Martial Styles

Quite a few martial styles have been developed in Chalice World.

Mundane and Chi based

Most of the worlds martial styles are based on mundane combat skills and include optional Chi based skills and abilities.
  • Board and Blade is a practical sword and shield style.
  • Brother Mole is an adaptation of The Way of the Elements by the Khemites.
  • Dashing Fox is a flamboyant Cloak and Rapier based style.
  • Duat is the mastery of Life and Death and taught in the Blasted Lands.
  • Dwarven Guard is the standard dwarven soldier style and focuses on the use of a shield, typically in formation.
  • Elusive Coils is a coatl technique relying on defensive attacks and aerobatics, with a grappling finish.
  • Flying Claws is a reptilian style focusing on the use of knives and rapid closing to close combat.
  • Flying Sticks is a leaper based style that concentrates on high jumps for evasion and javelins and spears to deal death. It relies on keeping the foe at a distance.
  • Gravers style? is used by gravers and focuses on grappling and pushing. Its a formal style used in duels between gravers to assert dominance.
  • Gryphon Style is used by gryphons but not suited for races of other shapes. Shapeshifters may study it though.
  • Hanging Death is a tuimelaar style that is very aggressive grappling and slam based style that also uses weapons such as blowpipes and lassos,
  • Silver Guard is a dwarven style specialized for the needs of the Town Watch. It focuses on nonlethal techniques.
  • Spanking Bear is a Khemite style that focusses on grappling, shoves and slaps. Its focus is on quickly and safely incapacitating an opponent, though it teaches lethal moves for when needed.
  • Stalker is based on hunting hounds and a utilitarian combat style.
  • Stones Breath was developed by stonekeepers and focuses very heavily on chi abilities and precision attacks.
  • The Flynn School is favored by young nobles and teaches the use of the Sabre and acrobatic maneuvers.
  • The Watch is a simple clean style taught to the town watch.
  • The Way of the Elements was developed by Kayans but has spread to most other races. It is heavily influenced on the core elements (Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, and Wood) and is a balanced style that teaches defense and offense in similar measure. It has the potential for a lot of versatility, including numerous chi abilities.
  • Three Swords School is a practical style that teaches Knife, Smallsword, and Two-Handed Sword, including using the knife in the off hand (Main-Gauche).
  • Tumbling Water is a tuimelaar style that is a fairly aggressive grappling style, though less focused on lethal means than Hanging Death.
  • Thunder and Lightning: Dwarven Federation style teaching Judo, kusari, and sling. Advanced capability is learned by adding dwarven magic.

Magic Based

Some use magic to enhance their personal combat skills.
  • Thunder and Lightning is an elite slinger style that relies on sigil magic to enhance sling bullets for devastating effect.

Spirit Based

While closely related and overlapping with Chi in most cases there are some I plan to add later that are pure spirit based.
  • Duat is an over lapping style that channels the energies of Life and Death.

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