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Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 11 Attacking the Bandit Camp
Monday, November 25, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 10 The Battle of the Pigs
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
Back at WolfTrap
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 9 Recon and a bargain
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
Bandit Camp
Back in Town
Monday, November 4, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 8 Logistics is a Pain
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
Utility of a Shen
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 7 Bargains Made
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
Relic Recovery
Pretty Snake
Bargain Complete
Aersalus Season 1, Session 5 & 6
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
Marching Home
Friday, October 11, 2024
Looking at Wealth in GURPS
Having more money is an advantage and less a disadvantage as it affects your starting capabilities. However, access to wealth is more complicated and will be very campaign specific. For instance, after the campaign begins how do you continue to get income? Jobs, passive income, or adventuring?
There are a number of options, but they have been expanded upon
in supplements so here is an overall look.
Starting Wealth
see p. B25
You start off with a base amount of money and goods assigned by
the GM, typically based on Tech Level (p. B27). Then pick your Wealth level
which can be a disadvantage or advantage and modifies that base starting
amount. Partial Multi-Millionaire (GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners,
and Transports; p. 26) offers additional fine tuning.
This can get very expensive, but fair is fair, starting with a
lot of money is a huge advantage.
Additional fine tuning can be done using one or more of the
Signature Gear (p. B85) gives 50% of the average (not your
own) campaign starting wealth per point. There are a couple of caveats that
come with this too.
Signature Assets (GURPS Spaceships 2, p. 27)
I an enhancement to Wealth that multiplies starting wealth by 5% per +1% but
only towards SM+2 assets, say a starship. It is capped at +20% for +100% of
starting wealth (yours not the campaign average as it’s applied to the Wealth
You can also trade points for money (p. B26).
Finally, you could apply Potential Advantage (p. B33) Heir to
Wealth, meaning you pay half cost but get half the starting wealth at the beginning.
This one can be abusive though so GMs should be wary as Wealth increases multiplicativity
you can get more than you paid for.
All of this affects how much you start the campaign with, not how
much you earn on a regular basis. Though certain levels of Wealth may be a prerequisite
for certain jobs.
Income During Play
Generally, you get money from working or adventuring. Independent
Income and Debt (p. B26) can represent passive income or regular expenses. This
is limited to 20% of your starting wealth. But unlike Trading Points for Money
or Signature Gear this is affected by your Wealth level.
Ongoing Expenses
This includes Debt, Cost of Living (p. B265), and whatever comes
That it?
For most campaigns the above is probably just fine. You know how
much you start with and have ways to get more money during the game, even a base
line cost of living.
But there should be some other options, so here are some ideas.
Patrons and Benefactors
A Patron (p. B72) is a government, organization, or person who
helps you out. Make the Appearance Roll and they offer some aid or advice. The
Equipment modifier (+50% or +100%) means they will give you gear.
Hmm, asking for a loan you don’t have to pay back is rather like income,
isn’t it?
So Patron (Sponsor, Fans, etc.) with Equipment, +50% can give you
campaign average starting wealth. More for the +100% level! This could just as
easily be a reliable supplier of goods for you to sell.
Not as dependable as Independent Income but it is another
possible source of income or goods. Minimal Intervention is also an obvious limitation.
But what about say the scientist looking for help to cover
inventing costs or a captain looking for a new ship?
Patron (Bank/Investor)
You have a good track record of borrowing money and paying it
back. Banks or investors are willing to loan you money because they are confident,
they will get it back with interest or another bonus. How much you can get is limited
by the Patrons’ assets.
Equipment (+50%) gives you up to campaign starting wealth.
Failing the Appearance roll means you couldn’t reach them, or they just did not
want or could not offer you the money.
Minimal Intervention (-50%) You get what they think you
need is a fair way to price the Patron choosing if the loan is appropriate or
Temporary Disadvantage (Duty or Debt) lasts until you pay
them back. Debt is easy, just pay that amount each month. Duty might mean you
get sent on jobs for them to pay them off, or perhaps just to cover the
interest till you pay back what you borrowed.
Signature Assets (+1% and up) if it were allowed can give
you +5% more money per +1%. +50% would be +250% of your Starting Wealth (up to
the Patrons resource limit). Since Equipment (+100%) does not mention a limit
this seems weaker or less valuable. However, I like the idea of it being tied
to your Wealth advantage (normally minimally useful after the campaign start)
and an actual cap the player and GM both already know rather than an arbitrary
limit the GM applies if just using Equipment (+100%).
Lets wrap this all into a new modifier to keep things simple and
avoid confusion with how the modifiers may normally work.
Enhanced Credit
This modifier to Patron (usually a bank but might be anyone
willing to lend) represents your value to them as a reputable borrower. When
you want to ask for equipment or money from a Patron make its Appearance roll
and submit the request. Administration or other skills may help, and the Patron
decides what is appropriate and reasonable as far as the loan is concerned.
Success allows you to borrow up to 50% of your Starting Wealth (not the
campaign average). The value of the loan should be limited to what can
reasonably be expected to be paid back or written off. Resource Value (GURPS
Boardroom and Curia, p. 10) is a good cap on what can be written off. Repayments
should include interest or other benefits to the Patron. GURPS Spaceships
2: Traders, Liners, and Transports (p. 27) has suggestions for a space campaign,
otherwise use what is appropriate for the setting.
Statistics: Enhanced Credit is a metatrait consisting of
the following. Equipment, +50%; Minimal Intervention, -50%; Signature Assets,
+10%; and Temporary Disadvantage, Duty, -10%. +0%.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Review of GURPS Power-Ups 10: Skill Trees
This is really an Alternate GURPS type of Supplement. I personally love skills over classes, however skill lists can be pretty long - especially in a game system designed to support all genres and settings.
GURPS Power-Ups 9: Alternate Attributes offers ideas for adding to or replacing the primary attribute set and this does something similar for skills.
In GURPS you roll against attribute + skill to accomplish most tasks. Picking a good mix of skills lets you fine tune a character to suit your tastes and needs. This lets multiple characters of the same basic type or role feel very different. However, it can be overwhelming and new players often miss important skills.
Even experienced players can do this, or misremember a skill and what it does. Wildcard skills (introduced in GURPS Basic) are one way to deal with this problem but they are very cinematic. GURPS Power-Ups 7 Wildcard Skills explores and expands upon them.
GURPS Power-Ups 10: Skill Trees is another way of handling this issue, less cinematic and more like Talents. Skills are grouped into broad categories called Trunks with subcategories of Branches, Twigs, and Leaves.
This feels more like a narrative game if used and the concept is more intuitive than a long skill list.
For example you could have a Trunk called "Animal" (listed in the supplement) and animal skills are included in it. You can do the same with Talents but they have at least two drawbacks.
- If the affected list is large enough its often just as good to just buy the the primary attribute.
- With a high enough Talent you can be just as good using a skill at default plus Talent as a trained person. I never really liked that myself.
- In many cases the Talent does not cover as much as you would like, notably trivial rarely used skills are rarely explicitly included. Power-Ups 3:Talents mentions the idea of simply including some of those for free but it can be a time taker at the game table.
Some Examples
Monday, September 9, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 4 The Bloodbath
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
The Blood Filled Dawn
Blood, Lots of Blood
Friday, August 30, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 3
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
Wolftrap, Day 3 and 4
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
GURPS High Dives and Cliff Diving
I have a character in a campaign who is part water spirit and one of his gimmicks is being a great swimmer and diver, also a water mage sailor.
For reference he has Swimming -17; Amphibious; Breath Holding 2; Catfall (Accessibility, only to land in water, -50%); Temperature Tolerance 2; and the perk Smooth Diver. The latter lets him dive without making a splash.
We came across a cliff over the water outside town and he wanted to cliff dive from it. The skill penalty appeared to make this an impossible task. Since it was a 100 yard tall cliff that irked me a bit but not by much as it is a ridiculously high height to jump form. However, it appeared that normal heights also seemed way too hard to do. So I went to the forums!
After a few days reviewing the rules and discussing them on the Steve Jackson Games GURPS forums I came up with a reasonable chance at making more normal cliff dives.
The results are....
GURPS Diving
Special Thoughts
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Aersalus Season 1, Session 1&2
The Cast of B-Team (Aersalus)
The Trek Begins
Forestry Team, led by Riato a woodsinger and forester
Mining Resources Team led by Jarrah?
Goal is to survey and map the areaAid Team #1 (Us) led by Listens to Ocean
Our team is going to be based in Wolftrap but will circumnavigate the area. We are to bring justice to the towns, collect taxes, and increase prosperity and well being of the regions citizens. Listens is an accomplished spellsinger, Ministry trained healer, Shen (shaman), and magistrate so is leading the team. He also has good experience with working people, being a long time fisherman and sailor. The team also includes a taxman (Altan
ru Chuulaii) to collect the taxes. Since dispensing justice and collecting taxes are not too popular we also have three capable bodyguard's and security people who are also good at other things, helping the teams versatility and overall mission.Rhum and Unit 7 are both very strong and Trapper provides ranged support.Aid Team #2
Player Summary
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
GURPS Golfing
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Looking at GURPS Streetwise
Streetwise is one of the influence skills, meaning it can be used to replace a reaction roll in the appropriate circumstances. It is an Average skill, typical of them, though Carousing is Easy and Diplomacy is Hard, the rest are all Average skills.
What do the rules say its used for?
GURPS Basic, p. 223 says its the skill to get along in rough company and "You may substitute an Influence roll against Streetwise for any reaction roll made in an underworld or “bad neighborhood” situation; see Influence Rolls (p. 359)."
GURPS Social Engineering, p. 30 says "Streetwise isn’t the same as Intimidation; the latter makes you seem dangerous and hostile, while the former conveys that you know your way around. "
This can be a bit risky as a failed Influence roll (p. B359) can get you a worse reaction than not using an influence skill, and the roll is resisted by Will. So if you are going to rely on it its a good idea to be very good at it.
Additionally the skill lets you ask for information among criminals and seeming like you belong there rather than are an undercover enforcement officer or perhaps a criminal rival. Specifically it helps you find the criminal element, or those catering to it (such as corrupt police), know a good bribe price, and perhaps find the local "action".
It is not used to buy things (use Merchant) but at least it can help you seem like a legitimate customer and perhaps find venders of illegal wares. Also Streetwise at 12+ cancels the normal -3 to Merchant for buying illegal goods.
Overall a decent skill, but can be risky to use and perhaps lacks flavor and oomph for that cinematic expert. So here are some additional suggestions.
1) Allow Optional Specialization (p. B169) for certain types of criminal elements. Examples Docks/Ports; Gangs; Neighborhoods; etc.
2) Add techniques such as...
Fits In (H) Streetwise-3, purchased up to Streetwise (at 4 points) to offset the penalty for obviously being a stranger in the area.
Cutting Out (H) Streetwise-4 to pick an individual out of a group to use your skill on. Social Engineering, p. 81)
Hinting (H) Streetwise+0 (up to Streetwise +6) for being subtle enough in your questions that observers might not pick up on it. (Social Engineering, p. 81).
I really like this one as its often a good idea to be discreet when asking about illegal activities!
3) Certain perks and other advantages can of course also help. "In the Know" (Social Engineering, p. 79) grants +2 to finding an illegal connection, such as a fence.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Star Heist: End of Mission 1
After six game session the team completed their first mission. It was loosely based on an old and frankly not very good movie called "Deadlier than the Male".
After the game we did a post session summary and the two players left (one had to go to work) seemed happy. Two NPCs Dr. Kirkpatrick (Ugler healer) and Captain Slater (Human analyst) did a lot of work in the background that helped out. However, no one seemed to feel they were overwhelming or too important to the game. They contributed information that the players were able to use but it was mostly behind the scenes and they were not involved in decision making.
I think that they filled roles the players had not really focused on and did not make any big decisions for the group was a big contributor to them seeming useful and fun to interact with but not taking any of the spotlight away from the player characters.
Notable NPCs..
Dr. Kirkpatrick is the ships doctor and was useful in saving one PC's life as well as providing opinions and detail on autopsies and medical reports. Also helped the team diplomat with psych profiling.
Captain Slater is the ships captain and mission lead but his specialty is statistical analysis, this was intended to help me give the players guidance if they got stuck and to spend the required hours of research and slogging through paperwork that many cases would require but would be rather boring to the players. With him going through the paperwork and videotapes they could focus on more active tasks.
Sam and Snick are the ships engineers, mostly intended to keep the ship running and repair things. They had some interaction with the players but were very much background characters.
Bear the security specialist was intended to protect the ship so the players don't have to and to act as reinforcements if they got into a fight. Mostly background, some interaction but he stayed out of things this mission.
JJ the ships pilot (PC) did some Streetwise, that did not directly help but got them a taste of the bad guys when one of them tried to assainate him with a poisoned cigar. Other than that he mostly played chauffer. That is the job of the teams driver/pilot but I want him to be able to get more directly involved, this is the area I feel the most disappointed in so far. If the player remains only the chauffeur I feel he will get bored and so I am hoping he comes up with some directions to grow in that we can work with.
He with the long name that I cannot pronounce and hence cant remember is the groups decker and rigger. Still concerned with the robot allies and being good enough at driving to make the JJ feel redundant but so far it hasn't come up much. He was frustrated at not being able to use his computer hacking abilities but the players opted for a mostly law abiding team and role which hampers the effectiveness of one who is mostly designed to break into other peoples computers. However, the player is smart enough to know this was going to be an issue so its more of a challenge to work around than a serious obstacle, so far anyway. He did get to hack one persons computer which got them the really big clue they needed to decide the case so we both felt good about that.
Duri the diplomat (final PC) did the bulk of the front and center work as this was mostly a working the people kind of mission. I think everything went well there and he was not greedy about the center stage, just that is the way the cards fell. I suspect his character will be the most useful most of the time as talking to people is rarely illegal and tends to come up a lot.
I explained the roles of the ships crew in more detail at the end of the last game. Paying for a ship and its crew is a bit extravagant so they have other duties. Captain Slater, Dr. Kirkpatrick, and the engineers can review various cases by going through paperwork and making recommendations. So they can cover a lot of rather routine cases as background and earn their keep that way. The full team is only needed for major cases and the field team is mostly the PCs with occasional help and support from the NPCs.
General GM Thoughts
Saturday, June 8, 2024
The Research Skill in GURPS
For my Star Heist campaign I expect the Research skill to see a lot of use and wanted to add some detail. Obviously you can apply task difficulty modifiers for more difficult questions, but some research should take more or less time - especially in a world with computers and a version of the internet readily available!
So here is a version I came up with, thought I would share.
see p. B217
Research is a common task in the Star Heist setting, and
computers greatly speed it up. The default time for a Research roll is based on
the complexity of the question.
Trivial: Summed up in a short sentence and something
commonly asked. Search databases are used to these questions, making for fast
and accurate answers. Time 1 turn, +4 to skill. Examples:
Nearest place to eat or shop for common item.
Simple: Typically, one or two sentence questions with one
or two simple qualifiers. Time, up to a minute, no task modifier. Examples: The best place in town for a good steak.
Average: A question with several parameters but not a
complicated subject matter and one with plenty of data available. Time, 5
minutes, no task modifier.
Complex: Typically, on a specialized subject, often a
scientific or legal question that requires precision and detail. Time 1 hour,
-2 to -5 skill, complementary skill bonus.
Amazing: This is something on the level of research for an
academic paper, involving multiple refinements to the search after reviewing
results. Another skill is typically required to properly refine the questions.
Time, 1 day, -5 to -10 skill.
Comprehensive: Sometimes more than a single answer is needed, even the top few answers might not provide enough data. For example trying to research a world to prepare for an expedition. In this case multiple people can assist. Let each researcher make a skill roll suited to their own capability and skill mix and compile everything into one neat package. Alternatively researchers may assist the overall project by taking on some of the workload, in which case each competent assistant (Skill 12+) can offer a complementary roll to the overall project. This is only applicable on large data as with small projects multiple researchers tread too much of the same ground and may even confuse things with conflicting bias.
Computer Software can be a great help here. Most computers will
have search programs available; this is considered basic tools. However, a
search routine and database optimized for the subject gets a quality bonus (+1
or +2) and reduces the time spent by one step.
As one might note, it is inspired by the Invention rules, with the time and penalties lowered and the addition of the Trivial category. For a cinematic campaign, or one where the person making the skill check might be an AI additional traits might apply. For example why not a variant of Gadgettering to further reduce time and penalties?
As a friend remarked, this setup can be applied to other skills, I intend to use it for science skills for example.
Monday, April 1, 2024
Game Session: Star Heist, Session 0
We had our first session, which was an introduction. We talked over some things and dealt with some questions. A few rules questions, the players all have an older version of GURPS Ultra-Tech than I which has a few errata and other differences. Notably TL11 for Rainbow Lasers and the setting is TL10.
Some questions about the laws and legal systems among various worlds. Who knew that adventurers might want o play fast and loose with the law?
We introduced the characters to each other and they got their mission brief so they have two weeks to make plans and ask questions which will represent their 4 week trip.
Adam (JoeJim): Psychically linked twins and the starship pilot.
Geoff (Sigretto Leiter al-Biq): Decker, Rigger, part cyborg, and wannebe combat monster with a bionic arm. Not sure how all the allies are going to work and I have serious reservations about the arm but we shall see.
Bo (Tickle): Diplomat and trained martial artist. Uses Escrima with some high tech sticks (neurolash) so should be pretty effective.
Exeter (Starship): SM+9 research vessel, 4g Reactionless, Jump 4.
Ben Slater: Mission Lead, Analyst, ships captain.
Bear: Bloodkatt, 6 legged cat that looks like a small panther (SM-1), old Sargent type (not a Drill Instructor). Knight! making him a combat monster and also ships Tactical Officer/Gunner.
Dr. KIrkpatrick: Healer!, ships medic and a Ugler (small bird like alien's).
Sam: Asst. Engineer, a leathery starfish shaped individual, very curious and loves taking things apart just to put hem back together.
Snick: Chief Engineer, a reptile man, much more serious than his assistant.
So one of the player characters is crew, the other two are passengers but everyone works for the insurance company. as the Pc pilot is effectively two characters this lets the players do the field work with a solid crew to watch the ship and provide occasional backup. the ship has room for a few more people, especially if they will take bunk rooms. This gives me mission flexibility.
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Star Heist: Campaign Notes 3/30/2024
Three players, a Decker, Diplomat, and Pilot in the campaign starting this Sunday. The Decker has been a pain, due to wanting lots of Allies and some odd choices. I had hoped to have listed a good amount of programs to help everyone do their jobs, and the ships crew fully fleshed out.
However, the work on Allies should be useful for the rest of the campaign and might even make a writing project down the line.
GURPS Template Toolkit: 3 Starship Crew helped me flesh out some of the crew, though wildcard skills covered the Medic and Engineer already.
What was the deal with Allies you ask? The player wants to be what was in Shadowrun a Decker and a Rigger and wants allies to control various drones, robots, an arm, and to help with hacking. The idea being that a TL10 computer can be small or tiny and still handle a decent Complexity level which determines IQ. He feels its better to have multiple AI on a drone, each assigned to one task rather than one smarter AI with more points in skills. Given how Ally and Ally Group works, its a fair idea. Though Allies are one of the most abuseable advantages in GURPS.
This resulted in a lot of the last two weeks being spent on robot and AI templates and rules. We shall see how it works, anticipate some changes needed.