Religions of Chalice World

Known and active religions of Chalice World

Clerical Investment and Religious rank

Acolyte Rank 0; 1 pt in Religious Ritual (Pantheon), 1pt in Theology (Pantheon)
Ordinary priests Rank 1; Religious Ritual skill -13
High Priests Rank 2; Religious Ritual skill -13, Theology -14, 1 pt in Administration, 1 pt in Savoir-faire (High Society)

Realms -15

Ma'at, Time, Space, Spirit, Life, Knowledge/Names, Thought, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood, Void

Ma'at - Justice, furies, natural order,Guardians of Nature (fera)
Time - Fates, Oracles, Zeitgeists (time spirits) for events (which can be talked to for research) and for cycles like dawn, hours, etc Destiny, messanger Gods like hermes
Space - Sailers, geographer, Explorers
Spirit - Muses, Afterlife
Life - Animals, Nurture, healing, birth
Knowledge/Names - God of naming, History
Thought - Memory, Afterthought, Forethought
Void - Abyss, corruption, demons
Air - Birds, weather, clouds, lightning, Chaos, Light, Darkness, Mist
Fire - Hestia(hearth), Hephastus(forge), Dragons, fire elementals, Phaethon, son of helios killed by Zeuz
Water - oceans, streams, geysers, Merfolk, Chelone, water elementals, Nymphs
Metal - Warriors, cold, Crafts, Smith, metal elementals
Wood - Plants, Forest, Carpenter, Elves, wood elementals, Dryads, Spring
Earth - Gaea, Cthonn, gems, Wealth, protection, nurture, Dwarves, Animals, Earth elemental

Elemental Spirit Ranks
Mote - Barely alive and nonsentient, weakest of the spirits.
Above Motes elemental spirits are divided into purpose.
Warriors who defend the element and protect.
Ergos - Worker elementals, maintain things
Warrior - Hound - Dragon
Ergos - Sprite - small and weak and possesing childlike intelligence.
Ergos - Patryns

Tonalli (Head, life, sun, magic), Teyolia (heart, individuality, afterlife)
Ihilia (liver, dark animal, negative emotions)
Ond (breath of life), Hug (Mind), Mun (Memory)

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