Thursday, June 22, 2017

Health Care bill shown to the public

So H.R. 1628 made it out of the exclusive GOP committee and the full test is here.
To be honest I have not yet read the entire thing, its very long and as typical of these things not designed to be readable by people who are not lawyers.
However it look to be about as bad as what came out of the House.
Basically the goal here is not to reform or improve Health Care but to give tax cuts to the very wealthy.

Politifact article on the bill and its usual Fact Checking.
The whole point of writing tihs in secret and trying to pass it with Reconciliation is to create a purely partisan law.  republicans made every effort to cut democrats out so they own this. Remember that come 2018 and 2020 this is an example of how Republicans govern.  Secrecy, hypocrisy and anti-christian processes and goals are the how they want to go.  They spent the last decade as  obstructionists and now that they have all the power continue the assault on America.

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