eight) (Chris D) 8M
  • Liang Jing Min (Five) (Randy) 8M, Noble, on the outs with family
  • Nongmin Chushi (Seven) (Rory) 8M, says he talks to spirits, inquisitive and charming more than creepy despite possibly being insane.
  • Shang Yi (One) (Calvin) 8M, natural leader and archer.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (Nine) (Laurie) 8F, sorcerer specializing in healing.
  • He Bohi (Eleven) 8M, Twin, grew up near the docks.
  • He Donghai (Twelve) 8M, grew up near the docks.
  • He Qing (Four) 9M, bully of the group.
  • Laoshu (Three aka Mouse) 9F, quiet and good with a knife.
  • Meiyou Ren (Six) M Also good with a knife
  • Rang Baozhai (Ten) 11F, our bookworm and nerd.

 A day off, what to do?  We talk about it a bit, some opt to relax around camp but most decide to go exploring. We follow a trail for a bit to a fork and opt for the less traveled one to the left.

About two hours from our camp we come across a small clearing with a cave and a big triskelion symbol carved into the stone ground. Chushi curiously walks right up to it, whereupon a ghost appears!

Everyone has to make a Fright Check, Chushi makes his possibly because though startled he thinks its likely a friendly spirit. Mouse of course makes here check, because well shes mouse! Chushi is startled (Not having Combat Reflexes that can happen a lot) so loses his first turn in surprise but cheerfully says ho to the ghost as it approaches him.

The Fight!

The ghost impolitely ignores Chushi's greeting and attacks him!  Chushi takes 2 FP damage and decides its not a friendly ghost,it has him grappled. He opts to run away but its not his turn so...  Mouse runs up and stabs the ghost to no effect, followed by half of the party. Rang ponders what she knows about ghosts. Jing Min runs up behind them tugging onto their sleeves suggesting its time to go and Zhige runs up behind Chushi.
Chushi manages to break free (and rolls 5 to resist the FP drain) and though he was going to run off, changes his mind. Not leaving Mouse there! He wonders if his bear claw might hurt it since its a fresh kill.  Right after that Rang calls out there vulnerable to bones so hes more confident in the idea and pulls it out.
Jing Min does the same, Jian Wu comes up and slashes at it with his axe, and Zhige does the first thing to make it nervous and casts a foxfire spell at it, though it dodges. Ting runs up and rushes into it, figuring he has bones but does not hurt it.
Ren and Rang run to the lip above the cave where we saw a bunch of bones.
Ting decides to bloody his knuckles in case it has to be exposed bone and smashes the ground. Unfortunately that releases two more ghosts! He then gets grappled for his trouble, while one ghost heads towards those going for the bones and the other goes after Jing Min.
Things looking kinda dicey here!

Jing Min stabs the first ghost and hurts it! Drawing first blood! Zhiges foxfire comes around for another pass (cool spell) and burns the ghost. Chushi slashes with the bear claw but misses.
Jing Ming backs up and goes for the ghost that came at him from behind, Chushi finishes off the first ghost with a very lucky slash. So half the party is on each remaining ghost and now armed with bones.
Ting gets grappled by the ghost and proceeds to get his energy drained, also he is prone from a really bad dodge attempt. Unfortunately in our efforts to kill the ghost the rest of us hurt him more than the ghost.  Chushi does a Telegraphic horizontal slash so if he misses he wont hit Ting, Zhige tries to heal Ting, and Jin Ming tries an armed grapple using the bone to pull it off Ting. We struggle a few rounds but Jin Wu lands a powerful hit and dispatches that ghost.  Meantime the others finished of their ghost as well.

Chushi figures the ghosts may come back and starts to make a warning sign. While Zhige is healing Ting up (hes still too exhausted to move fast but at least she heals the damage his friends inflicted on him. An old woman appears and tells us what a great job we did, she has been trying to exorcise them for some time but is too old to do much.  Since the ghosts wont be coming back, Chushi changes the sign to read "No more ghosts here, your welcome. Team Tiger"
She then invites us to her place, the right fork.

This Old House

The team follows her back to the house which is a really big and nice place.  Shes cooking venison in the oven and cuts up some greens to make a stew. We ask why another exorcist or warrior wasn't dispatched to help but she informs us some blood sorcerer is summoning them all over the place. We ask if she works for the Order, she laughs and tells she kinda works with the Order, she was here long before they were. Chushi thinks about it carefully but declines to directly ask how old she is, she might think it rude. He wanders around and tries to figure out if she is either a spirit or a Taoist Immortal, maybe even something else.
We end the session here, picking up next week.


See what I did there? 
Next week will likely be our last one before the time skip when we do off screen training and get a year or two older. One player is moving the next week so the timing worked out perfectly.
We started late, after about 30 minutes of chatting but needed no catchup after last time. It was a fun ride and we did surprisingly well.  Luckily their were bones available and we had the bear claws to help out.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

TTJP Season 1 Session 11 The Tiger Team Lumberjacks!

After completing the choosing or initiation test  our group is moved to new barracks and given a days rest before their next assignment.

GM Link Session 11

Casting: Tiger Team!

  • Jian Wu (Two) (Christian) 8M, strong guy
  • Jiao Ting (Eight) (Chris D) 8M
  • Liang Jing Min (Five) (Randy) 8M, sorcerer
  • Nongmin Chushi (Seven) (Rory) 8M, says he talks to spirits, inquisitive and charming more than creepy despite possibly being insane.
  • Shang Yi (One) (Calvin) 8M, natural leader and archer.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (Nine) (Laurie) 8F, sorcerer specializing in healing.
  • He Bohi (Eleven) 8M, Twin, grew up near the docks.
  • He Donghai (Twelve) 8M, grew up near the docks.
  • He Qing (Four) 9M, bully of the group.
  • Laoshu (Three aka Mouse) 9F, quiet and good with a knife.
  • Meiyou Ren (Six) M Also good with a knife
  • Rang Baozhai (Ten) 11F, our bookworm and nerd.

GURPS Lumberjacking!

So the first assignment under our new teacher is basically a team building exercise. Were given a cart and sent to the southern end of the valley to cut firewood. We have to bring back 3,000 pounds of firewood in 5 days. Naturally no one knows how to drive a cart, or even ride a horse. Chushi has Animal Handling (Goats) and that seems our best shot so he introduces himself to the horse, which kind of ignores him and figures "Didnt bite me! Good enough" and he drives the cart. Afew who have not taken the Hiking skill pile in and the rest walk. Chushi takes his time and gets used to the horse and it to him. The group requisitions with some basic gear, no food, a bow for the archer and a fishing pole for Chushi.
We find a good spot and most of the group decides to cut wood, but a few go off looking for food. Yi has the bow so goes hunting,while Ting and Zhige go out foraging.

Day 1 Woodcutting
  • He Bohai (+30%) 112.32 lbs
  • He Donghai (+25%) 108 lbs
  • He Qing (+0%) 76.8 lbs.
  • Meiyou Ren (+35%) 155.52 lbs.
  • Jian Wu (+10%) 116.16 lbs.
  • Liang Jing Min (+35%) 103.68
  • Chushi (+30%) 99.84
  • Rang Baozhai (Leadership) (+35%) 
    • Sub-Total: 772.32 lbs Total: 1,042.64 lbs
  • Sheng Yi (Hunting) Wasted 1st/400 lb. deer 2nd
  • Jiao Ting (Foraging) +10 meals
  • Zhiyu Zhige (Foraging) +8 meals
So 1/3 the wood we need on day 1 and 18 meals from our foragers plus the deer. However there was a complication. The 8 year old Sheng Yi was unable to bring the 400 pound deer back on his own and had to come back for help. When some people (5 of us) went to get it (notably those with Survival so we can butcher it properly) we found a bear had just come across it and was looking it over. Chushi wanted to back away and told the group to back away slowly. The bear however was pretty angry and reared up to challenge us. Sheng Yi promptly shot it with an arrow in the vitals so running away no longer an option.
Zhige tried to do something magical but nothing we could see happened, Meiyou charged with her axe and hit it, followed by Chushi getting in a lucky shot. Several of us gang up on the bear doing all out attacks to make up for our low skills (as in most using default axe) and though it takes a few swipes the shock penalties and some lucky rolls we manage to kill it without it actually hitting anyone. 
Chushi skins and dresses the bear (bad roll losing a lot of good ,meat and the deer (much better roll) getting 400 lbs. of bear and 280 lbs. of deer meat.

Day 2 
  • He Bohai (+30%) 112.32 lbs
  • He Donghai (+15%) 95.04 lbs
  • He Qing (+15%) 88.32 lbs.
  • Meiyou Ren (+50%) 172.8 lbs.
  • Sheng Yi (+30%) 99.84 lbs.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (+35%) 103.68 lbs.
  • Jian Wu (+30%) 91.52 lbs
  • Liang Jing Min (+10%) 84.48 lbs.
  • Rang Baozhai (Leadership) (+25%) 
    •  Sub-Total: 948 lbs. Total: 1,060 lbs.
  • Chushi (Smoke Meat)
  • Jiao Ting (Gather Water/Smoke Meat)
  • Jian Wu (Made Smoker)
  • Mouse (On Watch)
Day 3
  • He Bohai (+0%) 86.4 lbs
  • He Donghai (+15%) 99.36 lbs
  • He Qing (+5%) 80.64 lbs.
  • Meiyou Ren (+15%) 132.48 lbs.
  • Sheng Yi (+25%) 96 lbs.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (+35%) 103.68 lbs.
  • Jian Wu (+45%) 153.12 lbs
  • Liang Jing Min (+30%) 99.84 lbs.
  • Rang Baozhai (Leadership) (+25%)
    •  Sub-Total: 851.52 Total: 1064.4
4th Day
  • He Bohai (+35%) 116.64 lbs
  • He Donghai (+10%) 95.04 lbs
  • He Qing (+15%) 88.32 lbs.
  • Meiyou Ren (+50%) 172.8 lbs.
  • Sheng Yi (+25%) 96 lbs.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (+20%) 92.16 lbs.
  • Jian Wu (+40%) 107.52 lbs
  • Liang Jing Min (+30%) 99.84 lbs.
  • Sub-Total: 868.32
    • Total: 1128.82 Rang Baozhai (Leadership) (+30%)

At this point we reached our goal and will spend a day exploring or relaxing before heading back. Our cart will be full of excess meat thats been smoked for 3 days so should last and well have stories to tell about how we took down a bear.


So the numbers above are probably not interesting but I decided to include them anyway. It shows just how good GURPS is about handling all kinds of things if you want it to..
The GM could easily have set an arbitrary amount and had us make a die roll to see if we made it or not, instead he pulled out some rules,mostly from GURPS Low Tech and used the figure ST *0.8 for amount of wood per hour, we opted to work 12 hours most of us, our lazy bully only did 8 hours a day. Also we got a bonus from Extra Effort and Leadership to increase efficiency. The rules for how much meat and how long it took to cut it up and smoke it were also from the Low Tech series of books.

Also were kids but were extraordinary kids who will hopefully one day be notable adults.  So we have a lot of high wills, many adding Single-Minded, Less Sleep, and Reduced Consumption.

We had fun socializing and organizing ourselves, then killing the bear. A few got to show off some of our skills and abilities. These first several sessions were just kids in a secret martial arts school so its more about getting to know each other and character growth than exotic adventures.

Friday, September 4, 2020

TTJP B-Team Season 1, Episodes 9 & 10 A Fresh Beginning

This was our first and second session of the new characters. Also we picked up a new player (Randy) giving us 5 players in the group. With an announcement that another one would be taking over one of the NPCs for a total of 6 players.

GM Link Session 9

GM Link Session 10

Basic Concept

This new group is a bunch of youngsters 8 to 12 living in a monastery kind of thing called the Order. There are twelve kids per creche, each creche has a "minder"or chaperone till they are old and fit enough to begin formal training. Some of us have been here several years, brought in as orphans or sold to the Order.

The Order is a powerful training and quasi military organization run by the Empire that patrols the land and its borders looking for monsters, rebels, and unrest.  Pretty much anything that can pose a threat to the empire. The outlined plan is to have several sessions then a break of a year or two game time, then repeat the cycle a few times till were all adults. GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School will be used to help with training, and of course as its a Wuxia/Xianxia setting GURPS Martial Arts will be essential for its additional rules and listed martial styles.

This format has an advantage over the "You all meet at an Inn" in that our characters grow up knowing each other. Also the training sequence lets us figure out our characters as we slowly build them (25 point templates plus bonus to start, and most of us reserved much of the bonus points). So we can interact with the other players and the environment so we grow organically and hopefully cohesively. This will be my first time but two of the players already did this in the GMs prior campaign (Ceteri).

So with the intro out of the way....


  • Jian Wu (Two) (Christian) 8M, strong guy
  • Jiao Ting (Eight) (Chris D) 8M
  • Liang Jing Min (Five) (Randy) 8M, sorcerer
  • Nongmin Chushi (Seven) (Rory) 8M, says he talks to spirits, inquisitive and charming more than creepy despite possibly being insane.
  • Shang Yi (One) (Calvin) 8M, natural leader and archer.
  • Zhiyu Zhige (Nine) (Laurie) 8F, sorcerer specializing in healing.
  • He Bohi (Eleven) 8M, Twin, grew up near the docks.
  • He Donghai (Twelve) 8M, grew up near the docks.
  • He Qing (Four) 9M, bully of the group.
  • Laoshu (Three aka Mouse) 9F, quiet and good with a knife.
  • Meiyou Ren (Six) M Also good with a knife
  • Rang Baozhai (Ten) 11F, our bookworm and nerd.

The Choosing

The creche is out working the farm when were all called in early through the ringing of the bells. Were led to an auditorium and told to take a seat. Each seat has a backpack next to it, most refrain from examining it though the curious Chushi does. It has some clothing, money, a knife, and some basics.

The grandmaster of the Order walks in and tells us it is our time of choosing. We must decide to leave the Order or stay. If we stay we will not be later permitted to leave until we graduate as we will learn some of the Orders secrets. Those who stay are tasked with going up a nearby mountain and retrieving a Jade Heart flower. Were then dismissed!

Most of the crowd chooses to stay, one of our creche departs, the rest head up the mountain after determining that Chushi at least knows what the flower looks like. Many of the other creches have obviously not hiked before and run, we pass them exhausted along the way as we slowly but steadily pace ourselves. The one who left (Rang Baozhai) also catches up with us after changing her mind on leaving.

The first real obstacle is a short cliff face they have to climb up. Taking our time, using the provided equipment, and helping each other gives us a+5 Task Modifier; trouble is some have to resort to default Climbing skill, which is DX-5! Chushi fails and falls for 1 HP damage, another falls for 6 and has to be healed by Zhige.

Session is then called due to real life drama.

Look! Man Eating Plants!

Next session the group continues on up the mountain until just above the snowline we spot a bush of Jade Heart Flowers up on a rocky outcropping. Qing shoves pas the group to get the flowers first and as the rest of us advance Jing Min is grappled by a plant off to our right. He does not take it very well and screams in a squeeky voice as he panics (18 on Will roll)! Chushi is hit in the chest with a sharp thorn hurled by another plant. It hurts, a LOT but he keeps his calm as the others, now wary spread out and forward.
The two plants do not survive the 11 children attacking them, though we get pretty banged up.  Its a big fight and hard for Chushi to track everything, but some notable highlights were...
  • Zhige yanked out the thorn from Chushi's chest (causing more damage and evoking a scream, but a semi manly one at least -just ask him!) but she heals his damage and he charges one of the plants.
  • Ting does an impressive belly flop on a plant, trying either a flying tackle or pretending to jump into bed, we cant tell.
  • Mouse really impresses anyone watching with her combat skill, didnt miss or fail to dodge once!
  • The plants are tough to cut with our knives but really flammable as Wu guesses. Confirmed by Jing Min walking into a spore could and one plant exploding on those fighting it. No one really objects though, the knives weren't doing much after all. Speaking of which, Baozhai helpfully remembers they are highly flammable about the time Jing Min walks up to one with a lit torch.
  • Zhige is not to be trifled with or annoyed. She kicked Qing in the groin for 6 HP! after he got down from the rock with his flower and laughed about the rest of us (who were still fighting).
  • It pays to listen to Yi as his directions helped us in the fight.
Chushi as a good gardener gets up on the rock and cuts out 11 flowers for the rest while doing his best to make sure the plant survives.  While up there he notices a cave a short distance away.  Climbing back down, slowly and with Jin Min's torchlight to guide him (getting dark) he tells the group about the cave as he passes out the flowers. Assuming no bear or other wild animal it might be a good shelter to rest while they recover from the battle,  However the group decided its not worth the risk as they have to return by dawn anyway. Undaunted Chushi opts to explore the cave anyhow while everyone else rests or gets healed. Jin Min carefully follows at a safe distance to keep an eye on him.  

Its not a deep cave and no bears, but inside is a hole in the ceiling providing plenty of light and some white jade heart flowers! Chushi asks the spirits if its ok to pick them and after a few minutes with no obvious objection he carefully does so.  He gets 11 flowers (the most he safely can) and carefully puts them in his pouch. The group ties some ropes together to make it easier getting back down that cliff, though sadly the last length unravels and Qing falls down, hurting himself a bit.  Hey, he insisted on going first!

The group makes its way back in plenty of time, not the first to rive but not the last either. They made sure to stick together, Wu even carrying Ting part of the way as he was still hurt. Chushi distributed the white Jade Flowers to everyone but Qing whom he determined the spirit of the cave did not want to get one for his behavior. No one seem to comment on the matter either way.

When we arrived the teachers took stock, made sure we passed the test and complimented us on killing two Dark Flowers. Apparently they lose several children a year to them on these quests. Chushi thanked them for letting us know ahead of time. The Alchemist made a tincture of all the flowers with each student getting one, he said we could drink it for its healing and health benefits or sell, as we choose. He was surprised at the white flowers  and asked Chushi f he knew what they were and how rare? Chushi only knew it was a mythical plant and when queried said he found it in a cave. Oddly enough neither he nor Jin Min could exactly recall quite how to find it again.


Fun game, our first with a new player. The flower rewards were a nice benefit (Green +5 pts, White +15 pts towards HT or a health related advantage - more if we let them steep a year or more). This was an obvious plot device to keep the group together as we all need HT 12 (including Fit bonus) to begin Intensive Training and not everyone in the group met that requirement.
It was kind of funny as the GM was mildly pained when the group opted not to go into the cave, I mean it was a pretty obvious hook but smart money was not exploring it since we had what we came for and were pretty banged up.  Luckily Chushi is more curious than smart (10 point disadvantage) and the GMs efforts were not foiled.

I got a better feel for Chushi and its still early yet with lots of tests and trials to shape him but with this adventure I filled out more of his concept and goals.  Currently looking at a Druid/Shaman or given that were also Martial Artists maybe a Ranger/Shaman without the bow (he started with Channeling and was going to be a shaman, had Green Thumb 2 but that was mostly for his cooking). Also going to play up the talks to spirits angle a bit more, its kinda fun. Shaman seem to be rarer than Sorcerers and of course martial artists so not everyone is sure about his ability. Especially the kids. Initially I had planned for more an urban than rural shaman as I expect most noncombat activity to occur in town and he will still be good in town since hes the designated Face.
The GM is still working out details but so far most shamanic abilities are heavily geared towards outdoors and reviewing that material plus the lucky plant plot seem good indicators.