Cultures Reptile Men

The Empire of the Phoenix

Dominant Culture: Theocracy.
Races: Reptile Men
Location: Land of Fire, between the Barrier Mountains and the grassy plains.  They do have a major seaport however.
Commerce/Trade: They have an abundance of metals and gems they sell in return for manufactured goods and spices. They have no agriculture but do cultivate herd animals for food.
Tech: Overall TL 3 with heavy emphasis on stone work.
Magic: Primarily elemental magic focusing on Earth and Fire as well as Divine magic.
Religion: Based on the Phoenix, they have a triad of religions devoted to it.

Local Groups

Order of Fire and Order of Stone

These two separate but allied groups are the chief crafts people and builders of the Empire. They use elemental magic based off of GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers and GURPS Psionic Powers .

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