Monday, November 28, 2022

Review of GURPS Thaumatology: Age of Gold

 This is a small setting supplement. Set in 1930s earth it is described as a showcase for some rules in GURPS Thaumatology - specifically Book/Path magic.

I am not a fan of the title as it really is a setting and I think those looking for a setting could easily overlook it. And those looking for a new magic system will be disappointed as its mostly a showcase for a system in GURPS Thaumatology. It has some nice tweeks but no new rituals or rules. I think the reason for the title was that you need GURPS Thaumatology to use it. Besides Book/Path it uses Spirit Assisted magic, Alchemy, and includes pulp type supers with magic as the primary origin.

The emphasis is on alchemy but Book/Path magic is treated well and both are important to what is mostly a secret magic setting. This us a classic pulp genre setting, it can be played locally or with world travel to exotic locations. GURPS Mysteries, GURPS Places of Mystery, and GURPS Cliffhangers would all be great companions to GMs of this setting.

I really found this a fun read and a good pulp setting.

Monday, November 21, 2022


 GURPS Magic has its own book, is core to the Dungeon Fantasy line and is supported with numerous Pyramid articles and individual supplements including GURPS  Magic Death Spells and GURPS Magic Plant Spells that expand on the colleges and GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles that gives example magical styles to help wizards be more unique. A magic as  skills system that is the original GURPS magic system.  It is strong at low to medium levels, though scales poorly at very high point levels as it becomes overwhelming in power.

This forum post lists various sources of many GURPS Magic spells and my more detailed review and analysis is here
Generic Universal Eggplant's Magic Index (New spells authored by him)

Ritual Path Magic

A powerful and flexible system that can do almost anything given enough time and ability. It is built from a mix of Path and Book Magic and Realm magic with a few other things blended in. It requires a pretty steep buy in but scales dramatically.  At low level supers it becomes epic in power and scope so should be limited or banned for those settings. However it is very effective at Action, Dungeon Fantasy or Monster Hunter levels so is a great mid level system. Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic converts it to Effect Shaping and has worked examples suitable for the DF genre.

Magic as Powers

Powers Based Magic

These systems are well balanced and creating new spells is pretty easy as you take an existing advantage and apply modifiers.  It can be math heavy but its simple multiplication and division. Different books approach the idea from different angles, often relying on a core power that gets tweaked for various effects. There are a lot of worked examples in each sub line and everything in this section provides numerous prebuilt powers.

Book/Path Magic

Book/Path Magic is a system that first appeared in GURPS Third Edition. It appeared in GURPS Spirits, GURPS Voodoo, GURPS Castle Falkinstein, and possibly others. In Fourth Edition it was updated and published in GURPS Thaumatology.

It forms the basis of the GURPS Settings: GURPS Thaumatology: Alchemical Baroque and GURPS Thaumatology Age of Gold

The system has two major methods of working, Effect Shaping and Energy Accumulation and variations have been posted in some Pyramid articles as well as fan blogs.

As described it is based on spirit magic but it can be used in other ways.

Naruto is an anime that has shinobi who use various forms of "Ninjitsu" that can be replicated using Book/Path magic.

The Valdemar setting by Mercedes Lackey uses ley lines and is probably best modeled in GURPS using Book/Path Magic with the Energy Accumulation method.

Imperial Magic from Steve Brusts Vlad Taltos series could be modeled using Book/Path with the Effect Shaping version, its Witchcraft would likely use the Energy Accumulation model.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Allies and Contacts

Allies, Contacts, and Patrons are a useful part of GURPS, representing a significant social advantage often ignored by other game systems. Below is a partial cost summary and breakdown, for full details you need to read GURPS Basic: Characters.


Contacts are rated by their effective skill level in a specific skill. Wildcard Contacts make this an entire skill group, typically by profession - Business, military, police, etc. 
A Contact will answer a question or do something for the character as long as it is at least two of nonhazardous, inexpensive (or mostly paid for), or quick.
Contact -12 [1] Contact Group -12 [5]
Contact -15 [2] Contact Group -15 [10]
Contact -18 [3] Contact Group -18 [15]
Contact -21 [4] Contact Group -21 [20]
The number after Contact reflects effective skill (Contact -12 means skill 12).
It is important to note that this is effective skill and comes not just from points in a skill but access to lands, libraries, workshops, even assistants. So high skill levels are not unreasonable or cinematic.

Ally and Ally Group

Allies are based on a relevant percentage of the character. This means they are more efficient and powerful the more points the character is based on. They also are willing to take risks and go adventuring! Whereas Contacts are asked one task per session with additional tasks acquiring a cumulative penalty. Players will typically choose Allies over Contacts.
Allies 25% [1] Ally Group 6-10 [6]   Ally Group 11-20 [8]
Allies 50% [2] Ally Group 6-10 [12]   Ally Group 11-20 [16]
Allies 75% [3] Ally Group 6-10 [18]   Ally Group 11-20 [24]
Allies 100% [5] Ally Group 6-10 [30] Ally Group 11-20 [40]

So Contact -12 and Ally 25% cost the same and are pretty equivalent in most campaigns.
Contact -15 and Ally 50% cost the same, also likely equivalant in most campaigns though highly cinematic and especially supers campaigns the Ally is going to have higher skills than 15.
Contact -18 and Ally 75% cost the same. At this level the Contact likely has a superior skill level in the main skill even in a four color campaign. The Ally will however usually have more breadth and a full character sheet.

Which is Better?

.Ally seems better, you get to ask for help as often as you like and they are willing to take great risks for you.
However the part people often overlook is that the Contacts skill represents facilities and resources not on a character sheet. That Forensics-12 skill represents a lab worker in a forensics lab, while Forensics -18 or -21 likely represents a supervisor or manager who van assign people to get the analysis done.
The Ally doesn't come with a lab so one has to be provided for by him or the player character.
And if it was a Contact Group that likely means most of the labs team are willing to work for you and you can get several projects worked on at once or ask for follow-ups without having to wait.

Contacts can also do field work or research, Streetwise to ask around for you. Batman, Daredevil, and other crime fighters have Streetwise but also Contacts with Streetwise. So why buy a Contact for a skill you already have? Because if they do the offscreen legwork it saves game time (meaning GMs should encourage Contacts, even as free point awards) and lets the pc do something perhaps more interesting. Especially helpful for groups of players so they are not sitting around while the PC runs around busting bad guys chops or something and saves the GMs creativity for other tasks.
Contact (Administration -12) could work at the DMV or police station and maybe run a plate for the private investigator. This probably counts as hazardous as they risk losing their job if caught.

If that Contact worked at city hall they could likely pull city records instead.

What About Patrons?

Patrons represent very powerful individuals or organizations, even governments. They wont go on adventures with you but may send along some guys for a mission. They also can provide money and equipment or other resources. GURPS Boardroom and Curia is a great resource for Patrons.

Getting Fancy

GURPS Social Engineering: Keeping in Contact goes into more details on Contacts.
GURPS Boardroom and Curia as mentioned covers Patrons and Tomorrows Ride's is an example Patron that furnishes action heroes fancy cars.
Modular Abilities allows multiple Contacts, so purchasing Contacts as alternative abilities seem reasonable and is suggested in a few places. The main limit is a failed appearance roll disables the whole thing - including any alternate Contacts!
Patrons provide what is reasonable from the organization in question. Take Contact or Contact Group as an alternative ability for people within that organization. This represents a bigger investment but offers alternate and specific ways to get assistance from that organization.
Ally Groups could represent reinforcements or a combat team
GURPS Powers: Divine Favor deals with having God as your Patron.
GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank is another way of handling Patron and Ranks.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Nightmare Fuel

 This is the final day to pledge this project! It is fully funded and based on prior experience the art and writing quality will be great. Many of these monsters can be used in other GURPS games, beyond just the DFRPG Gaming Ballistic has the license for. In fact the VTT tokens and art cards can be used for other game systems! Either make up your own or apply them to a similar monster in your system of choice.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Authors Notes

 I just sent in the final draft of Template Toolkits: Spirits!

This has been a long road filled with delays. I lost about a month to computer problems, another two to getting real sick (including brief hospital stay and almost dying), and more time due to depression and writers block. But its now awaiting its turn in line for Kromm to work his editing magic.

I asked some friends to help on the final edit pass and got a lot of good feedback from Kage2020 that probably saved my editor a lot of headaches (apparently I overuse exclamation points<g>) and massaged it looking for last minute changes over the past week or so.

I am really proud of this one though. I do not know what will make the final draft as I went over word count, my editor said that was fine but I expect some trimming. Fingers crossed all the cool stuff stays in and any garbage does not.

The core mission was to help GMs and players build spirits in a consistent and expeditious manner. Additional goals were to explain certain traits that seem to bring up questions on the forums, help the GM figure out ways to better use spirits in the campaign, and provide enough utility that a lot of people will want to buy it. I feel I hit all those and there is enough meat in the traits section and an appendix that even players will want GURPS Template Toolkit: Spirits.

Monday, October 24, 2022

AEON Season 7 Session 1 A Fresh Start

 GM Recap


  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”

Catching Up

Threshold spent the last 10 months working at Mt Sinai Hospital and doing a few odd jobs. He and Medevac saved President Callahans nice with a delicate heart surgery for example. He also did another surgery involving a lot of shrapnel. His Pararadar and teleport powers allow him to easily remove objects from a patent, making certain medical procedures far less risky than normal methods. He earned himself a great reputation (+3) as a premier surgeon this year.
Note: He got two critical successes on his job rolls, so the GM made them something special.

Nyx was released from jail, though there are certain outstanding charges hanging over his head.

Whisper has been doing security and police work.

Bo kept a low profile, not sure what he was up to.

Getting Organized

Derrick and Bo organized a comp0any and bought a patrol area for Flushing, Queens NYC and an abandoned fire house as a base. Derrick reaches out to us to form a new team and we check the building out and discuss options.
The team walks over to a bank across the street and Legerdemain charms the bank manager into a sweet $5 million loan and an extended line of credit, along with some extra perks. That should pay for the remodel and some operating costs for us to get things going. With President Callahan in office and President Blackwell gone the MAPS programs got renewed funding and support.
Wirerat made plans for some small robots to patrol the area offering to monitor the streets and help people as needed. That gives us a lot of visibility and hopefully good PR with the locals. Threshold will remain on call at the hospital but cut back on his hours so he can patrol.
Since he can port to the hospital instantly on a -13 or -18 with 1 seconds concentration if they call him on a videophone that is pretty much zero response time.
Nyx and Nox will patrol at night, Whisper and Threshold during the day and Wirerats robots and AI monitored cameras cover the gaps. With 3 teleporters the team can assemble in a hurry for any emergency. Whisper our non teleporter can still travel pretty fast but likely someone will pick her up as needed.

That was about all we did, it was kind of a session 0 type thing. So good planning.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Aeon B- Team Season 6 - Session 10



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.”
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…
    • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
    • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”

Lynch's Secret

The team decides to see Lynch again, Whisper made him a nice cake.
Lynch seems to still be fine with his confinement, though Threshold has no idea why and Wirerat suspects Lynch has stuff to hide. We talk briefly and he says something to Nyx.

Afterwards the team decides to check out the hospital, its been abandoned and Threshold portals everyone over so as to reduce our trail Wirerat spoofs Nyx'es tracking bracelet. After a though search we find a secret room with a faraday cage and lots of papers and other documents. Everything is stored in older technology, no computers - instead paper and microfiche with some audio cassettes.
One tape is addressed to Nyx and listened to privately. One wall holds a murder board style of notes regarding the Black Swan event. The team spends a few hours going over things then most head back to base, Threshold overcome with curiosity staying behind until well after midnight. Copious notes are taken and papers read and Threshold decides to come bak later with old time cameras to avoid digital tracking.

At the base everyone gets the news that I-MAPS is being shut down  NDAs are signed and a generous severance package offered to those not going back to jail.


It was a short session, the GM opted to wrap up the season as we really had closed up most of the major plot threads and discussed the next season. When we pick up, 10 months later Senator Callahan will be President Callahan and things could start turning around for the metahuman community. I-Maps will still be gone but NYC will have its more limited MAPS program and the season will be more locally focused and the intent is for us to deal with more traditional super heroics rather than some of the espionage we were involved in.

Threshold has done his season upgrades, boosted his Warp a bit, payed for some Patrons with powered by character points, and upgraded several skills.
He also added Gadgeteer with limited Quick Gadgeteer (Medical) powered by character points. We already had a gadgeteer in Wirerat, but this allows the two to work better together with Threshold offering support.  Threshold also is better at making drugs or working on medical related tech.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Aeon B-Team Season 6 Session 9



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.”
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…
    • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
    • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”

The Senate Meeting, Pt 2

We spent the evening kibitzing and part of us engaging in petty shenanigan's messing with the various agencies bugging our rooms. Whisper probably made the best move by going out dancing.

Wirerat/Bo suggested to Threshold they go visit Lynch whom he found out where they had stashed. Threshold  Threshold laid out the likely consequences and advised it would be fun but a terrible idea.
We then went to the Senate Committee meeting and finished the interrogation.
As we entered this time there were no cameras and they were interrogating Lynch on something called Project Pinhole. The name intrigues Threshold who asks if that is related to wormhole testing. The Senators tell him he is not cleared for that so Threshold turns to Wirerat and asks him to look into it for him. Of course he could have asked later or more discretely but he wanted to send a message. It's generally a good idea to tell Threshold what he wants and that the group was not going to passively allow the committee to shove them around. The committee knows full well Wirerat is an excellent hacker and it should occur to them is likely to find out more than what would have satisfied Threshold had they just told him themselves. And asking someone to look into something is not illegal, as Wirerat could be interpreted to being asked to use legal research methods.

The committee then gets to questioning the group, this time focusing on its funding. Do we get funding from illegal methods? Getting suspicious that Black Ops money might be involved Threshold tries to avoid accidentally perjuring himself in saying that all the money comes from open sources and while some of the sources may be considcered illegal by some people he does not believe any laws are broken. For example some people say income tax is against the Constitution and its possible some govt funding is moved around in  shady ways but thats beyond his knowledge and paygrade.
Whisper points out that laws on foreign soil do not apply.
The Senate also asks more about activities related to the Super Soldier serum and Threshold gets a little more blatant and direct (now that the cameras are off) about how that focus is rather narrowminded and the real danger is the kyberic energy sources. They say they will consider it but seem to be dismissive and Threshold is sure that is going to come back to haunt everyone.

The group is finally dismissed and as we leave Lynch leans over and whispers something to Nyx. Pretty much everyone but Threshold overhears it and when its later brought up this is what he was told.
(40.568673-73.86474, Simplicity. Ghost. Counsel. Genuine. Pace).
Threshold immediately recognizes this as coordinates of latitude and longitude for somewhere in NY and looks it up find it matches 
Neponsit Beach Hospital
67 Rockaway Beach Boulevard
Rockaway Park, NY 11694

The group heads back to town, Threshold and Wirerat having a lively discussion on how the government works, or doesn't.
Threshold believes in the system, while acknowledging that people can abuse the system. Wirerat thinks the system itself is faulty and should be gotten rid of. Threshold is more a bureaucrat and idealist where Wirerat is more an anarchist. The rest of the group mostly stayed out of it, likely thinking they are both crazy.


The player upon seeing the numbers immediately thought they looked like latitude and longitude so entered them into a map app and it coming up with a NY address (the campaign is centered in NY) is likely not a coincidence. We will probably check that out next session.
Threshold has Matrhematics! (20) and Navigation (Air and Sea both) (21) so would easily have arrived at the same intuition the player did, except Threshold probably did not need an app to know it led to someplace in NY. That was a fun moment for me, maybe others would have spotted that connection and if we hadn't certainly the GM could have used skill rolls to let the characters do so to move the plot forward. However, its nice when the players can put clues together themselves and this is one of the harder parts of a mystery campaign.
The session was a short one but at 2 hours good enough. We finished a scenario and got some leads on the next plot.

We did have more crosstalk this session and I felt I had to jump in quickly a few times to get something said or I wouldn't have been able to talk at all, which helped contribute to the crosstalk problem.
The GM brought it up after and it was discussed.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Aeon B-Team Season 6 Session 8



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.”
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…
    • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
    • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”

Are We in Trouble?

The group was summoned before the US Senate Committee on Metahuman Affairs.
Threshold and Bo did some research on the senators for background and to use as a distraction or counter attack as needed. We prepared as best we could for a hearing where we did not know what the questions or topic would be.
As usual our bosses opted to restrain Thresholds travel options, so we took a flight and stayed at a local hotel. Waste of time and taxpayer money!

This was a RP and noncombat session, we were asked questions and the focus was on the super soldier serum. In the campaign the Americans invented a super soldier serum, the Russians tried to copy it as did several other governments and private corporations. None have perfected it but the latest version (derived from the Russians) seems to have a higher rate of success - though more instability and lethal side effects. We answered questions on what we knew and Threshold explained to the committee that the serum did indeed kind of work but their focus was partly misguided. It needs Kyberian energy and that should be the focus of efforts to restrain it. That stuff should be treated like weapons grade uranium or plutonium as it can create metahumans even without a serum (though less likely) and can have many other effects as well.
Overall the group acquitted themselves well, though members of the committee had axes to grind and wanted to make political points for the next election. Metahumans are the whipping boy of the current President who is trying to push a Registration Act and a member of his party is following in his shoes for a run. Metahumans do have at least one ally on the committee who is against registration and also making a Presidential run. Nyx was harassed by a couple of Senators, one in particular for his criminal past. Warlock one of the most powerful super heroes in the country teleported in to give a character reference for Nyx. 
After the meeting one of our handlers was arrested under the Patriot Act which is likely to be a point of contention later.  We have a second session for the next adventure.


I thought it was a fun session, though a lot was based on rolls and there was less roleplaying than I would have liked. However we each did get some in and tonight may be more contentious. The handler they arrested is liked by the group and Threshold wants to push the kyberian power source as a higher priority than the super soldier serum.
Project Vanguard (the teams patron organization) is in part funded by the Federal government so the Senate can be a problem if they choose to.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Aeon B-Team Season 6 Session 6



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to back to work, and was given an “adjustment period”. Uncle Sam called 2 years later, with work… because once you’re in, you’re in for life. Tagline: “In and out without a whisper.”
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): Technopath, inventor, and hacker. He specializes in co-opting enemy systems and tech assets. Tagline: “Nice tech – I’ll borrow that.”
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic petty thief still on work release several years later, on his way to becoming a true agent and hero. Tagline: “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): Doctor, Mathematician, and Scientist (yes, capitals) and Spatial Manipulator. Threshold can bend space like a pretzel, teleport, obliterate things, and has extraordinary senses. He’d rather be in a research lab than fight. Better known for his work with Doctors Without Borders, the United Nations, and disaster relief than famous battles. Tagline: “I can be there in a snap!”Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…
    • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
    • Layla A. de Blackburn aka Nox (NPC): CIA-trained child assassin all grown up to be Daddy’s Little Monster. Maybe a little mad. Argues with her shadow often. Tagline: “No, we shouldn’t do that…should we?”
    • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): Bo’s best friend and assistant. A sentient drone in the shape of a stylized shiny metal rat mindlinked to Bo. Specialties are rapid repair construction and modifications. Imagine if K-9 and R2D2 made a baby and it looks a bit like a rodent. Tagline: “Repairs and upgrades in progress”
    • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
    • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”

Vanguard to the Rescue!

India is in a record heatwave (summer of 2019) and people are dying due to extreme heat, electrical outages, and lack of water. We fly over in our "totally not a quinjet" and upon landing are greeted by Prime Minister Modi is there to greet the team as they land and thanks us in advance for our help. No pressure there! Threshold as team leader demure's diplomatically and tells him lets wait and see before congratulations but we will do the best we can.
Nyx and Nox team up and power stunt Control Visible Light 2 with a 1,500 mile radius that will last for a week. This provides shade and helps to cool the entire region.
Bo gets to work on the electrical grid, winds up finding and giving plans on how to fix a lot of the weak points and computer crashes. Over the next week he also invents some TL9 electrical generators to help power things and sets up satellite internet (hijacking old satellites, many of them Russian) bringing the internet and power to many rural areas.
Whisper and Nyx spend time escorting Bo around, entertaining the children and doing humanitarian things such as getting supplies where they need to go.
Threshold talks to green supers group and members of Doctors Without Borders that are already on the scene, meeting at least one old friend. He then works out a plan with Surferboy and some of the green heroes who are earthmovers.
A small lake is created in New Delhi. The earth movers and threshold dig a really big hole. Bo puts together a submersible drone that Threshold teleports to the ocean and it goes deep and provides live underwater video. Threshold, Nyx, and Nox (each of whom has Warp and the same power source, though not focus) link up and power stunt a permanent portal to the ocean. It brings 800 gallons of water per second (and only water) to the now filling up lake. This cost 7 wildcard points, lots of FP, and significant skill penalties - though we spend all day for bonuses from Time Spent.
Surferboy then sets up a permanent water filtration system and very fancy animated water fountain  so our creation looks pretty and will be a pleasant new landmark.
The earth movers from the greens start building aqueducts and the group and a lot of volunteers start carrying fresh water out from the lake. Threshold spends the next week teleporting all over the country, possibly even outside to a few remote villages. He gets video feed from a cell phone with Bo and the government coordinating things and telling Threshold where to go that is most urgent. 
Threshold then warps in, asks for some volunteers and starts making portals back to the lake. He needs to spend no FP and just a few seconds to do each portal, though they only last a few seconds he can simply reopen another one (No Strain and Reliable 10 on Warp). People ferry water and any other supplies back and forth for a few hours then he moves on to the next location.

Threshold knows Hindi, Kashmiri, Nepali, and Tibetan as well as CF: Indian so can make himself understood in most of the country, significantly speeding communication and organizing, especially with his Charisma and leadership skills. He uses this to spread the news of what is happening while creating portals and resting between. He tells all the locals the shadey sky is the work of the heroes Nyx and Nox to help cool things off and it will only last a week, So the farms should not suffer more than they are from the drought and there is no reason to be scared. he also tells everyone about the lake he and his friends made in New Delhi so everyone knows that fresh water is coming. The govt is also broadcasting news and advisories to the population.


This was a great humanitarian mission. No combat so not an exciting session but everyone got to meaningfully contribute - most in more than one way and the GM made sure everyone had a chance to explain what they were doing. As team leader I also tried to give suggestions and make requests so everyone had plenty of good stuff to do. I doubt the group (or the GM) would be happy with this as a steady diet but it was to me at least a refreshing change form combat and showing just what a team of powerful GURPS supers can do to make the world a better place.
High point abilities, power stunts, Godlike Extra Effort, and Impulse Points made a meaningful impact.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Strategies for Monster Hunting

 Author Comment: Been sick the last moth and a half, maybe little longer. Recovered a bit after getting out of the hospital but backslid when antibiotics ran out, however think the new round is doing much better. This put me behind (again) on my supplement and other projects, but while I have not been able to stay on the computer long enough to write much I have been thinking of ideas - hence this post.

I have been working, or rather thinking about my Spirits Template supplement. One purpose of the manuscript is to give spirits a place in the campaign as something more than "monster of the week" and make them feel a part of various genres. Monster Hunters is one of those genres and I have an interesting character in a MH campaign that is on hiatus, the two things gelled in my head and here are some strategies for a Monster Hunter campaign.

The Monster Hunter Series

GURPS supports the genre with an excellent series of supplements and a few settings. GURPS Monster Hunters 2: The Mission in particular is useful for other genres, especiall6y mysteries. 
The MH genre is in fact typically a mystery, often episodic and with an overarching big bad. The genre is usually cinematic in feel, has plenty of action, and requires some strategy and tactics to cope with bad guys who are often tougher than the heroes.
This makes for an interesting campaign, though it can be challenging for the GM to run.


Before you can fight the bad guys you need to find them, or let them find you but that is more dangerous. This is part of the difficulty for the GM and the fun for the players; at least some players. You have a mystery to solve and that requires some skills and perhaps magic or powers.
GURPS Monster Hunters 2: The Mission really does an amazing job here, but perusing GURPS Mysteries and GURPS Action will also be helpful in dealing with investigations.
Ideally everyone in the group will have a role to play, even if a small one and the group all is interested in how the investigation is going. Leaving it all up to a few die rolls is easy and good if no one really wants to spend time on this stage but can be very disappointing for the player who made a Sleuth and frankly skips a lot of potential roleplaying. However, if everyone is waiting around for the sleuth to do their work they can get bored so time management is essential for that player and the GM.
How to Play a GURPS Detective is now on my (already lengthy) proposed pitch list. However, if you play the sleuth I highly recommend reading The Mission supplement.


Most monsters use stealth and have superior senses, making combat often a close-up affair. They may get the jump on the characters and catch them off guard. Even if the party is on the offense its hard to get too close and still surprise those with superhuman senses and perhaps magic.
Combat thus calls for a variety of weaponry, cutting weapons and exotic material are typically better than standard bullets - much less fighting unarmed!
Mobility is key, often better than heavy armor that slows you down. Nightvision is good too. Expect high resistance rolls, various defensive traits, and overall toughness. Typically the monster will have a weakness so carry things to take advantage of common weaknesses, holy water, salt, wooden stakes, silver, etc. Shotguns are often the best firearms, range is typically short and often in a building so long range weapons are not needed and shotgun slugs have a lot of stopping power and custom loads easy to make. The downside is low ammo capacity but your often only fighting a few major bad's at a time and will die if the fight last long anyway.
Shotguns have a lot of different action and loading options, the two best for this kind of campaign tend to be pump and semi-automatic.
Pump shotguns are manually cycled by pulling on the ammo storage to cycle a new round into the chamber. The manual action is typically RoF 2 but a round can be ejected and a new one inserted directly, bypassing the tube. This allows changing ammo types on the fly with a Ready or Fast-Draw roll to load 1 shell. Because they are cycled manually they are very reliable and can fire less than lethal rounds without jamming.
Semi-automatic shotguns typically have RoF 3 and are either magazine or tube fed. Magazines hold more shells (5 to 20, more with a drum) and a magazine can be inserted quickly, as per a rifle. Tube fed work like pump actions above, improved RoF and loading a new round to swap ammo types. The tube is mounted under the barrel and holds fewer shells (5 to 7, more with wider revolver style tubes).
However semi-automatic shotguns are gas or inertia powered and many will not fully cycle with less than lethal loads. See the specific gun for details as some are built to handle this, though most are not.
Tube fed shotguns do not hold as much ammo and are reloaded 1 to 2 shells at a time instead of an entire magazine. A shooter can however reload during pauses in combat to top off the weapon rather than swapping out an entire magazine (which may only be half empty). Loose rounds can be carried in pouches on the side of the gun for +1 to Fast-Draw (GURPS Tactical Shooting, p. 73).

One interesting item I had pointed out to me was a shotgun revolver. Most modern ones seem to be .410, though my hunter carries an older Russian made 12 gauge (8 OTs-62 Revolver). A good machinist could probably make something effective, especially if they can get some blueprints.
Shortswords and knives, especially silver plated are also useful, but you better be very very good if using one on a vampire or werewolf! A sharp wooden stake is a classic for vampires, but awkward to use. Consider a Tonfa with a sharpened end; it can be used to parry and works with Brawling or Karate skill. If you have that machinist or a good craftsman consider adding an endcap that can take different attachments, wooden pointy end, silver pointy end, and a nice iron head for those faerie.
As many of your foes will have enhanced senses flashbang grenades or tear gas (even if they do not breath) may have a greater effect on them, giving you a few seconds to hit hard or run away. Anything that emits a strong odor is also good, even if they have Doesn't Breathe if they can track by smell it will impede them. Ultrasonic noisemakers may also be useful and that machinist friend? One can make a CO2 powered whistle pretty easily.
The whole idea is to try and get them off balance without messing with your own capabilities (so have gas masks, respirators, eyeglasses, nose plugs, and ear protection available) and then kill them fast.
When attacking high skill is vital for Deceptive Attacks and Targeted Attacks, even better if the foe is stunned from a flash bang grenade in their face.  Speaking of that, paint guns are quiet and can carry holy water, potions, or act as charms. GURPS High-Tech even has an under barrel one that can be mounted to a rifle or carbine.

Staying Under the Radar

This is another vital and interesting aspect of the genre. How do you stop a bunch of monsters and not attract the attention of the police?
Mask of Humanity, Pyramid #3/97 and Safe as Houses, Pyramid #3/58 offer some ideas, and my current project has an entry (if it makes the final cut) but this can be a very difficult task. Using heavy firepower is going to attract attention, and often there is a mess to clean up and you may not have much time to do it.
Is there a "cleaning service" you can call on? A secret government agency as a Patron? Perhaps just good police Contacts. Propaganda can also be used for disinformation campaigns ot throw people off the track.
Maybe your party has a top notch forensics specialist, all your kills are quiet ones, and the monsters cooperate by using hidden lairs far from nosey neighbors and no one notices the missing people or dead bodies piling up. However it seems much more likely you're going to need some kind of help keeping things quiet.
How this is accomplished is likely an important part of the campaign, and can add a lot of flavor and fun as well.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Aeon B-Team Season 6 Session 5



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic and a petty thief out of prison on work release. Tagline: “Not for glory, not for fame…. For one person. In the dark. Where no one will ever know or see.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): TBA. Tagline: “I’ll be there in a snap!”
  • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…”
  • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
  • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): AI in a robot body shaped like a large rat. Surprisingly capable and provides telepresence for Wirerat. Tagline: “[whir-click-beep].”
  • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
  • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”
A Short Session

This session was very short, 1 to 2 hours by the time we actually got started.
Nyx was thanked for his pentagon mission, apparently the leak was a janitor.
Threshold has been supervising the wounded and spent a day analyzing the equipment we brought back. He can't replicate the jammers but his notes will look good if and when he publishes a paper on them and may be useful to a gadgeteer. Bo also analyzed them and they merged notes.
Bo and Whisper have been going over intelligence data on all the missions to date.
Nox is trying to get Nyx to have more fun, so far Nyx is resistant and reluctant.


Next mission will be a humanitarian one, looking forward to that and hope we can make a difference.
We seem to be dealing with a lot of injured or sick people and in writing this note a thought occurred to me. I might ask the GM if Threshold can take a Cutting-Edge Training perk (GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks, p. 16) for Medic! or perhaps just the Physician skill. This would allow him to make two rolls per day instead of one, significantly speeding up recovery time. With Medic! (19), power stunting his Para-Radar for the Bioscan option (it already has Microscopic 6, Penetrating 2, and Profiling) he can quickly diagnosis and monitor patients health and keeping people alive is in genre.

Aeon B-Team Season 6 Session 4



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic and a petty thief out of prison on work release. Tagline: “Not for glory, not for fame…. For one person. In the dark. Where no one will ever know or see.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): TBA. Tagline: “I’ll be there in a snap!”
  • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…”
  • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
  • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): AI in a robot body shaped like a large rat. Surprisingly capable and provides telepresence for Wirerat. Tagline: “[whir-click-beep].”
  • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
  • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”
Another Paramilitary Mission

Most of the team is doing some recon in Europe, Nyx, Threshold, and Whisper get assigned a rescue mission. A reporter was captured by a rebel group in Afghanistan. We fly in and land in a nearby field.
Nyx and Threshold have their super senses jammed and the bright sun weakens Nyx's powers.
Threshold can tell what buildings in the small village the jamming is coming from, appears to be 7 buildings and guesses the reporter is in one of them.
We split the group up, Nyx and Nox head to the south towards the closest building with a jammer and it is kinda off by itself and might be a communications or storage building. Whisper heads straight down the middle to draw the fire as much as possible. Threshold teleports on top of a building between the main road and the south building that Nyx and Nox are headed for.
Nox arrives before Nyx and sees a glowing pulsating metal sphere that seems to be the source of the interference, Nox arrives a few seconds later and they disable it.
Threshold gets s a free attack when he ports to the roof and using his Obliteration Beam in Cone mode destroys the roof of two buildings, causing the 3 sentries to fall in.
Whisper attacks the only guy on the street, doing some damage with her hatchets but not taking him out.
The bad guys get a turn, shooting Threshold in the face who needs to use a wildcard point to make it a flesh wound and still falls prone (but still on the roof). A few shoot at Nyx on his way to the building but are all comfortably avoided. Whisper, as hoped gets the bulk of the shots but her armor mostly reduces it to minimal damage - though she also needed to use a wildcard point for a flesh wound.
Whisper jumps onto the building and goes after a guard up there, this keeps more guards focused on her as she is now in plain sight of everyone.  Threshold pops over behind some guards shooting at Whisper and obliterates their rifles and the roof, knocking 4 more to the ground.
About half the guards have been disabled, at least partially in the first few seconds of the fight. Whisper dodges off the roof, leaving a grenade behind taking out two more of the enemy.
Nox and Nyx power stunt a large Obscure and cover the area in darkness, somehow not affecting our team.
Threshold pops over to the north of a central building that seems a likely candidate and obliterates the wall to see what is inside.  He sees the reporter and three terrorist's.
One powers up the other two and  they charge Threshold but miss, Threshold ports away and obliterates the jammer and more of the building with the reporter. All that is left is a small corner they were hiding in (the leader holding the reporter hostage) exposing them to Whisper who can now reach them without going around the former building.
Nyx starts taking out the remaining southern guards, Whisper goes after the hulked out terrorists trying to reach Threshold using a grenade. Threshold ports to the ground  in front of the leader and hits him with the Obliteration Beam (using Selective Area to avoid the reporter) and he falls unconscious.
As soon as he passed out all the bad guys did.
Threshold patches him up and checks out the reporter then teleports her to the base while the rest search and restrain everyone.
The team finds a Delta Force unit that had previously been sent in and been captured and tortured, Threshold portals them all to the base for emergency treatment.


We rescued the reporter and as a bonus several Delta team members. Also retrieved 4 functional and 1 scraped (by Nox) jammers and a number of high tech (ETC) rifles. Most of the terrorist's were captured alive, Whisper being the only one who killed any and our bosses are happy with the mission results.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

AEON B-Team Season 6, Session 2 and 3



  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic and a petty thief out of prison on work release. Tagline: “Not for glory, not for fame…. For one person. In the dark. Where no one will ever know or see.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): TBA. Tagline: “I’ll be there in a snap!”
  • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…”
  • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
  • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): AI in a robot body shaped like a large rat. Surprisingly capable and provides telepresence for Wirerat. Tagline: “[whir-click-beep].”
  • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
  • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”
AUTHORS NOTE: I was very sick the past two weeks, needing a hospital stay for part of that and still not fully recovered. So missed two reports and combining them here. A week later and just getting back to this :(  Still feel weak as a kitten but I am getting better, if not yet stronger.

What Happened

The last two sessions were mostly going through the material recovered in the first session.
Threshold analyzed the blue liquid, determining it to be a variant super soldier serum. It would need a kyberic energy infusion to activate and he put it in his safe for further analysis and safekeeping. He also teleports around NYC to get a feel for the area so the team can better respond to police requests for backup.
Whisper as the only one fluent in Russian went through the journals and records, passing along the translations to Threshold and government handlers.
Nyx is assigned a bunch of training, ordered to get a GED and learn a few languages. Nyx is discreetly pulled aside and given a secret mission to hack the Pentagon in an effort to suss out a mole.
Wirerat is going through all the hard drives and network data collected, including some attempts at finding other networks.

Threshold is assigned team leader, most everyone has good skills and abilities that would make them capable but Threshold, despite likely the least combat experience is probably the most psychologically appropriate and his powers can best be put to use in coordinating the team. He spends some time reviewing dossiers and interviewing the team to form his own impressions as well as use the government dossiers. The team has some punch as a supers team but excels in mobility, stealth, and intel gathering. Threshold is the least stealthy member as his powers are fairly visible. The team also has an amazing number of known languages among them, Threshold probably knows the most, but most are Accented, and I think Whisper is the best fluent speaker.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Magic Vegas

The last few sessions of Magic Vegas have built to a season finale, concluding a long thread.
The campaign is an interesting and very different one than any other I have participated in. Experience rewards are very stingy, usually with no cp awarded at the end of a game session. Also its political intrigue and uses Path Magic which is a system I rather like but had not played before.


An extremist military arm of the Church that are witch hunters using Atlantean magic have come to Vegas with the intent of bringing down the council. They have been in the area for some time before we found out and likely been planning on this for about 10 years. They also bound a powerful spirit and a vampire and set them to the cause.
Our group finds all this out a few days before they attack so have a chance to prepare.

The Battle

The council meets on Getaway, another world run by the Babylonians. Not all the council is alerted due to security concerns but they key people are. The council chambers and surrounding area are swept for traps and several bombs are found and removed. Fetishes ae prepared and plans made....
Genie is summoned to answer for her attack on Wu (my character) and as predicted she summons a host of minor spoirits to help break down the ward that traps her. Wu and Virgil fill the ward full of ghost bullets to kill as many of the spirits as possible while Manners, Ambrose, and Connie try to free genie from the spells the church bound her with. Connie then has the vampire (Manuli) jump out of her bag who then attacks Bjorn as soon as the outer wards are down. The outer wards are brought down by a bunch of empowered wolfs with dispel fetishes on them.
Bjorn gets his throat ripped out by Manuli in wolf form but manages a deadly counter attack with his sword. Wu, hits Manul with a silver bullet (last one in the clip) with a critical roll of 4. Another person hits Manuli with a sword too and he dies.
Wu drops her gun and immediately tries to stop the bleeding and do emergency surgery, having been prepared for this exact wound due to divination. She has his blood type in an IV along with the exact bandages and tools right at the top of the bag. She still had a penalty on her Surgery roll but succeeds and stops the bleeding. Local magic and Bjorns fetishes help stabilize him and keep oxygen supplied to his brain and she gets him to the nearby hospital where a another roll without penalties lets her patch him up. Not sure how long he will be in the hospital but she saved him.
Meanwhile back on earth the mercenaries hired by the church killed 7 of Wu's agents, numerous civilians, and wounded or killed at least 3 magicians.
We never did directly fight church agents as they just sent in disposable goons.

The Aftermath

We got off really lucky, I think Wu and the Babylonian tradition suffered the most losses, Scarlet a magician of a tradition I do not recall is the only magician that died except for an assistant to the Babylonian delegation. They also lost many security people in the fighting outside the council chambers.
If we can track down the church we might have another fight but its possible they will skip town or lie low. However so far they lost some minor resources but no key people so probably consider it a limited victory for the church.

As a junior member of the most recent delegation Wu probably came out ahead politically, though the agents will take time to replace, quite possibly it wont happen before the campaign ends.
It was a fun game even if somewhat anticlimatic due to our plans. Enough happened that we still had some surprises and felt real risk and even loss.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Aeon B-Team My First Session


  • Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.”
  • Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Beauregard K. “Bo” Ratnam aka Wirerat (Played by Brice): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.
  • Rafe Hanlon aka Nyx (played by Chris D.): An umbrakinetic and a petty thief out of prison on work release. Tagline: “Not for glory, not for fame…. For one person. In the dark. Where no one will ever know or see.”
  • Vincenzo L. dePrezzo aka Threshold (Played by Rory): TBA. Tagline: “I’ll be there in a snap!”
  • Derrick K. Ratnam aka Ledgerdemain (NPC Ally): Spin doctor and media liaison for Project VANGUARD. Twin to Bo. Tagline: “Well, actually that’s not how it happened…”
  • Jodie R. Swann aka Surferboy (NPC): Dude. Aero- and Hydrokinetic. Really laid back, but wants to make a difference. Has a advanced glider/drone he rides on. Tagline: “Like. Let’s just chill, dude.”
  • Stainless Steel Rat aka “Sir” (NPC Ally): AI in a robot body shaped like a large rat. Surprisingly capable and provides telepresence for Wirerat. Tagline: “[whir-click-beep].”
  • Tierney M. Ward aka Rush (NPC): Speedster and former member of the Bullet Hell Brigade. Tagline: “Was that fast? I thought that was fast.”
  • Zubayr Sajjad Marou aka Five Stars (NPC): Driver. Pilot. Klubbe gig worker.. From N’Djamena, Chad. Used to go by Darryl Bell to sound more American. Tagline: “I can get you there in time.”


The team is requested to go to Germany and investigate some mysterious happenings at a private castle. Locals have been disappearing and the leads go to a castle bought a few years ago by a private individual.
Project Vanguard is a govt sponsored team operated by NYC with private backers. Its to protect the local area and also earn political capital doing jobs for others including foreign countries.

The Action

We arrive by plane in a nearby field and go investigate. The castle has a lot of security, including military equipped guards, concealed high end cameras, and two ariel drones with autocannons.
We scout it over then our stealthiest member Nyx blows our cover by trying to sneak inside using Shadow Form.  Normally a solid move but the enemy had a darkness manipulator of their own who spotted him. The guards immediately respond and stream out of the building.
Nyx got redirected and is in the interior courtyard surrounded by Mastermind (Telepath) and Nox (Darkness Manipulator) and several guards.
Whisper heads towards the entrance and shrugs off the incoming fire.
The Rat was dropped by Nyx inside and makes it to the computer room to begin hacking.
Surferboy follows Whisper.
Threshold ports to the top of the nearest tower for a better view and shortens the distance to the ground so Whisper can climb faster,
Nyx fights off a telepathic assault and disarms a dozen or so bad guys with his shadow whips. 
Whisper takes out the two guards on the tower.
Nyx takes several turns fighting off the bad guys around him and turns Nox to his side who the flies off and dissolves a bunch outside. Vandal a brick jumps onto the tower and fights Whisper, Threshold tries to Bind him but he breaks free so then he ports to another tower and uses his obliteration beam to wound him. He is taken out by Whisper who finds it a tad easier after his armor has been dissolved.
.Nyx takes out the telepath and Threshold finally spots him but he insists he needs no help fighting the remaining security so Threshold pops around for stragglers.


We find out they were doing some human experimentation and gather a lot of evidence despite them trying to destroy the computers and equipment. SSR had already hacked and copied the computer data.
The team checks the place out while waiting for backup and finds a boat dock in an underwater cave that clearly shows someone had escaped.
Threshold sticks around to examine things and the rest fly back home.
Nyx is the teams senior member, being from a previous version of the team and took out most of the bad guys. Wirerat took out the automated security and secured the data. Whisper did some solid fighting and took out the opposing brick. Threshold primarily did recon but also some coordination while contributing to the combat.


This was a fun game and the team coordinated rather well for a first session. We had no leader but Threshold was appointed the role after the game. This is a high powered Supers campaign (1600 CP to start) and improvised powers are encouraged so we should see a lot of variety. I have already listed a bunch of improvised abilities so that I can avoid the math during the game and just need to make die rolls and pay the FP or Karma Points.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

GURPS Vision Powers

 GURPS has several sensory powers, lets take a loot at the vision based ones.

Acute Vision

A simple bonus to the perception roll for seeing things. This is a cheap alternative to increasing Per, though if increasing more than one sense Per is a better purchase. A few levels are reasonable for normal people, higher levels require exotic explanation.


A pricey power, typically magic or psychic in nature. Lets you see from a different location, including the other side of a wall. Range is just 10y but can be doubled by spending a FP or add Increased Range for about double distance at 5/level. Really its *2, *5, *10, *20, *50, etc.

Dark Vision

This is the ability to actually see even in pitch darkness with no light source at all.

Hyperspectral Vision

A combination of Infravision and Ultravision this wide spectrum vision allows good vision in very low light conditions and bonuses to certain skills for the additional details.


This is advanced thermographic vision, allowing finer details than modern equipment, Lets see see warm objects in the dark.


Simply cancels the penalties for darkness, though you still must have light to see by.

Penetrating Vision

This is the classic X-ray vision, allowing you to see through or inside something as easily as you can see it. Of these its the only one I am not fully happy with. Each level allows seeing through up to 6 inches of solid matter. The first level is an incredible value, imagine being able to see inside a person your examining, looking over someone for concealed weapons, or inside a device to see what needs repair. That is a huge boost to quickly knowing what is going on!
However seeing 12" is not much more powerful than 6" and this ability goes up at 10/level with each level granting another half a foot.
It is faster and easier to use than Clairsentience and has a few other perks too, though only covers vision. That first level may be underpriced but it is an exotic ability so I am ok with that.  However I long thought it should use a log increase in range, originally using the Size and Speed/Range table but now think each level should increase range as per Increased Range. This would cost 10 points per doubling as opposed to the 5 points/level of Clairsentience so lose ground as for max distance but has certain advantages.
Compare Clairsentience [50] and Penetrating Vision 5 [50]
Clairsentience lets you see up to 10y, 20y with 1 FP but takes a minute and an IQ roll.
Penetrating Vision 5 lets you see through up to 100" (8 feet) of solid object but do so casually with no IQ roll and the intervening material is kind of a vague outline that does not interfere with your sight. You cant see through as thick a wall but that wall does not have to be close either. You need to add another sight (Darkvision, Hyperspectral Vision, Infravision, or Ultravision) to see inside a dark object, like several inches inside the human body.

Penetrating Vision is a good choice over Clairsentience when you want to see quickly and can see through a bunch of discrete separate objects if the actual thickness does not exceed your capacity. This makes it superior for seeing through smoke clouds, fog, murky water, etc. Clairsentience is superior if range is your primary concern (even with my suggested modification).

Telescopic Vision

This can be used in two ways. To focus on a distant subject and cancel range penalties with tunnel vision as a side effect; or to scan an area reducing range penalties by half as much. It also acts as a scope, increasing ACC by up to double the base ACC.


This lets you see in very dim light and grants bonus to certain skills because you can see in the ultraviolet. For example many insects fluoresce and can be readily spotted.

AEON Session 0

 So my Monday gaming group finally started a new campaign, our last "Official" campaign was quite awhile back, we went on hiatus as one of the players had real life stuff keeping him busy. So for the past several months we been doing various one shots or limited series.

Since were back to a campaign I figured time to blog about it. This was a short session, ending early and just setting things up. Its a fairly high power Supers campaign, about 1650 points.

This is my first "supers" campaign in 4e, did a couple in 3e, so be good to see how some things work in practice vs. theorycrafting.

Threshold is a spatial manipulator, an exotic power set I haven't done in GURPS or Champions. Concept is he can alter the distance and orientation of things, even subatomic particles. Has three power sets of alternative abilities, is a genius at IQ17, normal noncinematic martial arts Karate DX+2, Judo, etc. The supers template is kinda mutant gene giving Fit, base stats +1, Longevity, Rapid Heali8ng, etc.

Sensory/Defensive Power Set

Warp Vision: Penetrating Vision + Telescopic Vision lets him see far and through walls, up to 5 foot thick.
Microvision 6 with Ranged lets him see things up to 10y as if using a tunneling microscope. Handy for finding clues or such.
Void Shield is DR 5 forcefield that he can use to protect himself or others if they are close enough and has Reflection on it so can bounce part of the damage back to an attacker.
Each of these is an alternate so can only use one at time, eventually hope to buy a few levels of Microscopic Vision as part of Warp Vision for examining the inside of things, say people.
He also has Enhanced Dodge 3, special effect is messing with distance and direction to confuse attackers or cause an attack to just miss.

Offensive/Control Power Set

This is the big one!
Obliteration Beam is 15d6 Corrosion attack with different modes. It can be a narrow cone, long range beam, or a jet that comes out of his hands (like a flame thrower). This is a quite deadly attack as it dissolves armor and has enough raw damage to destroy a car. Special effect is breaking the atomic or molecular bonds of things, a disintegration beam.
Compaction is a Binding 25 attack that condenses air or other matter to trap people. Its a strong Binding, though not the strongest on the team and can use one of Constriction (squeezing people), Engulfing (Keeping them from moving at all, including talking), or Suffocation (Do I need to explain that one?).  This is him reducing the space between molecules so turning air solid. It has cancelable so he can reverse it at any time and is strong enough to trap most non bricks.
A nice non lethal alternative!
Singularity is a character-point powered ability, meaning its his rarely used show-off move. Its a 10d crushing persistent attack linked to a complicated TK build that pulls things in with a maximum ST 110 (Super Effort) that gets stronger the closer to the center they are.
Spatiokinesis is Control 10 with Persistent, Extended Duration*3, and Ranged. This lets him do weird stuff but typical game effects are +-10 to die rolls, primarily range modifiers.
All these are alternatives of each other, significantly lowering the total cost but he can only do one at a time.

Utility/Movement Power Set

Close the Gap is Stretching 3 with enough Reduced Time that it is instant. This lets him shorten the distance between say his hand and his target so he can punch up to 3y distance. But he can also use it to look over an obstacle or around a corner, grab a nearby object or ledge, or even cross a narrow gap.
Kinda cool ability.
Create Wormhole is your classic Warp, with Tunneling, Reliable 10, etc.  With it he can get anywhere in the world pretty quickly. It does not have Blind yet so he has to be able to see (cameras work) where he is going or have actually visited it already. He can teleport 10 yards instantly at no penalty but farther away he needs to take a bit of time to concentrate. This leaves a portal for a few seconds so others can step through, handy for getting the team around. We have a hacker who can help him find a nearby camera to look through so can get most anywhere in the world very quickly.
I'll want to add Blind (so he doesn't need a camera) and Selectivity (so he can not make a tunnel) as well as more weight carried. Warp is a high cost power so these are not on the short list though!
Space Folding is Enhanced Move (Ground) with Second-Nature so he can quickly move around the combat field or travel in a "7 league boots" fashion (24 mph). He is not running fast, just stepping from one spot to another, like a short range teleport. High on my list to buy this up and as its an alternative ability to Create Wormhole I can increase the distance pretty cheaply (about 10 points/level) up to level 4 at which point he could shadow a car by just appearing on the sidewalk ahead of it as it travels.
Up is Down is Clinging with Attraction allowing him to walk on walls as if they were the ground. Special effect here is him changing the orientation so that a wall IS actually the ground.


So there we have Threshold, a powerful space manipulator who has good sensory powers and movement with a powerful attack. Not based off any comics I can think of just ran with an idea I have wanted to build for a long time. I like characters who are versatile, good at finding things out, and have high utility. This guy happens to be also good in combat, at least offensively and if he's careful decent defenses - especially against ranged attacks. He is rather vulnerable to close combat and area attacks.
I look forward to playing him, one of my more interesting builds. The GM rebuilt Singularity and tweaked some of his powers but he is still mostly mine and I feel connected.
Oh, the GM loves wildcard skills! So he has 4, Cosmologist! ( I wrote up but the GM  is tweaking), Medic!, Scientist!, and Spatial Manipulation! (A power skill). Not sure what Scientist does yet but my guy can probably handle any scientific or medical need the group has. He also has plenty of normal skills and that high IQ makes him very good, even with defaults.
Our group has a Nyx a darkness based thief that can also Warp, turn into shadows, darkness bindings, FP drain, etc. Whisper a super soldier, and Stainless Steel Rat a technopath thief. Were kind of like the Suicide Squad or Thunderbolts, a bunch of supervillains sent by the govt but without the skull bombs. Threshold and Whisper are not criminals and part of the program for our own reasons.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Powers Systems I have Used, Adapted, or Modified

 So the GURPS Bloggers voted on Powers that we use in campaigns. Christopher Rice went on to include magic systems as well. I play more than GM these days but I love to tinker so will include things I have planned for a campaign that hasn't run yet.

Affinity Magic

GURPS Magic is a solid system but is showing its age. I like the skills approach and the prerequisite system where you learn a basic spell before an advanced version. The limitations are the 2 page spell design rules for coming up with new spells and the college grouping of spells.
I decided to build one that had more flexibility, especially in spell groupings. This is based of Ritual magic (in GURPS Basic) and was submitted to Pyramid several years back but rejected. The initial version was more abstract to fit into an article but over time I found too many people complaining about abstract systems so I built a lengthy (almost 40 now) list of techniques that can be used to make spells.
The concept is pick an Affinity (spell grouping) and apply a given technique to create a spell.  I have playtested it in two campaigns so far and am pretty happy with it.


I first saw this in GURPS Voodoo and like the concept but certain things kinda bug me about it. Recently I have been playing in a campaign that uses a highly modified version (Effect Shaping) and a friend has been wanting help converting Shadowrun/Earthdawn/Equinox to GURPS and three of us have bounced a lot of ideas around.  These two things led me to outline a version I hope to pitch someday for publication. I use a lot of inspiration from Affinity Magic to create new Books and Paths and of course rituals. My current outline even includes such diverse lore as Cultivation, Tree Magic, Futhark Runes, Deaconic or hermetic Magic, and more that I will not be able to fit into one supplement.

Other Magic

I have used Sorcery, Ritual Path Magic, and some variations on those over the past few years.


I like spirit magic and shamans in particular and it has bugged me that most RPGs treat shaman as pretty much any caster. Their magic lacks the interaction with spirits that I feel can make for good roleplaying. GURPS however has vast potential in this area and actually led to me writing for GURPS.
I have published some of my ideas for this and have at least 2 more in the works. Over the years my ideas have evolved somewhat as well.
Their are different kinds of shaman, but most can do an out of body experience (Trance or astral projection) and somehow communicate with spirits. So I built a set of systems allowing for different shamanic types.
Shamans have innate powers that they usually get from a near death experience and training. These include astral projection and the ability to see or talk with spirits.
Shaman then have external abilities that spirits lend them or represent actions spirits undertake on the shamans behalf.


Astral Projection, Channeling, and Medium each form the basis of a leveled power set. Astral Projection can build into the ability to create spirit forms, some of which are even physical. Medium is combined with Telecommunication. Channeling was the only one that was tricky but I decided it was learning to master ones Will and was able to create a leveled power for it.

External or Spirit Granted

I started off with Alternate Form as representing channeling a spirit in ones own body. This suits Voodoo and several other cultures and was done in GURPS 3e and 4e.  I authored GURPS Powers: Totem and Nature Spirits to showcase this approach.
Medium represents talking to a spirit and persuading them to do something for the shaman. My current project GURPS Template Toolkit: Spirits was primarily designed to help a GM build a variety of spirits they can use to interact with shaman. Also works for horror and fantasy where you might have ghosts, nature spirits, or other things the party has to deal with.
Its too early to know what will make the final cut but I included some ideas for how spirits do magic themselves. Spirits can be Allies, Contacts, Patrons, or simply the special effect behind other powers, say Affliction and that will get more treatment in my last planned supplement of this topic.

Chimeric Powers

In my Chalice World setting I decided that most hybrid creatures were created by a trickster god. Chimera are hybrids of two or more races (centaurs, griffins, satyrs, etc.) but have an innate wild magic that lets them tap into powers based on their parent forms. This is mostly switchable advantages and Alternate Form but can go into other things too. Advanced  practioners can even learn to tap that trickster chaos/wild magic they are born with to change into other hybrids and some other tricks as well.

Power Stunts

I never really got this until I read GURPS Psionic Powers but that one short section in GURPS Powers really has inspired most of my Powers as Magic builds (and I am not the only one!). Those rules are really what make Sorcery, Divine Favor, and other systems work. Alternative abilities, Character point powered abilities, Using Abilities at Default, Power Defenses, etc. all can be used to make for some very interesting builds and mini-systems.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Review: GURPS Classic Spirits

 As I edit my supplement I am going through various supplements to see how the current manuscript compares.  The quality of these older books is really awesome and most of them are far larger than GURPS Template Toolkit: Spirits will be. That is ok, though my purpose is not to write a definitive book on spirits but serve more as an update on some of the mechanics. though many of the materials I am looking at are Third Edition they still have substantial value even without an update.

Lets review one such book.

GURPS Spirits

At 128 pages this volume covers its subject rather well. The author Steve Kenson has written a LOT of RPG material, including contributing to Pyramid, GURPS Infinite Worlds, GURPS Magic, and GURPS Thaumatology, He also wrote for many other systems and is now working at Green Ronin Publishing according to his website.

Chapter 1: The Nature of Spirits

This is a brief description or listing of various types of spirits and includes some information on how various cultures viewed the soul and afterlife. 

Chapter 2: Worlds of Spirit

This evocative chapter covers many possible spirit worlds and helps the reader organize them into similar types and function. it does a good job of  connecting a number of prior GURPS works so that the reader can put together the pieces the way that best suits their campaign. it is my favorite chapter.

Chapter 3: Spirit Abilities

Though valuable for the Third Edition of GURPS this chapter shows its age the most and is the least useful for those using GURPS Fourth Edition. You can clearly see the style of Third Edition which was less modular and prone to scope creep with vague advantages with inherent limitations. This made for complex powers that were not readily translated into other uses.

Chapter 4: Spirit Templates

Though suffering from the problems in chapter 3 the templates can still be useful as most traits retain the same name and general function in the current edition of GURPS. I converted some of these in my supplement, the attribute +4 for Angels for example matches those in GURPS In Nomine and I used that attribute assignment for my more powerful spirits.
That said the descriptions and narrative parts of the templates are still useful and well written.

Chapter 5: Characters

This chapter describes various roles characters may take in a campaign involving spirits and includes a number of templates.  Most of the templates will work as is, though costs will need to be adjusted. A few advantages and skills have changed but most of the material here is useable, at least as inspiration.
This chapter also includes a discussion on various traits useful for campaigns involving spirits and a number of advantages. most of the advantages are part of Fourth Edition though details may vary. One exception is Ectoplasmic Projection based on GURPS Supers so it was a poor fit for Fourth Edition which substantially changed how those kinds of things work. It would best be built now as a combination of Duplication, Telekinesis, and summonable Allies.

Chapter 6: Spirit Magic

This chapter describes a form of magic that also appeared in GURPS Castle Falkenstein and GURPS Voodoo. In GURPS Fourth Edition it is called Book/Path magic and has its own chapter in GURPS Thaumatology.

Chapter 7:  Campaigns

The last chapter in the book describes how spirits can fit into various campaigns and GURPS settings.


I really loved this book when it came out and its still a valuable reference and a supplement I recommend to anyone who wants to use spirits in their campaign. The mechanics are mostly out dated but the bulk of the book is not about the mechanics, instead focusing on background and information that is useful regardless of the edition your using.
In fact I would say that this book can be used to help a GM in many other game systems, or even writing their own spirit related fiction.