Traveling the World

The Chalice World is a very large place (15,000 mile radius), and with most Gate and Teleport abilities being a High Crime getting around it can be a challenge. Here are how the various lands and kingdoms address travel.

Commonwealth and Dwarven Kingdoms

Railroads and rune powered steam locamotices are generally the most widespread method of long distance travel. A passenger train can cover 60 miles a day, freight trains usually half that. Major rail lines go from the Barrier Mountains to the Elemental cities, also connecting the elemental cities and all dwarven towns. Most human towns are connected by railroad as well, and all the cities.

Dirigibles are mostly a novelty and used along the Barrier mountains for patrolling.
Carriages and horse travel covers the majority of human travel near cities and between towns and villages.
Magical travel is handled primarily by the Winged Lanterns who can be hired as escorts. Rarer still are Shadow Riders, griffon riders, and a few others.

Elemental Cities and Fae

The elemental cities are each connected by major portals to each other and the Fae realm. Some of the Fae maintain smaller portals in various elemental lands and these all can access their respective city. Further many Fae are able to quickly travel in the Fae realm and then shift to the mortal realm.

Crystal Kingdom

Though much smaller than the commonwealth it is still large enough that rapid travel is important. This is mostly done along ley lines using dragonships. It is only practical because they learned how to manipulate and stabilize ley lines using crystal spires.

Kingdom of Darkness

Travel is mostly discouraged anyway :)

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